A Short Story - Comments

  • I really enjoyed this. Some points in this story really made me think.
    I'm pretty sure I laughed for a bit too long when you put "Too late. I win." I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird.
    What you said about friends was very interesting. It made me think about how I feel like everyone has their own different kinds of friendship and how hard it is to define words like "best friend" and "friend".
    I really liked what you did with the ending there. It made me go "Aw!" and I think it was what you were going for.
    It feels like you put some kind of feeling into and you can never really lose when you do that.
    You get 20 million gold stars. ;D
    May 9th, 2013 at 03:39am
  • (Just for the sake of it, you're an amazing writer.)

    I liked it anyhow. It seemed very personal and I like when people write about that kind of stuff because well, I'm probably a creeper like that.
    But I do like your writing style! :]
    May 7th, 2013 at 02:30am