The Wild Youth - Comments

  • I absolutely love the way that you've introduced this. Like swell, I don't usually read slash but this really is an interesting start. I love that the narrator seems completely infatuated with Thomas in every way, and then mentions at the end that neither of them have realised. It's a really interesting concept and one that I think you'l handle well.

    Your description and sentence structure are simply flawless. I've actually built Thomas up as some sort of demi-god in my head with all of the beautiful imagery that you've used to describe him, haha!

    I think someone else already mentioned this, but I love the fac that there are already subtle things hidden in this that could turn into major drama points throughout this story. It makes me wonder about how everything will go, whether the course of true love will run smooth (sorry, had to put that in there) or whether all hell will break loose. Either way, I'm subscribing to find out how this goes!
    July 18th, 2013 at 02:16pm
  • I have to say that your layout is just gorgeous, okay.

    I'm not one to read slashes, but I am in love with this already. It's flowy and poetic and just so beautiful and easy to read, and if you can't tell already I'm just in love with how you've written it. I love your writing style. I love the descriptions you've put with the peppermint and the sun dancing across his skin (I adore this description!) and most of all I love that the main character has already fallen for Thomas and they both don't even realise it. I'm so excited to see where this goes, and I can't wait for more!
    July 17th, 2013 at 01:54pm
  • Okay first things first: this is SUCH a cute layout. That's all.

    No just kidding this chapter so far is excellent and I love how the first sentence is so short and breaks into the long, poetic prose type sentences. I love the metaphors and the adjectives and I love how there's already a bunch of things set up already that are perfect for drama like the fact that the main character (I looked in the characters tab and I want to assume Mark but I'm not entirely sure) has a girlfriend but it seems like he is so hopeless for Thomas.

    HELP I am so in love with the narrating it's not even funny and good luck you are more sure of where you're going with your stories than I am with mine.
    July 13th, 2013 at 07:19am
  • *flail* This is gorgeous In Love
    June 11th, 2013 at 09:29am
  • I'm so excited for this, baby. This seems so promising, especially since you're the one taking it on, and I'll be your biggest fan and most avid supporter for whatever you do.

    This prologue is so poetic and grim already. And, jeez, I can't wait. I'll be watching closely, love.
    June 3rd, 2013 at 07:13pm