Brittle - Comments

  • I really like your style of writing I also like the layout. I loved that you used the word brittle in more than one way.
    June 30th, 2013 at 04:05am
  • I really liked the style of this. It was beautifully written and I loved the repetition of the word brittle. Even more so, I loved that you described him as brittle like his hair, and showed dark side to his character that has left him so, but that sometimes he's anything but brittle as well. I enjoyed what you did with the opening paragraph in regards to that and how you revealed later on that was the gentle side to him.

    I thought the implied dialogue was a fantastic touch and really emphasised his character. The way you tied in the definition of cafuné was brilliantly done. Subtle, but sweet. I also found the layout gorgeous and the muted colours really added to the feeling while reading this.
    June 10th, 2013 at 01:59am