Scintilla - Comments

  • It's an interesting story for me I'm not usually into stories set in the real world but I found certain parts of it to be really funny like the part with the cane. I kind of wish there was another chapter but it was good for what it was.
    June 12th, 2014 at 04:54pm
  • Oh, I forgot about what I thought of the mom's reaction. LOL... I guess every mother has that fear about their child. What is she going to do if she can't see anymore? What is she going to do to help her child? I have kids and I worry all the time.

    Every mother's worst fear. It's natural to want to reach out and help. The best help a mother can give is, freedom, and respect. Don't change how you love them because they suddenly have a disability. No smothering either. LoL
    February 3rd, 2014 at 11:11pm
  • The one thing I loved about this story was Amy. The way she was being optimistic about her new found blindness that may or may not be permanent. Her little joke about the cane, and hitting people with it if they pissed her off, so she could use the "I'm blind" jab was humorous. I really hope it's just temporary. But Amy has the heart, and mind set to keep moving forward if she stays blind. :)

    I think this story has what it takes to be a full story. Keep up the good work!!
    February 3rd, 2014 at 10:56pm
  • Wow, what an interesting little story! The title sort of threw me off at first, but I love how it plays in with the lightness and hope toward the end :) The way you write is really nice, it's simple but I could still picture everything in my head. It makes it even more unique that this is something that's really happening to your dad! I never knew diabetes could have such a drastic effect. I hope everything is going well, and I'm glad comment swap brought me here!
    July 1st, 2013 at 06:51am