The Price of Dawn - Comments

  • maus.

    maus. (400)

    United Kingdom
    A small part of me kept hoping, praying that Payton would wake up and perhaps write her own entry, but unfortunately she never did. It's an amazing skill to create a world so beautiful and realistic that the reader can feel the emotions of the character. This story is so well written that not only could I feel Eddie's emotions, I also had my own. I felt my heart sinking, my hope fading and that oh-so-memorable lump at the back of my throat. Such talent does not go unnoticed.
    June 3rd, 2013 at 12:27pm
  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    Excuse me while I go cry my eyes out, yes? Cry

    That was horrible! (I mean the emotional distress you put me through, not the writing). You wrote it all so nicely and I could really connect with Eddie throughout the journals that he wrote. I loved how he wrote down a flashback about how they met. It gave us a brief look at Payton and it made me feel for Eddie all the more because it showed how grateful he was to her. God, this was just beautiful! The emotions were so strong and I really did get a lump in the back of my throat when he talked about how he was going to plan the funeral, dress up for it to talk at it, and then how he would bury her with the journal. Part of me really believes that Payton would really enjoy having it with her. That was weird of me, sorry. Shifty

    Just, this was so great. I really did enjoy reading this. Great job on this! Arms
    June 2nd, 2013 at 07:59pm