One Bad Day - Comments

  • midnight_walker

    midnight_walker (100)

    United States
    Ok first off, love the layout the picture all of it together is wonderful.
    second for some odd reason the whole time i read your story I could hear the cartoon Joker laugh in my head and it's kind of unsettling.
    Your descriptions are fantastic I particularly enjoy this one He pointed at himself, at his abnormally wider smile, his ruby-red lips, his paper-white skin. There's texture here with the paper and it makes me think of cakey facepaint. I love it.
    The way you write flows and I can't help but get lost in the story, it's wonderful. I also like how you describe his madness saying for fun he likes to blow up buildings.
    The description of Barbra laying in her own blood naked getting her picture stolen was uncomfortable. Truly excellent writing, I thoroughly enjoyed this.

    And that you for the comment on my blog post. I liked that quote about the joker.
    July 8th, 2013 at 08:11pm
  • midnight sunshine x

    midnight sunshine x (300)

    United Kingdom
    I need more!!! Seriously!! It's an amazing concept and I agree with Diligence, it would be great as a chartered story. I love Batman and all that kind of stuff so I was really drawn to this, I have never read anything to do with jim Gordon's daughter!

    Your description of the Joker was vivid and almost haunting, the way he kept repeating about how all it takes is one bad day. Sooo amazing!!!
    June 27th, 2013 at 10:56pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    I enjoyed this very much. I was a little confused at the beginning but I think maybe it was just because I was reading it quickly. I went back to reread and it was fine. I like how you portray the Joker. I'd searched Mibba for decent stories about him and this would have to be my favorite. I think it's extremely well written and I felt as if you knew him. Like maybe you'd say down and interviewed him because the whole of his character was written flawlessly. You wrote about a side of the Joker we couldn't see in movies.

    This could make for a very interesting chaptered story to be honest. You're just such a great writer I believe all of your pieces really deserve more love.
    June 27th, 2013 at 07:26pm
  • treat02

    treat02 (100)

    Very good. Wow. I luv it.
    June 19th, 2013 at 04:06pm
  • ThatGirlThatWrites

    ThatGirlThatWrites (100)

    United States
    Holy shit. I'm in love with this.♥
    June 3rd, 2013 at 07:26pm
  • Oldjane

    Oldjane (150)

    Comment swap!

    The Joker is probably my all time favourite character in any universe, ever. I love reading stories about him, and look for as many as I can. Even to the point where I myself wrote 50 chapters on him hahaha. But every time I read another story about him, I just love how differently every single author portrays him and his mind. But that's probably what I love the most about his character, that he's made in a way that can be interpreted by anybody.

    Your interpretation is flawless, and I think right down to the very core of what he stands for. He's slick, but he's such a smooth talker. He's crazy, but he's also incredibly intelligent. I think you gave him so many dimensions, and that's what I love about your portrayal. I think you cleverly did a traditional form of him. Like he really was from the get-go. No variations, just how he was written. The way that sometimes he wishes he could shut up and have fun, but then other times his mind is swimming with thousands of thoughts. Plus I love the Freud reference, and just how casually he seems to know things like this (I'm a psych student myself!).

    So many stories about the Joker lack in his cruel side. I know that he's a wonderful character and girls just swoon over him, but he is after all Batman's ultimate villain. I was actually a little shocked to see how much evil he really showed, especially when he was taunting her. With reminds me, the dialogue gave clever insight into his mind. He's all challenging on both the inside and out, so the way you alternated between showing what the world sees and what he sees of himself, was interesting to read. His actions and thoughts were described perfectly, the words you chose were wise and fit well with what you were trying to say! Which I think is very important haha.

    I especially love the part where he just says "To prove a point. Here's to crime." The way that you didn't include any description there, and didn't have it explaining the way he talks or anything. It's just plain and simple madness. He's just down right cruel, and yet he's got that little bit of amusement to him still. Just the way you did that, I loved it.

    Great piece! Recommending and subscribing, and I absolutely loved reading it. (:
    May 31st, 2013 at 10:26am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    This is brilliant. I hardly ever find decent Batman stories on here, let alone decent classic Batman stories. I love that Batman's not even featured in this and just simply mentioned. I also love how you've managed to capture the Joker perfectly. I can't say much other than I absolutely adore this.
    May 31st, 2013 at 12:45am