Bloody Hands - Comments

  • treat02

    treat02 (100)

    @ writingismypassion23
    This almost brought me to tears.
    You are so nice about this! It makes me feel wonderful that someone is enjoying my stories. Thank you so much for the very kind words. And I agree, BIG PARAGRAPHS PISS ME OFF! And I kind of wanted to add the sort of "I'm trying to be funny" by
    The Ignorance of this man.
    And things like that. This one, though, is kind of bloody, so I honestly was hoping that I should do some research into that type of area.
    THANK YOU! ;)
    August 13th, 2013 at 03:32pm
  • Writer in the Rye

    Writer in the Rye (100)

    United States
    Ugghhh stopppppp wrrrritiittttinnggg like this, it makes mine look like crap XD

    By this point I've read all of Fire is Everywhere, Stay, and now this. Each one is better than the next and I cannot possibly choose a favorite. Okay, let's be honest for a second here, you have a story that's super light and romantic: Stay. You have a dark, supernatural story: Fire is Everywhere. And now, this. This thrilling, adrenaline-pumping edge-of-your-seat kind of story: Bloody Hands. That. That is talent. To be able to write over such a wide range of genres, my gosh are you gifted!! Okay you might think I'm stupid for this, but I really like the (yes, don't judge me,) spacing of this story. I absolutely hate the stories on mibba where they're all ONE BIG PARAGRAPH. Drives me insane! You spaced it PERFECTLY, it put SO SO SO much more emphasis on phrases than if they were just in a paragraph. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I also like how you spaced it because you read it faster. Add that to the MAJOR sense of adrenaline you get while reading it fast.... woah. Haha it really made me freak out and read fast because I simply adore this plot. I loved the simple, cutting phrases such as "The ignorance of this man." "The word monster". "I shut my eyes, tears coming out". Amazing :) Never ever ever stop writing, it was a true pleasure to read your stories and I can't WAIT for more :)

    God Bless!!
    August 13th, 2013 at 03:13pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    I could have sworn I left a comment on here... The summary immediate caught my attention and made me want to read further. The description at the end of the first chapter is great, short sentences like that create a rush feeling. Only thing I would recommend is with this sentence: His head was pierced through by the chair, and blood soaked his head and T-shirt.

    I heard this from someone else and I basically live by it: Try not to use the same word twice in a sentence. The repetition can ruin a good pace that you were having by repetition. If that makes any sense, don't have to follow it, it just sounded a bit bumpy. :)
    August 13th, 2013 at 03:15am
  • Jenna's happeh

    Jenna's happeh (100)

    United States
    I like the story. Very good job. I like the bloody part.
    July 1st, 2013 at 04:16am
  • Chicle

    Chicle (100)

    Very good. I really like this story, and I think there should be like 10 comments saying how good it is!
    July 1st, 2013 at 12:16am