The Devil's Angel - Comments

  • BestMistake

    BestMistake (100)

    Thank you so much for your feedback. It means a lot and I do see your point about the lengthy paragraphs. I will definitely keep that in mind next time. I just had it in my mind that it kind of interrupts the flow and had no idea where to break it but I will try to improve upon it.

    @verrloren: I'm glad that you liked it. The show did became kind of bore in the middle but the last episode of season 4 stirred up some good sides to where it will be headed. I hope they make it better. Do continue to read the story if you like it and your feedback will be very much appreciated.
    June 16th, 2013 at 10:03pm
  • Strange Sort Of Evil

    Strange Sort Of Evil (100)

    I'm here from comment swap.

    Firstly I like your title and the layout. The layout is really nice yet it doesn't take away from your writing. I think your use of paragraphs needs work. It got extremely tedious reading these huge chunks of writing without so much a pause or a break in though even. The way you've told the story is good, and I lie your descriptions. Your grammar is good, a few mistakes but not bad. Overall, Good job. Smile
    June 16th, 2013 at 09:41pm
  • laredo.

    laredo. (100)

    United States
    Aw, I'm happy I got a Vampire Diaries fanfiction in this round of comment swap. I actually haven't watched that show in a while, as I kind of got tired of it. But reading this reminded me that I did love it once and I thank you for that.

    Your storytelling was nice in this, and I like how you added a new OC so it wasn't just Elena, Damon, Stefan, etc.

    The one thing I might have to criticize you on is the fact that you don't break up the paragraphs much? It could be just the font but it made it hard on the eyes to read. It distracts from the good story that is to be read!

    Anyway, continue on with this story. It could go far.
    June 16th, 2013 at 09:08pm