It's Just You and I - Comments

  • lonely girl.

    lonely girl. (250)

    This is a very interesting one shot. The twist at the end is absolutely amazing! Up until that point, I honestly thought that they were just boyfriends/testing out the waters.

    The Pittacus Lore quote doesn't really suit the story in my opinion (as they aren't apart from each other and there is no reference to their appearances in either's thoughts), but he is one of my favourite authors, so I guess that kind of makes up for it?

    I love the first and second paragraph, about how you reveal Mike's insecurities about always being referred to as Chris, and how similar they look.

    Something that I don't understand is how you continued to write that Chris wouldn't be able to "have a real family" if he revealed his relationship with Mike and how he would "get bored and leave". They are married, so that would mean divorce and such, but if they both weren't certain about their love, why would they get married? Sorry, this might be just me nitpicking, but it just confuses me...

    Also, there's quite a few grammar/spelling errors. A quick read through should eliminate them. Very Happy

    So, thank you for entering this, it was a beautiful piece that left me with my head spinning.
    June 16th, 2013 at 12:20pm