Crisp. - Comments

  • @ whoaxcam
    Yay! I'm uber psyched thank you!! And ima read your other stories now too!! Thank youXD
    July 8th, 2013 at 02:11pm
  • @ ShotToRemember
    awh, my dear sweet child, just for you I will work on another chapter soon. Don't you worry. <3 thank you so much for the compliments on my writing, seriously it means a lot oh my goodness. (I have a few more waycests that I've written, if you haven't read them already) <3 thank you thank you!
    July 8th, 2013 at 08:12am
  • OH my god. This is awesome. I want more--please, please, PLEASE give me more? There aren't enough decent Waycests out there and this one just struck me perfectlyXD Seriously, the heat and Mikey and Gerard and agghhhh it was all portrayed perfectly through your goddam perfect writing. I'm begging you, sweetheart.

    Leaving me to finish this story with my own imagination? Not a good idea because as far as Waycest is concerned, I have no imagination. I fancy myself strictly a Frerard writer but still love reading stories like this one. So. I think you get my point and I hope you take that point and drive it into your heart, sending thousands of little letters to your brain where they'll be organized into words and eventually paragraphs and eventually more of this story to be shoved into my face to read. GODDAM IT PLEASE

    <3 Loved it;)
    July 5th, 2013 at 10:07pm