Damn This Wild Young Heart. - Comments

  • That was absolutely amazing.
    October 16th, 2013 at 06:27am
  • I don't understand why stories like this effect me so much?! It's currently 2am and for the past 2 hours I have been reading without a doubt the best story I've ever read! It is unbelievably adorable and all I want to do now is have a spontaneous adventure with an attractive stranger. Well done at creating a brilliant piece of work!
    October 10th, 2013 at 06:39pm
  • I am imagining myself as a whale being beached in my bed right now and just making disgusting groaning noises because that's how this story made me feel.
    If I had a song for this song it would be Dreaming by Smallpools and that would be because it makes me really giddy and happy and dance-y and it's hipster enough to remind me of Berkeley. (and the lyrics make me think of Harry running away to avoid the paps and fangirls)
    So thank.
    Except that one bit like in chapter 10/11 but like it wouldn't be a good story without that but the entire bit it was just like
    but the rest was more like
    September 18th, 2013 at 07:29am
  • I was at the fucking HP Pavilion show and that kills me.
    September 18th, 2013 at 06:57am
  • Just sat down and read the entire thing at once and it's quite possibly the cutest thing EVER.
    I absolutely loved it! :)
    September 9th, 2013 at 07:39pm
    September 3rd, 2013 at 01:25am
  • @ sylvia wrath
    I just kept that whole comment in a draft in my email while I was reading the story, so I wouldn't lose it haha. I was like "I'm not spending this much time on a comment, for me to just accidentally click out of the comment window and lose it all", 'cause that would happen to me.

    Hola one-offs Crazy But yes, I already love Hezra just about as much as Hola.
    August 18th, 2013 at 07:20pm
  • @ show me love
    of course I read the entire comment! I read all the comments they are my favorite things ever!

    Harry and croissants and lilacs are all good things! There may or may not be some Hola one-offs in the future, but I'm pretty emotionally invested in Hezra right now. I hope they give you the same feels as Hola one day!
    August 18th, 2013 at 09:49am
  • Oh gosh, this is going to take a bit for me to read... And since I really only want to comment once on this; it's going to be a long comment, hopefully.

    I can't imagine working at a place like that, and somebody coming in last minute and wanting to be served. I tried my best to never do that to any businesses around here haha.
    It is hard to match up to Sam's (or Ashley's) level of story awesomeness, but you're pretty close!
    Harry and his lame jokes, omg.
    Oh gosh, I'm not used to walking fast at all. But then again, I live in a really small town.
    That rooftop garden sounds gorgeous. You know, decorations wise. Not the rap music and gyrating teens.
    This is how I imagined Dakota when she was screeching and hitting Lola haha..
    Harry and those scruffed brown boots of his. That are now completely shot haha. But he bought an identical pair.
    In a hammock with Harry... nope, couldn't handle that.
    Harry, how on earth do you think "Top Five Favorite Sex Positions" is a lighter topic, omg.
    I imagine Harry being able to make people comfortable/at ease quickly. He just seems like that type of person haha.
    Mushrooms, gross.
    Harry and his instagraming...
    Omg, the drag queens coming out and singing WMYB lmfao
    Aww, Lola sharing the SFMoMA with him! I've never been to an art museum, but want to. I think it'd be even better after it's already closed though haha.
    Ugh yes, the way Harry's mouth moves when he talks.
    I absolutely hated when people were genuinely upset with me. Yep.
    Ahh, yes. Altitude headaches suck.
    Of course, Harry's posted more pictures. He is Harry after all haha.
    I think baking is a million times easier than cooking.
    Harry with children Swoon
    If Harry made me chocolate croissants In Love
    Lola's sass and sarcasm, man it's great haha.
    Ugh, I imagine Harry to be a really good kisser. Says the girl that has never been kissed, had a bf, or anything like that.
    I read the first couple of lines of chapter nine and omg..
    I'll just leave you with that gif and keep the one of Louis screaming with the words "sexual frustration" across it, to myself xD
    “I think I understand art now.” Swoon In Love
    The fans in real life are vicious too. Like I get you want the boys, we all do. But sending threats to their loved ones isn't going to make them like you. Act like a genuine person, and maybe it'll catch their attention, if you're lucky haha.
    Oh gosh, I could never major in Psychology. I took one course of it in high school and it left me thinking I have so many mental issues and stuff haha. Also heightened my already bad anxiety.
    Dakota is a great best friend.
    Styles, your intent is always clear. Even without the middle school smiley faces. lmfao
    Ugh, they are so perfect live.
    I have a long list of places I want to go too. So many places, so little money.
    Dakota, what did you say to Harry to make him act like this.
    Harry's laugh is precious.
    I kind of just love the smell of clean laundry. So the way you describe Harry, ugh yes.
    I was seriously waiting for Harry to kiss her to shut her up. Go Harry Clap
    When Harry bites his lip Swoon
    Louis definitely does have the best bum of the band. And I'm a Harry girl, so haha.
    I was bored during a 3 hour flight, I can't imagine as long of a flight as she had. I can't sleep sitting up either. Have to bed in a bed or on a couch.
    I really want to hug Harry... well obviously I want more than that, but he looks like an amazing hugger.
    Lilacs. You made him smell like lilacs. Omg, I cannot. Lilacs are one of my absolute favorite flowers/smells.

    Is it bad that I just really want a sequel? I miss Hola, man haha.
    And ugh, Water and a Star. Don't even with that story. The brilliant emotional rollercoaster that is.
    And bravo if you actually read this entire comment, 'cause it's massive, holy crap.
    August 18th, 2013 at 08:27am
  • I just bawled my eyes out...I got to the end of chapter 11 and cried because I was so scared about what was going to happen in chapter 12 and then I got to the end of chapter 12 and cried again because it was perfect. This story was perfect. It was so fun and witty and happy and brilliant. It was so well written and I just couldn't stop reading. It's now 4 in the morning and I'm running on next to no sleep and I'm so emotional...but this was fantastic. Brilliant. Beautiful. I can't even begin to describe how much I loved it. You had me in fits of laughter the whole way through, which is awkward in the middle of the night and everyone else in the house is trying to sleep. I've never read Harry Styles fanfiction before, or any One Direction fanfiction before for that matter, but let me tell you; you've set the bar high for my expectations and I highly doubt anyone will be able to beat it :) Thank you for writing such a wonderful story! :)
    August 12th, 2013 at 04:55am
  • I absolutely loved this story. Hooo my God. Just fantastic. Xx
    August 8th, 2013 at 10:36am
  • I just spent about four hours reading this story on and off. And it...was...MAGNIFICENT!!!! This is definitely one of my favorite stories ever. And I've read the first chapter of Perfect Teeth and I think it's bloody brilliant as well. :) You've got talent, keep it up!! :)
    August 6th, 2013 at 04:37am
  • @ kind of perfect
    Drag Direction really needs to be made into a thing. But yes, Seattle, fun!

    I'm really glad that you liked it and that it felt natural!
    July 31st, 2013 at 06:59am
  • @ sylvia wrath
    I was afraid you were going to say that. It's so disappointing. It definitely needs to be made a thing. Though, I have always wanted to go to Seattle, so...

    Also, I just finished reading the story, and it was SO good. I love the idea of falling in love with someone over the course of one night. It all felt very natural.
    July 31st, 2013 at 06:00am
  • @ kind of perfect
    Drag Direction in SF isn't a real thing (that I know of) but there is Queen Direction in Seattle. Though someone needs to make Drag Direction a thing.
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:45am
  • I'm late to the game on this one but please tell me Drag Direction is a real thing, and that I can actually find it in the Castro in SF.
    July 31st, 2013 at 02:32am
  • @ cynicalqueen
    Studying for finals is the worst. I'm so glad that you enjoyed both the story and the ending, I really appreciate all of your feedback!
    July 30th, 2013 at 08:01pm
  • A perfect ending to an epic story. The e-mails had to be my favourite part, it reminded me of when I was studying for finals in university. Especially when she was talking about her books, haha. I will miss this story but I am looking forward to "Perfect Teeth."
    July 30th, 2013 at 06:57pm
  • @ Zen Molek
    Writing the e-mails was probably my favorite part of the entire chapter! They were really fun! I'm super glad that you liked Hola!!
    July 29th, 2013 at 08:38am
  • I'm sad it's doooone ;(
    The ending was cute and I loved the small details of their relationships. Like the e-mails and such. I love how you ended it!!
    Gonna miss it but I'm sticking around for the next one! :)
    July 29th, 2013 at 05:47am