Four Leaf Clover - Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Chapter one.
    I’m in love. Plain and simple. Your writing is exquisite! As soon as I started reading, I was sucked in straight away; I could picture everything so vividly. Gah! You are so talented!! I love that it’s in Brian’s point of view to start with and the whole creeper vibe he’s giving off. I like that for some reason, don’t know what that says about me XD Ah yes, nice touch Brian, put your number in her phone so she cannot refuse you, high five! XD

    Chapter two.
    I like the point of view change, it’s nice to read her side of things and, it doesn’t feel so... one-sided. I too like to sit and ‘people watch’ a lot. I’m glad I’m not the only person that likes to make up little stories about each person I see. I’m intrigued by her, why she feels the way she does, what makes her feel good/bad. I want to know more about her. I like the exchanges between her and Brian, it’s so sweet :) I can’t wait to see what happens on their date!

    Chapter three.
    I love that they are so nervous around each other, it’s so sweet and endearing, Brian especially. Normally he is portrayed as this cock sure guy, who only has to click his fingers to get the girl, but this is nice, I like it. Okay… ignore that last sentence, creepy Brian is well creepy! But I’m drawn to him. What is he doing? The first part of the date was really sweet, then he has to go all uber creepy and lock her in the car. I still like him though Facepalm

    Chapter four.
    Wow. This chapter is intense! But so good!! He really is a freak isn’t he?! XD Still love him though. I love the detail and description in this chapter; I could imagine the whole scene unfolding in my head perfectly! I had a feeling as soon as he started to drive away from her house that something wasn’t quite right. Sweet kiss, but Brian! Not all girls put out on the first date mister! Okay, he’s being creepy again, and he’s well aware of that fact. Shit, what the hell is wrong with him? I have a feeling he’s going to catch her too, oh noes!

    Chapter five.
    Another intense chapter, are you trying to give me a heart attack lady? XD Again, great use of imagery here; I can picture everything so perfectly in my mind’s eye! I love the flash back, I was wondering what had happened to her parents to make her an orphan. I’m sighing happily, so beautiful what her mother said about her father. I want to know more about the necklace, and if it does bring her to her one true love, would that be creeper Brian?

    Though this hadn't been the first time I had to chase someone for so long. So this isn’t the first time.. curiouser and curiouser!

    She'd be worth the fight and I knew that sooner or later she would understand that I just couldn't help myself. Jesus bloody Christ, just what does he plan on doing with her? Brilliant end to a great chapter!

    Chapter six.
    What I was doing wasn’t wrong, au contraire, it was necessary. I needed her. He really does believe that they are meant to be together doesn’t he. Johnny’s here! Woot! Oh okay, I thought from the way Johnny acted the night before he was thinking the same thing as me... what the hell Brian? But now, it seems that Jimmy and Johnny are in on whatever it is this is. Are they like crazy stalker/kidnappers for a living or something? Lol. The way he talks about her too like, it’s Arianna, which, to me, sounds like she’s kind of a big deal, to Brian anyway.

    Pfft, this does NOT disappoint, no way, not at all! This chapter is so good!! You’ve introduced two new characters, not to mention gave us a little insight into the crazy workings of Brian’s mind, this is great writing!! Can’t wait to see what Arianna’s reaction will be once her head stops hurting!

    Chapter seven.
    I still can’t get over the fact that they are all so blasé about Brian kidnapping a seventeen year old girl and keeping her locked up in his house. XD The only thing they were worried about was if Brian messed it up.

    “Baby, you are home,” so chilling!!

    This chapter is epic. Brian is just one big ball of craziness! And the most crazy thing is, he acts like it’s the norm, like it’s an everyday occurrence to pluck a young girl off the street so to speak, and just take her to your house and declare that you are meant to be together. I really feel like the necklace has something to do with it, like it links everything together somehow.

    Really great chapter, yet again!!

    Chapter eight.
    Metallica’s Master of Puppets - excellent choice of music my friend!

    Girly stuff, surrounded by more girly stuff. Including certain things I didn’t even want to touch he’s still a typical guy then XD
    I wonder if he’s done this kind of thing before, he seems so meticulous and smart; his attention to even the smallest detail is great. I know he’s big creepy stalker, but I really love his character. He acts like the big boss with the other two, ordering them about. I wonder what Johnny wanted to say to him.. and what he will be like as a babysitter, I’m looking forward to that.

    We all needed time to adjust to things he says that like she’s adjusting to something so trivial haha. Brian is craaaazy! He had a moment there where he realised that he was acting foolishly, the image of them being together perfectly not quite fitting with how it is playing out, and then it’s gone and he’s back to being delusional. I love it! He’s so smart, still going to the café as usual to avert suspicion. Obviously, as time goes on, people will start to miss her, especially the café owners. He really has planned everything out in his head for some time, watching her, following her. My god, this is brilliant!

    I couldn’t wait to go back home and try to spend more time with her. Was that really so much to ask? Oh Brian. This line made me chuckle a bit, like she is deliberately being annoying. I love it!

    Okay, firstly the story is not going downhill in any way shape or form, in fact, it’s getting more interesting!! I like that you haven't rushed in and thrown lots of facts at us, like you said, baby steps, keeps up always wanting more :)

    I absolutely love this story; you had me sucked in right from the first paragraph of the first chapter. It’s so different and unique, the plot is amazing!! And, of course, you are so effing talented it’s not even funny! Great writing, great plot, great characters, I can’t wait for more!! I can’t wait to see how you incorporate the other guys into it too.

    Sorry if my comment reads a little disjointedly, I scribbled things down as I read XD
    Get cracking woman; I can’t wait to read more!! XD

    Love it, love you even more! <3

    P.S I can't wait for the Brian smut! :D
    August 4th, 2013 at 06:06pm
  • Synful Shadows

    Synful Shadows (100)

    United States
    I still can't get over how well you portray Brian in this! I get blown away every time I read a new chapter. He's actually going about this whole thing in a smart way, making sure not to stop going to the cafe just to keep suspicion off of him. Either he's put a lot of thought into it, or he's done this kind of thing before. And with that business comment he made when talking to Johnny, I'm thinking the latter. Now I'm wondering what the guys are involved in. I also like that he had a small moment of clarity, realizing he wasn't going to get that picture perfect fantasy he hoped for, and also the fact he immediately dismissed that with a "things can change" kind of thing. Gah, I fucking love him. (Odd to say, but whatever. I love his character. Judge if you must.)
    I'm kind of looking forward to when Johnny "babysits." I want to see how he and Arianna interact with each other, and if he will just very easily go along with Brian. Love it! Can't wait for more!
    Also, going downhill? Psh, please. It's still just as interesting as it was when it started. I like that you're not giving too much away too soon. Don't sell yourself short.
    July 31st, 2013 at 01:23am
  • BlackMorphine

    BlackMorphine (100)

    Brian obscenidade! Yay! Eu vou ler, rs.
    Mas enfim... só eu que senti que Brian está um pouco (muito) decepcionado com o fato de Ariana não amá-lo de cara? Necessidade mode on.
    July 30th, 2013 at 11:57pm
  • HanerJoy

    HanerJoy (100)

    Puerto Rico
    The poor lady will be concerned. Maybe he can get her what she uually would eat there :)but I think that can be suspiscious.
    July 30th, 2013 at 06:28pm
  • werealljustwanderers

    werealljustwanderers (100)

    United States
    i wasn't expecting the story to go in this direction but i really like it anyways :) update soon?
    July 30th, 2013 at 05:12am
  • Ella_Rose

    Ella_Rose (100)

    United States
    Brought to you by comment swap:
    I can't lie. Its really good. The first two chapters bored me but once I got into it I was loving it. The description is amazing. This is kind of weird I guess but I like your willingness to curse. To others its unnecessary but to me it makes a piece And helps develop your character. I mean it makes it seem more real, wouldn't you agree? Well good luck with your writing I look forward to more chapters of this. ^.^
    July 21st, 2013 at 06:53am
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    This is not typically the type of story that I can get into, but OMG, I love it! I can't wait for more! Thanks for posting
    July 20th, 2013 at 09:05pm
  • BlackMorphine

    BlackMorphine (100)

    Ah cara... Eu acho que não foi a primeira vez.
    July 20th, 2013 at 04:10pm
  • Synful Shadows

    Synful Shadows (100)

    United States
    How? How do you do this? It's so freaking real. I actually felt like I was Arianna reading this. D: I'm so jealous because I don't think I've ever accomplished that. And that last thing Brian said, "Baby, you are home." I fucking heard him say that in my head! And it made my spine crawl! I've still got chills, and it just keeps echoing in my head.
    I fucking love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! It's so real. I love Brian. Is that weird to say? I just love the fact that he's so obsessed and crazy, and he just acts like it's normal. It's not shocking to him in the least, and I'm kind of wondering if this is the first he's been obsessed with a girl or if he's done it before. And he's so sure the guys will support him no matter what, like they'd help him keep a girl locked up as if it's an everyday thing. My god, woman! It's mind blowing. And Arianna is amazing. Even though she's panicking, she still manages to stay rational enough to try to find a way out, and it's sad she can't escape. Not like escaping would do any good because he'd find her again. I'm going to stop now before I write a whole essay on this chapter. Loved it so much!
    July 20th, 2013 at 01:00am
  • CrazyPebbles21

    CrazyPebbles21 (100)

    United States
    Wow update soon
    Amazing chapter
    Can't wait for more
    July 19th, 2013 at 11:44pm
  • Heaven_syn_gates

    Heaven_syn_gates (100)

    United States
    Holy shit
    July 19th, 2013 at 11:18pm
  • HanerJoy

    HanerJoy (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Arianna I wpould do anything to be in a bed with Brian on top of mean you're crying??? Lol ok now more serious lol I loved this :) he really cares, in a psycho way but he cares about her, he didn't hurt her or anything. It's scary what he's doing but, she should talk to him :) Enjoy London :)
    July 19th, 2013 at 10:59pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    “Just get out.” I said, rolling my eyes as a smirk appeared on my lips. Ahahahah Brian's attitude here made me laugh xD

    even though I felt like I had slept for centuries. I really love this simile I think it describes everything perfectly in very few words, well done ^^

    Unfortunately I was completely unfamiliar with it. I love how sassy Arianna's inner monologue is xD It's what makes her as a character I feel

    The simple memory had caused my breathing to increase, all of a sudden I felt like there was barely any oxygen left in the room. Although I had realized that panic was taking over my body, I couldn’t stop it right away. The way you described her panic here was really well done, the idea of suffocation through lack of oxygen in the room was a great idea.

    I know I say it every chapter... I screamed as I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he pulled me back, picking me up in the process. I tried wiggling out of his grip, kicking my legs and arms. But no matter how many times I’d hit him, he didn’t let go. He only held onto me tighter. But I'm really in love with this guy :x I love stalker Brian, I wish there were more stalker Brian characters because I'm hooked ahaha.

    As soon as my back hit the mattress, he was already on top of me, straddling my legs. He took care of my arms as well, holding them down next to my head while he was leaning down toward me. WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO CRY WHEN BRIAN WAS ONTOP ON THEM. Arriana u cray.

    “Baby, you are home,” he whispered so softly, but what I couldn’t ignore was the seriousness in his tone, almost threatening. It sent chills down my spine. It really did this was such a subtle and realistic effusion of his creepiness and personality, I loved it. I love him xD And the way you write him xD
    July 19th, 2013 at 10:50pm
  • SaraHorlyk

    SaraHorlyk (100)

    This was an amazing chapter dear!
    July 19th, 2013 at 07:01pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Alone at last. I liked how this sentence was standing alone on the page. It really stood out - it was meant to, it was fab :3

    I didn’t like the way she looked with the dirt all over her, so I decided I would go clean her up at least a bit Omg Brian is so cyute, I'm so sad about what you told me, he needs to be loved!

    I was sweaty and my hair was sticking up into each and every possible direction, but at least most of the dirt on me was only on my clothes. I repeat he is so cyute, and I really love your characterization of Brian as a stalker, like it's spot on. Well done, it's always hard to write characters like that you know? So :3 Well done.

    I smiled finding them all labelled. Honestly, your characterization for him is perfect. I love how realistic it is :)

    They both knew if there was one thing I didn't like to joke about it was Arianna. Ooooh those pyscho hints ;D I love this I don't think that your writing is going down hill, but I feel the same about mine atm!! XD Once you've been to London I think you'll be inspired, travel ALWAYS inspires I feel :)
    A lovely update- it's getting more exciting with the introduction of Jimmy and Johnny ;)
    July 19th, 2013 at 11:43am
  • Wanderluster

    Wanderluster (100)

    United States
    I'm still in love with this story. I dont want it to go! I recommend a sequel or maybe a prequel to the whole thing after you finish it because it's definitely worth it! You are an incredible author and if you ever need any advice on a story or a way to right something be sure to just shoot me a message! This is an incredible and amazing story and definitely one of the best that I've ever read on this site. You deserve the best of the best.
    July 19th, 2013 at 02:52am
  • Emily_Haner

    Emily_Haner (100)

    i was very surprised with the way she reacted.. i thought she was going to get all freaked out, but no... loved the chapter, please update soon !! :D
    July 16th, 2013 at 10:42pm
  • NikkiFoxy8

    NikkiFoxy8 (100)

    United States
    I love it! Please update soon!
    July 16th, 2013 at 10:13pm
  • HanerJoy

    HanerJoy (100)

    Puerto Rico
    I'm very surprised, I thought she was gonna go ape shit lol He's scary, but I can se he really cares for her, even if he's a bit psycho. I loved it :D Enjoy London for me please :D
    July 16th, 2013 at 09:09pm
  • DiamondInTheRough.xo

    DiamondInTheRough.xo (100)

    United States
    Wow Im really surprised with her reaction, I thought for sure she'd freak out on him instead of being as calm as she was. Her freak out will probably come at a later time though when her head isn't hurting her as much, Brian better watch out who knows how bad this could get for him...

    Awesome update =)
    July 15th, 2013 at 07:13am