Oh, Doctor - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is really interesting. Usually I don't like stories / drabbles that leave too many questions unanswered, but the way that this has been written leaves quite a few questions, but also answers a few that I had brewing from reading the summary itself. I love the fact that this has the format of a diary entry, it gives an insight into the mind of the narrator. It's so simple, yet terribly effective. Within the little amount of words, you've managed to create a better story than some can manage in 10,000 words and I really commend you for that. The fact that the narrator also keeps skipping between thoughts (the hair one - I loved that!) that aren't really connected also kind of shows the mindframe that they are in, which is a really clever way to convey something like that.

    Although small, I really loved this piece. Great work!
    July 4th, 2013 at 03:27pm