Six Months - Comments

  • GiveMeTherapy

    GiveMeTherapy (100)

    United States
    so i no its inactive and all that shit and im only supposed to comment if its important but i swear it is....

    IN THE BUTT. omg lol.
    i loved that part :]
    July 16th, 2008 at 01:17pm
  • whateverjk_lol

    whateverjk_lol (100)

    United States
    That was so:
    Sad (In the beginning)

    Great story from a great writer!!!
    June 4th, 2008 at 01:11am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    Alright, so Lizzy told me to come to read this so I did and...
    Oh. My. Freaking. God.

    That was just so amazing and perfectly sweet. I was nearing crying by the end of part one. The way you portrayed Gerard's emotion, the conflict he felt inside him, it was just perfect. There was just the right amount of detail to describe the special relationship Frank and Gerard shared, right through to the end of Part Two. I almost cried at the end of that section too, just because it was so sweet. I'm so glad this had a happy ending; for a few moments, I was sure that Gerard was going to break Frank's heart and stay with his wife. You had me on the edge of my seat, that's for sure. The ending was just perfect, (how many times have I said that word?) with the right amount of love and sexiness.

    I love how you also got some humerous references in there as well; the mere thought of Gerard writing Star Wars slash makes me crack up, as did the mental image of him crying to The Notebook. I must admit though, that is a sad movie.

    Anyways, this was probably one of the best one/two-shots I have ever read, on this site or anywhere else, and I am so glad Lizzy told me to read it, because you're an amazing author.
    May 23rd, 2008 at 06:28am
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    I'm trying, I'm trying to let you know just how much you mean to me...

    You just have no idea how much this story has meant to me, especially... well you know, because of why it was written, what your inspiration was, and just... everything was so special, so meaningful, so... fucking perfect.

    I would drive on to the end with you, a liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full...

    I swear Chloe, you are just my everything.
    This story. Gosh. There are no words except for the ones already said.
    Your author's note made me cry. Honestly, it just... meant the world to me.
    The fewest words mean the most, and just... hug me. I need a hug.
    I'm not letting go, okay? Great, glad we have that covered...

    I feel like there's nothing left to do, but prove myself to you and we'll keep it running...

    You painted just the most beautiful picture ever of the two most beautiful people ever. Everything you put in here, gosh you took it straight from hopes and thoughts and dreams and... made them a reality, so to speak. Reading those words in this story, was just... gosh I could see it and picture it so vividly, I am honored. So very fucking honored.

    But this time, I mean it, I'll let you know just how much you mean to me...

    Yes, tears.
    God, I've read this so many times (and haha I read it before everyone) but THIS time, reading it in the posted story, GOSH. It's like reading it for the first time, going back to that first time and the emotions and just everything.

    As snow falls on desert sky, until the end of everything

    You mean the world to me, this story means the world to me, just... gosh, if you only knew what you do to me. You own my heart. Just so you know.

    But this time, we'll show them, we'll show them all how much we mean...

    "Gerard kissed Frank’s cheek, smiling at the idea of being able to do that all the time. “Nope, you’re it for me,” he said. “It’s always been you, and it’s only ever going to be you.

    I was seriously jumping up and down! Like YAY finally!

    Gerard just wrapped his arms around his Frankie even more, squeezing him tightly. “You know what I realized? I could live without my wife, but I could never live without you. The thought of you never kissing me, or touching me, or fucking me-“

    “In the butt?” Frank interrupted with a cheeky grin.

    “Yes, in the butt,” Gerard agreed and continued. “It scared me Frankie. I just knew that letting you go would be the worse decision I ever made.”

    ^^^ OH MAN. Nobody will ever know just how funny and amazing that part is! The fact that you actually put pretty much the funniest thing ever in not just any story, but THIS story, is just... that made everything so complete. Gosh, Chloe. You... you just took everything that is so near and dear not just to me, but to you too, to both of us, and just... made it sort of a reality. Those thoughts and jokes and sillyness are etched in history forever, as the most amazing two-shot ever written - and the fact that you did this for me, tears. Lots and lots and lots of tears because just... you'll never know how much this means to me.

    I wanted to fly, so you gave me your wings...

    7000+ words of absolutely gorgeous perfection.
    And you wrote it... our thoughts, our silly conversations, gosh, you effing made this a reality and was just simply the most amazing 7000 words ever written... :arms:

    I don't care what they're saying, as long as I'm your girl...

    I can never thank you enough.
    Nothing I can do or say is going to give this the justice it deserves.
    Nothing I can do or say can give YOU the credit you deserve, or can ever explain what this story, or YOU mean to me.

    I guess all that's left to say is... "bring on the rain, and bring on the thunder". :hug:

    And also, refer to my sig.
    Haha, i freaking love you.
    May 13th, 2008 at 05:55am
  • skeletonletters.

    skeletonletters. (100)

    United States
    I don't know why, but I randomly started crying during this.
    Its just so pretty-
    You're writing is moving, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    May 13th, 2008 at 04:22am
  • Pixie Poison

    Pixie Poison (100)

    United States
    thid is just too freakin adorable :)

    cant wait for more...
    May 12th, 2008 at 10:58pm
  • Court

    Court (200)

    United States
    I'm seriously in love with this.
    I wish it would end up being more than a two-shot, but it suits it.
    I love everything about it, you write so well.

    Thanks for giving me something worth reading.
    May 12th, 2008 at 08:40pm
  • Captain John Hart

    Captain John Hart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I loved the ending, you wrote it amazingly well.

    I was listening to Someday - Nickleback at the start of the chapter and thought it was a good-ish song to go along with it. But only at the start.

    It's so sweet that Gerard chose Frank. I loved the the little pedo joke in their serious moment. Oh and the "In the butt" :lmfao

    The bit where Gerard's wife came home was sweet too but I prefer the ending you chose though.

    Even if it had gone the other way I bet you would have still wrote it really well.

    You should write more things like this, I'd love to read them!
    May 12th, 2008 at 06:17pm
  • Saint Gut-Free

    Saint Gut-Free (150)


    You totally jipped us out of the sex just then.

    But ANYWAY.
    That was really amazing. =]]]] 'Tis definitely one of the best two-shots I've read in a long while.

    I demand you start writing more frerard.
    All us mibbians'll pay you in . . . . comments?
    Yeaaah. =]
    May 12th, 2008 at 10:29am
  • breathe for love.

    breathe for love. (100)

    I loooooooove it!!
    May 12th, 2008 at 05:37am
  • oxycontin

    oxycontin (150)

    Wow...! -squeal-
    The wording is beautiful and shows the passion between the two without the shameless smut.
    Wonderful, my dear.You'd be nice if you made it into a story
    May 12th, 2008 at 05:11am
  • allie-friggin-tastic

    allie-friggin-tastic (100)

    United States
    -giggles- Fucking Frankie in the butt

    I effing love it.
    Can I have more?
    May 12th, 2008 at 04:02am
  • Captain John Hart

    Captain John Hart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love this so much.

    married, living in a white picket fence house with three perfect children and a dog for some reason named Herbert.

    I want a dog called Herbert now. :(

    I really liked all the different ideas you had going on in that. Like when Gerard realized they weren't just fuck buddy's anymore.

    You're a really good writer and this is a really good start, to bad you say it's only going to be 2 parts long.
    May 10th, 2008 at 09:40pm
  • allie-friggin-tastic

    allie-friggin-tastic (100)

    United States
    Oh my God.
    This is sooo good!

    May 8th, 2008 at 04:30am
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    "Gerard breathed out deeply, reminding himself Frank was just his friend and not his husband, no matter what Gerard’s secret fantasies told him. He would never admit to anyone one of the best dreams he had ever had was one where they had be married, living in a white picket fence house with three perfect children and a dog for some reason named Herbert. He really was being ridiculous, and he was a married man. They both were. "


    Thank you so fucking much for that!
    May 8th, 2008 at 03:27am
  • Oli.

    Oli. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Frickin Awesome!!!! Clap

    And as much as I love dear old Lyn Z...HE HAS TO CHOOSE FRANKIE!!!!

    May 7th, 2008 at 05:15pm
  • Saint Gut-Free

    Saint Gut-Free (150)


    =O =O


    -is speechless-

    Chloee!! That was ... brilliant! The way you just left it there at the end.. I want more.
    You're an amazing author, you know.

    I don't even know what to say. It's too good for words!

    May 7th, 2008 at 10:09am
  • XaccidentalXkissesX

    XaccidentalXkissesX (100)

    United States
    okay, i will say this once and then not say anything at all: i agree with everyone up there that I've read (I only read 2 out of 5) and to put what they said into my own words, DAMN!!!
    May 7th, 2008 at 06:14am
  • KranK

    KranK (100)

    So yeah... Lizzie told me to read this...

    And I'm glad she did!

    It was facking amazing

    all the little details you added in the story make it so brilliant! For instance, you described that Gerard's boxers were stripy! You didn't just say they were boxers, they were stripy boxers. I find little things like that add more to the story-reading experience.

    It saddens me that Gerard is forced with a decision... Personally, I would go for the wife... I mean, when you promise your life to someone, it's a big thing! I know, I'm a hardcore Frerard lover, but in the real world, I wouldn't want Gerard to be selfish...

    Good thing this is the fiction world, eh?


    I look forward to hearing from this thing! <33

    May 7th, 2008 at 05:30am
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    So my darling, you know what happened to my original comment... and I'm so highly annoyed by it, and so very very sorry. I'm so upset you can't read it, like my heart is literally aching because I said everything I wanted to say to give this first part the justice it deserves and then some, and now it's gone. I'll try my hardest to piece it back together.

    Just, I loved everything about it. The reason this was written in the first place, is completely astounding to me. It is by far the greatest thing in the world, I mean that. It means so much to me, for so many reasons. I love being your snail, and being your "wifey" is literally just the hugest thing in the world. You are the Gerard to my Frank, and I hope that's how it always is. :hug:

    As for the story itself, you captured the true essence of what I feel Frank and Gerard really are in real life. The "what happens on tour stays on tour" policy, GOSH I so see that being real!!! *crosses fingers*

    The way you portray them so beautifully, and so vividly... it's amazing. I love that Gerard is going to miss Frank so much, and the MCR life because that IS his life. I love that he was "homesick" from being on tour. It's like your peering into the future, I swear! *crosses fingers again*

    I love that Frank comes running to Gerard, and they watch the Notebook, and Gerard loses it. I love that he cries and bawls his eyes out and thinks Noah and Ally are so perfect together, and the fact that he's watching with Frank, means that much more to him because it's OBVIOUS he feels the same for him. And then afterward when he is like, kiss me, I need you to kiss me, OH MAN. That's all there is to it.... that leads to more kisses, which leads to sex, which leads to their relationship progressing into something so so so much more....

    That's where things get complicated, but for good reason. Frank's wife left him, Gerard's wife got annoyed when Gerard told her Frank was over. Hello, it's obvious even to them what their true feelings are. I am so in love with that, and with them, and AHH. It's SUCH an accurate description, and so fucking perfect, my love. I am so blown away by how you wrote this, and even more because of why you wrote it. I absolutely adore you.

    As for Frank's feelings for Gerard, I love how he gives him the ultimatum. After all, the "stuff on tour" rule no longer applies, seeing as how when that was happening, Gerard was simply having an "office affair" with his co-worker (haha), and now he brought him into his HOME... which definately is never a good thing. Gerard needs to choose, and the sooner, the better. I can't wait for the second part.

    And oh yes, Gerard definately writes Star Wars slash. *dies laughing*

    So, this comment blows compared to the original, but... it will have to do. I already told you how I felt about this, but now I've written it for the entire world to see, so yay! I freaking love you, my wifey. :arms:

    *Edit: I forgot to add this, it was something important I left out of the original!
    When Gerard was watching the Notebook with Frank, he felt that way about Noah and Ally and he got so choked up SPECIFICALLY because he feels the same about Frank. Like it wouldn't have affected him so much if he had watched this with his wife, or maybe it would have but he'd still be crying because of Frank and his emotions for him. Instead of asking her to kiss him, he'd get up and go out of the room and like, call Frank or sneak out to go see him. He felt this way for a reason, and it's obvious. Okay now I'm done! For now! Maybe! :):):)
    May 7th, 2008 at 05:23am