Forgotten Love - Comments

  • westcoastwinter

    westcoastwinter (100)

    United States
    I love this chapter as much as the first! You continue leaving me with a million questions, but I know that's the point of how this story is written :)

    I love that we get to go back and forth between his and her points of views in the chapters. And, oh Sidney Crosby, I love that you added him in this story! The way you described all the guys made me laugh as they were making fun of each other, like with Kaner and his mullet haha and the missing teeth! I'm sure that's exactly how you'd react if you saw someone and didn't know who they were but had missing teeth!

    I'm interested in who Andree is and what the note was all about! And what's up with the torn photo. See, I told you that you leave me with a million questions! It only makes me want the next chapter more though :)
    August 9th, 2013 at 02:45am
  • Malkin71

    Malkin71 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Love it
    August 1st, 2013 at 10:11pm
  • westcoastwinter

    westcoastwinter (100)

    United States
    Okay, I don't know where to even begin. Except to say that I absolutely love this first chapter. Seriously, everything about it, I'm already hooked! It's such a fantastic, unique concept, and you've got me wanting more!

    It's interesting that no one knows anything about themselves or anyone else. And, it's cool to learn as they're learning about everything. It's so sad that no one can remember even the ones they love. I couldn't imagine finding a picture and learning that I'm married with a family!

    I really want to know what's up with Jonathan, where he's at, and why he's away from the wedding (well, why everyone was away from the wedding except for Kisa and Abby!) It'll be fun to see how they can put the pieces of the puzzle back together to learn of their lives (and to see them fall back in love again!)

    I want to know more about these people that still have their memory, and what exactly happened to the rest of the city! And, who is this Jessica Roth that clearly no one likes?

    You've got me asking so many questions! But, like I said at the beginning, I'm already hooked! I can't wait to see what happens next and to begin to learn a little bit more about each character, as they learn about themselves! :)
    July 17th, 2013 at 01:52am