Changing Tides - Comments

  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ Mrs. Shadows
    Yay! I’m glad you liked this one! I have to admit, this is the story that’s my baby. Everybody has that one that makes them warm and fuzzy and this is the one that does it for me. I don’t know why exactly that is, but it’s true!

    Brian has been threatened by the bestie! Mandy will kick his ass if she has to LOL If he hurts her he better watch out.

    He is so sweet to Leah! That’s like one of the most romantic things that you can do for someone on a first date (or any date for that matter). He’s falling for her even though he had his heart broken. There’s much more to come about the whole Michelle situation as the story goes on…

    Definitely sexual tension! Mmm Can you imagine? FML

    I want his house too! I didn’t know how to link pictures when I wrote this chapter because it was one of the first things I posted on Mibba, but if I would have known I would have linked the pictures that I went off of. It was GORGEOUS!!

    I can’t lie, I totally got that pick up line from the movie Burlesque! I loved it and decided to use it!

    I know you love your playfully/sexy banter and let me just say that this entire story is FILLED to the brim with it! Brian and Leah complement each other so well in this story and they just have amazing chemistry! Glad you enjoyed the debate, I laughed a few times while I was writing it!

    There’s more to the story about Leah’s dad, but I won’t say anymore (locks lips and throws away the key)

    This Brian is too good to be true! This is the way that I can only dream he is in real life LOL. And OMG the sex in this one…… PLEASE teleport me in there to get me some of that!

    Like I said, this story is definitely an amazing adventure! I think you’ll like the next chapter quite well because there is something in there that I know for a fact you’re a big fan of! You ARE my number 1 fan! And I love you! Arms

    I can’t wait to read your thoughts on your story!! I’m super excited!! Thanks for commenting and being so awesome!!
    October 14th, 2013 at 10:37pm
  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    OH MY GOD!! I LOVED THIS CHAPTER! It was a combination of funny, sweet, and sexy :D

    Hmm...I wonder where Brian plans on taking her, wherever it will be I'm sure it will be a good time.

    “You better be good to her, Rock Star,” Mandy stated as she walked past me en route to the kitchen. “She’s head over heels for you and that’s not something that happens to her very often. You’re the first man she’s started to let in in a really long time, don’t fuck it up.”

    Yep, you better be good to her Brian, she is a lost soul trying to find her way back lol. I just might have to kill you if you do but I know you won't because you're a sweetheart and I love you <3

    “Hmm, this could be interesting,” she smirked as I turned down the driveway to the Marina. “What could we possibly be doing here?”

    “I don’t know, I guess you’ll just have to wait and see,” I smiled, putting the car in park and shutting off the engine. “We can leave our bags in the car, when we get back we can use the showers in the clubhouse.” She looked at me curiously before we both climbed out of the car.


    Aww, that's super sweet. A romantic boat ride, that's too romantic <3

    “Having fun?” I asked softly.

    “Are you kidding? This is amazing,” she smiled widely. “It’s almost surreal, I feel like I’m dreaming.”

    I feel ya there Leah, if I could go on a boat ride with Brian...just wow.

    “One day when you’re ready, I want to hear the story about whoever it was that broke you like this,” I said softly as I brushed my fingers across her cheek and she closed her eyes and reached up and grabbed my hand, kissing my palm. “Regardless of what happened, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and I’m completely crazy about you. I never expected to fall for someone as fast and as hard as I’m falling for you, especially after all of the bullshit I’m going through with my ex, but there’s something about you that I just can’t get enough of.”

    God, if Brian said this to me I would be smiling and blushing like a fool and probably a blubbering mess. You are too sweet Brian, just ugh!

    OH HELL NO! WHERE IS THIS BITCH AT?! I'M GOING TO KILL HER! Yeah, you should've just ended it because now things are worse than they need to be. I hate girls like that, it pisses me off so much! I like how Brian is so open with her, it's touching. Hopefully, she'll open up to him soon.

    Anyways, mmm sexual tension! Who cares, just fuck her already!! lol. Grrr...fine, I'll wait :/

    Damn!! Can I have Brian's house please! I love it! That's a pretty big house though for someone living alone though hahaha.

    “It’s the second most beautiful view in Huntington Beach,” he said just above a whisper before placing a kiss on my neck.

    “What’s the first?” I laughed as I spun around in his arms and faced him and he smirked.

    “The one I’m looking at right now,” he grinned and I laughed and shook my head.

    “Wow, I walked right into that one,” I joked and he chuckled before he leaned in for a kiss. “I’m sure you use that line a lot, how’s it working out for you?” I laughed.

    “I’m two for three,” he said as he shrugged his shoulders and I smiled and shook my head.

    “Yeah, what happened with the third?”

    “I don’t know, I’ll have to let you know how it works out,” he winked and I rolled my eyes.

    There goes Brian with those pick up lines haha. I have a feeling her really means it though.

    “So you’re too good to flip a light switch?” I asked jokingly as he went over to disable the alarm. He started laughing and fucked up the code.

    “Ahh, stop talking or I’ll keep messing up. I’m already pretty buzzed, I don’t need you to make it more difficult,” he laughed.

    “Not my fault,” I smirked, “technology is only as good as the person who’s handling it. It’s not the alarm system’s fault you’re drunk.” He laughed and fucked up the code again.

    “God damn it,” he mumbled between laughs and I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from making him screw it up again. He finally got the code to go through the third time, disarming the alarm. He looked over at me and we both started laughing.

    “You good now? Did you finally outsmart it?” I smirked as I tried to bite back another laugh. He let out the most retarded laugh I think I’ve ever heard and I completely lost it.

    “Ha, ha, ha, did you finally outsmart it?” He mocked me in the same retarded voice and I laughed even harder.

    Omg! This made me laugh! Again, with the awesome banter. I can imagine Brian and his retarded voice and I bet it's pretty funny.

    “My Dad was an asshole, he died in an accident when he was drunk driving and killed two other people along with himself. I know how horrible I sound for saying this, but he’s better off dead. He didn’t make many contributions to this world,” I sighed.

    Leah! That is so mean! Lol, is it wrong that I laughed at this? It probably is but I just couldn't help it, it's so mean but funny.

    “Well, there’s at least one,” Brian smiled as he placed his free hand on my thigh over my dress and lightly caressed it.

    “Yeah,” I scoffed, “we’ll see if you’re still excited about that in a few months,” I told him as I took a swig of my wine.

    “I think you need to stop being so hard on yourself,” he smiled before leaning forward and briefly pressing his lips to mine. “So if you’re planning on sticking around for a while, I guess that means you would be earning the title of girlfriend,” he smiled, thankfully getting away from my least favorite topic.

    “Mmm, would I now?” I smiled and bit my lip. “Are you sure you’re ready to take me on?”

    “Only if you’re willing to take on what I bring to the table,” he smirked.

    “What’s wrong, you don’t think I can handle you, Rock Star?” I asked and we both laughed.

    “It might be too much for you,” he said as he raised his eyebrows.

    “Wait, what are we talking about? The size of your ego or the size of what’s in your pants?” I questioned with a smile as I took another sip of my wine and he laughed whole-heartedly.

    “Wow, that is such a ladylike thing to say,” he laughed, sipping at his wine.

    I think you guys can handle each other ;)

    I love the debate they had, I found that rather amusing. But this right here was fucking hilarious.

    “I call bullshit! You want to sit there and go on about how everyone is so focused on instant gratification and make it sound like men are the ones to blame, yet you’re sitting here right now and you don’t even have the patience to just wait for the right timing. I’m pretty sure you’re the one who’s obsessed with instant gratification. I mean, fuck, are you related to Sigmund Freud or something?” He rambled as he laughed.

    I drained my glass before setting it down next to his which was already empty before moving towards him and straddling his lap. I put my hand over his mouth in attempt to stop him and he just smiled and kept going, trying to pull my hand away.

    “Shh,” I whispered into his ear, trying not to lose my balance since I was already considerably tipsy. “Do you hear that?” I asked and he got quiet for a minute.

    “Hear what?” He asked with a smirk, his voice still muffled since my hand was over his mouth.

    “It’s the sound of you not talking, isn’t it grand?” I laughed and he feigned surprise.


    “I may not know exactly what happened yet, but I know that you’ve been hurt in a way that no one ever should be. I’m not perfect either, and I’m not saying that I have the ability to make you forget the things that ever happened. All I can promise is that I will be as patient and understanding as I can while treating you the way you deserve and making sure you know every day how beautiful and amazing you really are,” he told me as one of his hands rested on my bare thigh again. I was speechless for a minute, totally in shock as I processed what he had said.

    Aww Brian, I would've been putty right then. I can't stand the sweetness, he's too good to be true!

    Mmm yes! Finally smutty time! That was super hot and sweet all at the same time. From now on you guys are officially boyfriend and girlfriend, yay! I hope things go well for them.

    To sum it all up, the chapter was great! It had me laughing because of their awesome banter, I swear you are the master of awesome banter. Their relationship is going to be a fun adventure with some bumps along the way, I can just feel it. Again, you are an amazing writer and I am your biggest fan, I don't care what anyone else says, I'm number 1. I'll go crazy on some people if I have to prove my point haha :D Ok, now to go comment on my lovely story, I don't even know where to begin with that haha but get ready for the fireworks because they will be coming fast and furious. Alright, bye!
    October 14th, 2013 at 09:26pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ Mrs. Shadows

    I’m so glad you liked this chapter! I love the layout picture too! I have to admit though that I found it on Bing so I can’t really take credit for it. But OMG, YEEEESSS!

    I think some of the chapters farther in start to get a bit longer, I’m not sure why, it just ended up that way LOL. Brian is a total sweetheart in this story! There’s a lot of big brotherness in this story along with McKenna. I would pay to see that man surf!

    I normally don’t throw in a lot of the A7X clichés (pink is the new black, stallion duck, etc) because I honestly kind of get tired of reading it, but I thought it fit well here so I decided to go for it. Leah is a total hardass in this story! I love her! I feel like her personality kind of reflects mine in a way. Brian still has his cocky moments in this one, but not near as many as some of my others.

    Yes! It is actually called Mr. Togg’s Sex Wax! It comes in all different consistencies for different water temperatures and how much control you want of the surfboard. I actually saw a video on you tube where he puts it on the body of some of his electric guitars when he’s recording because he can twist and turn it to get the sounds that he wants and it won’t slip out of his hands LOL You should look it up, the names of the different ones are funny too (firm, extra firm etc.)

    Are you kidding? TMI my ass, I would totally take a Synyster Gates between my legs any day, and I’m proud to say that hahahaha!

    Leah is definitely not your typical type of girl, you find out more about her as the story goes on. It kind of explains why she has such a chip on her shoulder and she’s such a smartass all of the time. I’m totally with you, I’d be like ‘of course I go to lunch with you, and then we can have each other for dessert!’

    I would probably pass out if he ever came up to me in a club and agreed to kiss me, just sayin. You will see just how serious he was about Leah requiring all of her energy if you decide to keep reading!

    There will be PLENTY more fun banter and kisses throughout the chapter! This story gets pretty steamy too! Thanks for taking the time to read! I feel bad like you feel obligated or something, so if you do, don’t! If that even makes sense LOL

    As always! Arms
    October 13th, 2013 at 11:12pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    October 13th, 2013 at 11:11pm
  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    SURPRISE!! I decided I would just drop on by and tell you how awesome this chapter is. It had me smiling all the way through, especially with their banter. Ok, let's go through this piece by piece.

    First, I have to say I love the layout, all those pictures of Brian, talk about hotness overload! haha. Fuck, I hate that man for being so gorgeous, just kidding Brian I love you <3

    Ok, now onto the chapter. This chapter seems shorter than all the others from your other stories, it is still pretty long but I got through it a lot quicker than I usually do. I guess I was just really getting into it and I couldn't stop reading. Anyways, aww Brian you sweetie, teaching your little sister how to surf. I can totally see Brian as a surfer dude, so hot! His shirltess body in a pair of swim shorts, water trickling down that sexy chest, just whew!! Ok, calm down.

    Oh Brian, checking out another woman! Get it! Get it! lol.

    “Hot pink definitely suits you,” she said with the same amusement as before, referring to the board.

    “You know what they say, pink is the new black,” I smirked.

    “And here I thought you were getting it for your girlfriend,” she said sarcastically.

    “Oh, burn!” I winced jokingly. “Was that supposed to hurt?” I questioned as I rested my hands on the counter.

    “Which part? The part where I made fun of you for buying a hot pink surfboard or the part where I referred to the non-existent girlfriend?” Damn, she’s feisty.

    “You must really hate your life if you’re expending this much effort into trying to ruin my day. For your information, the board is for my little sister and I happen to be happily unattached at the moment,” I stated matter-of-factly.

    “Oh, so that must be why you’ve been eye-fucking me since you walked in,” she replied dramatically.

    “You are really full of yourself, aren’t you?” I smiled. “Has anyone ever told you how much of an attractive quality it is when a woman is so self-absorbed?”

    “Maybe that’s the reason that I happen to be happily unattached as well,” she remarked as she finished ringing up all of the items. “Is there anything else that you need before you finish gracing me with your presence?” I leaned forward and made a ‘come here’ gesture with my finger and she leaned a bit closer with a roll of her eyes.

    Here you go again with that pink is the new black thing! I love it though. And there you go again with the super awesome banter. I love Leah's attitude, her cockiness and just feistyness and I think it's a good change since Brian is always the cocky one, but I do love me some cocky Brian and he has good reason to be cocky. I'm sure she'll be able to keep him in line ;)

    “Where can I find your sex....” I started quietly, “…wax?”

    “Seriously?” She asked with no hint of amusement in her voice.

    “Are you honestly going to tell me you work in a surf shop and you don’t know what sex wax is?” I questioned with a small laugh.

    “Did you really just use sex wax as a way to try to pick me up?” She looked at me in feigned disbelief.

    “There’s that whole self-absorbed thing again,” I sighed with a smirk. “It’s a shame, you’re actually really beautiful until you start talking.”

    “Thanks for the compliment,” she gave a fake smile. “Which wax do you want?”

    “Firm,” I answered and she pulled the orange container from the display that was right next to me and sat it on the counter before ringing it all up.

    Oh my god! I loved this! Fucking genius! Brian, you dirty fuck! Well, that's not nice Brian lol, just gahhh!!! I love your dialogue so much, dammit!!

    “How do you like yours?” I asked as she ran the card and gave it back to me along with a pen and the receipt to sign.


    “Your sex wax. Do you like it sticky or do you like to have control?” I smirked as she put all of the smaller items into a bag.

    “You’re really trying, aren’t you? Already asking such personal questions and you don’t even know my name.” I smiled at her as I put my wallet in my back pocket.

    “I already happen to know your name, you’re wearing a nametag, Leah,” I said as I winked at her. A light blush crept up on her cheeks.

    “So you can be observant, you probably only caught that because you were looking at my chest.”

    “You still didn’t answer my question,” I said quietly as I leaned towards her again. “How do you like your sex wax?” She leaned forward again as she handed me my bag.

    “I like it hard. Hot and hard usually go well together,” she said softly into my ear and I could feel her warm breath graze against my skin.

    Is it really called sex wax? lol. Everytime I hear it, I'm thinking dirty thoughts, especially with this banter right here, it had me going! I bet you do like it hot and hard Leah, Brian'll give it to you hot and hard alright ;)

    “I never thought I would have the pleasure of seeing you so soon,” she smirked.

    “What can I say? It’s supposed to be a nice day,” I smiled.

    “That’s what they claim, I have yet to see anything decent yet though,” she said with a small smile.

    “You’re in a better mood this morning. Did the pretty pretty princess wake up on the right side of the bed this morning?”

    “Oh, I’m still very much the bitch that you met yesterday. I’m just happy that I’m not stuck working in the shop today.”

    This made me smile, again with your awesome banter! You still have yet to tell me your secret haha.

    “I’m one of the guitarists, but when it comes to the band, I’m not Brian. My stage name is Synyster Gates.”

    “Synyster Gates?” She repeated with a smirk and I nodded and smiled. “Were you drunk when you came up with that?” She laughed.

    “As a matter of fact I was, don’t hate,” I told her as I laughed along with her.

    “I’m not, I’m not,” she said as she held her hands up, “I think it’s pretty hot,” she laughed again.

    “Yeah, you and billions of other women around the world. It’s gotten me a lot of pussy over the years,” I smirked.

    “Hey, I said it was hot, I didn’t mention anything about my legs magically opening for you.”

    “Damn, that was saucy,” I smiled and she smirked. “Who said I even wanted to be between your legs?”

    “Some things are understood even though they’re never actually said,” she smirked as she started to paddle out to catch a wave.

    Synyster Gates is a pretty hot stage name and it's so badass, I love it! There goes Brian and his cocky self! Yeah, I have a feeling that you're going to have to work for this one Brian, she's not going to be so easy. And you so want to get between her legs and you know it Brian, hell I want you to get between my legs right about now lol ;) Sorry, that was probably tmi.

    I sat my board down and pulled the top of my wetsuit down as I walked over and stood over her, wringing the sleeves out onto her stomach and chest. I expected her to squeal and get all pissed off like girls usually do, but once again, she caught me off guard.

    “Yeah Baby, that feels good,” she said in what I can only describe as a sex voice. She slid her sunglasses to the tip of her nose and looked up at me and smirked. “What’s wrong Rock Star? Not the reaction you were looking for?”

    “Not the typical response I would have gotten, no,” I replied as I tried to look at the tattoo of a cherry blossom tree that ran from her hip and looked like it wrapped up around the back of her shoulder.

    “Thought you would have figured out by now that I’m not your typical kind of girl,” she paused. “Are you seriously eye fucking me again?” She smirked.

    “No, actually I was trying to look at your ink, Miss Conceited.”

    “Now why did you have to go and call me a name? We were having fun.”

    “You started it,” I smirked, “but seriously, nice tattoo.”

    “Thanks, yours aren’t half bad either,” she stated as she pushed her sunglasses back up.

    Mmm that first bit had me going! Yeah, Brian you should know by now that she isn't the typical kind of girl. I need to stop putting all of their banter on here but I love it all so much, just ugh!

    “Hey, I was going to go grab something to eat. Are you hungry?”

    “Huh?” She smirked.

    “Do you like food? I happen to like food and I’m asking if you would like to join me in my ventures to find a burrito,” I laughed.

    “As much as I hate to turn down an offer from Synyster Gates himself, I’m going to have to say no.”

    “That hurts,” I replied, only half joking. I dramatically put my hand on my chest and made a pained expression.

    “Don’t take it personal, I’m meeting someone for a lesson in like five minutes and I’m booked out all day. If it wasn’t for that, I might consider this little date.”

    “Whoa,” I smiled, “I was talking about getting a burrito. I said nothing about a date.”

    “Well, in that case, there should be no hard feelings, right?” She asked and I reluctantly nodded as I looked away. “Well, it was fun chatting, but I have to run,” she said as she nodded over to someone who I could only guess was her first client of the day.

    How in the hell can you say no to Synyster Gates?! I would've been like, "Fuck the client, I'm going to lunch with Synyster Fucking Gates" lol! But yeah, she has to her responsibilites so I guess I understand.

    “Hey Brian,” she called to me and I stopped in my tracks and turned around. “There’s a party at the beach bar on Friday night. Party starts at sundown. You should come by, it will be fun,” she smiled.

    “Sounds good, I’ll be there,” I smiled back. I started the walk up to my car, my pride a little less damaged than it had been a minute ago.

    Ohhhhh it looks like someone secretly wants to see Brian again ;)

    “Sorry I’m late,” he said as he leaned down to my ear. I felt a hand on my ass and knew it wasn’t Brian’s based on the fact that one of his was still on my back and the other was in my line of vision.

    “I’ll forgive you if you kiss me so this creeper goes away,” I replied as I put my hand on his shoulder and stood up on my tiptoes spoke close to his ear so he could hear me over the music. “A kiss never hurt anything,” I laughed. He smirked and I felt his breath on my ear as he spoke again.

    “Only if you promise not to try to castrate me.”

    Brian to the rescue! Back off fool, this girl belongs to Brian. Mmm yes, kiss her! God, what I would give to kiss that man, holy moly!!

    “Yeah, I have a feeling that you’re going to require a good amount of my energy,” I told him and he laughed as he grabbed my hand. He said one last thing before lacing his fingers with mine leading me out of the crowd with that cocky look on his face.

    “Sometime maybe I’ll prove to you how right your theory is.”

    Lol! Brian. I have no doubt that you would do just that.

    “See something you like?” He smirked as he looked over at me.

    Umm yeah baby, I see plenty of things that I like ;)

    Aww I thought it was cute how they read each other. It's amazing how they could read each other so easily based off small observations and their expressions.

    Aww no! Leah don't go! Mm yes, kiss him again, you know you want to ;)

    In conclusion, I loved this chapter very much. The banter was amazing as always, it had me smiling the whole time I read this and I just couldn't stop. They already have really great chemistry and I can't wait to see how it progresses. I really do hope that their relationships lasts forever and ever lol <3 Ok I'm done now...bye!!
    October 13th, 2013 at 08:13pm
  • fiction246

    fiction246 (100)

    @ NeverWakeMeUp
    Haha you're welcome. It's a really great story so thank you for writing it :D you are definitely the awesome one :)
    October 11th, 2013 at 04:09am
  • prettypsyche

    prettypsyche (100)

    United States
    @ NeverWakeMeUp
    I didn't know what Leah's last name was, and I felt uncomfortable calling her Leah's Mom all the time.
    October 11th, 2013 at 12:01am
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ Snyful Vengence
    I know.. poor Brian puts all of the blame on himself when it wasn't his fault. I think he felt like he let her down because he promised her he would always be there to protect her and then Tommy did that and everything went to shit. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Hope to have more posted soon!!
    October 10th, 2013 at 10:32pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ akmo4725
    I know, poor Leah just wanted to have some peace of mind and look where it got her! Brian is super sweet, staying with her like that shows that he truly loves her! Thanks for reading and commenting! More to come soon.....
    October 10th, 2013 at 10:31pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ fiction246
    I want Tommy to rot in prison too! He's such a piece of sh*t! Leah is definitely making great strides with her recovery! We'll see some more of that in the next chapter along with some possible wedding plans! Thanks for reading and leaving feedback! You're awesome!
    October 10th, 2013 at 10:28pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ synystergirl
    Aww, thanks! It feels good to be back writing again too! Michelle definitely will get what's coming to her! She needs to go already! I'm glad people liked the string idea, I thought it was really romantic too. If only my husband was that creative... LOL Thanks again for reading and commenting! Hope to have more up soon!
    October 10th, 2013 at 10:25pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ prettypsyche
    Hahaha! I love how you called her Mrs. Leah LOL Anyways, yeah, she can't be trusted and clearly neither can her brother. Leah was just hoping to put an end to all of it and clear her conscience and it totally backfired. Hope to have more posted soon. Thanks for reading/commenting!
    October 10th, 2013 at 10:23pm
  • Snyful Vengence

    Snyful Vengence (100)

    United States
    I so wanted to cry when Brian was blaming himself for Leah's condition....I hope Leah gets better and dances at her wedding. They both deserve to be happy. AND UPDATE PLEASE!
    October 9th, 2013 at 02:11pm
  • akmo4725

    akmo4725 (100)

    United States
    Holy crap!!!! I was not expecting the meeting to go like that! Not surprised though bc her family is shit! I love how Brian is through this and staying with her! It makes me so incredibly happy
    October 7th, 2013 at 12:14pm
  • fiction246

    fiction246 (100)

    Oh my gosh!!! I want Tommy to rot in prison!!!! That is absolutely horrible!!!! I'm glad that she is making such a quick recovery!!! Can't wait till she is better and they can get married :) great update. I'm looking forward to more!!!
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:53am
  • synystergirl

    synystergirl (100)

    United States
    So happy you're writing again. Loved the new chapters and I can't wait until Michelle get's what's coming to her. And I loved the string idea instead of a ring - so sentimental. Very glad to have you back and keep up the great work!!
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:44am
  • prettypsyche

    prettypsyche (100)

    United States
    I knew it. From what I understand, Leah's mom was a selfish individual. If her mom did indeed have cancer, I sincerely doubt she'd use her last days on the planet to reconcile with her only daughter. Get the last word in maybe, but I can't imagine a happy reunion. After all, the last time they were in the same room together Mrs. Leah blamed her for her dad's car accident.
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:06am
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ akmo4725
    New update just posted! We find out what happens at the meeting and Brian and Leah face one of their biggest challenges yet! Thanks so much for commenting!
    October 7th, 2013 at 04:50am
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ pekigirl
    Thanks, I'm glad you liked the string idea! I thought it was really fun! Thanks for commenting about the shower scene! I was really nervous about writing that in because I know some people find anal offensive or a turn off, but I tried to write it in as realistically and tastefully as possible. More answers about her brother in the chapter I just posted. Thanks for the feedback!
    October 7th, 2013 at 04:48am
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    @ prettypsyche
    Plenty of questions raised with Tommy's appearance, story and how he got the info. He's a pretty shady dude. New chapter just posted, you may find some answers there Wink Thanks for commenting!
    October 7th, 2013 at 04:46am