For More Than Forever - Comments

  • Fortunate Placement.

    Fortunate Placement. (100)

    United States
    Title: 4/5
    Layout: 0/5
    Grammar: 3/5
    Overall Story 2/5

    Snarry is one of my favorite ships, so I found this tragic and sweet at points. However, I feel like this story was rushed and that so much more detail could have been put into this. I don't like Ginny, so i enjoyed the points in which Harry exclaimed that he was going to be with Snape and not Harry, but I didn't like the switching of perspectives. I did not like that Ginny used Snape's own spell against him, and that somehow Harry and Snape were married. I can tell that you tried hard and that you are a talented writer. Good luck!
    July 7th, 2013 at 09:50am