Making Hits for Your Heart - Comments

  • @ WhiskeyPrincess118
    First off, congratulations for finishing this okay story! You did it! Second, nu-uh dude, LWUT is far more sad and hits you in the feels. We need prayer circles for that couple....

    Third, thank you so so so so so so much for your kind words. I don't feel like they're deserved but thank you for enjoying it and just... thank you.

    See you on the other side! I hope there isn't any strong feels in the sequel for you, I don't think I can handle making anyone too sad, angry, etc hahaha.
    July 20th, 2014 at 03:02am
  • Dude. Not cool.
    I have been sobbing for the past 3 chapters.... Ugh. No more complaining about Like We Used To. This is your pay back. You hit me right in the feels.

    But this story was absolutely beautiful. It was perfect in everyday; the characters the actions the ending. It all fit together like a puzzle. You are a sensational writer man!

    That being said I'm off to read the sequel and dry my tears! See you in the other side! x
    July 19th, 2014 at 11:19pm
  • Okay, as promised, I AM READING THIS. I SWEAR. I'm just slow cause I have to read a billion other things, but I AM. PROMISE. I wasn't going to comment till I was done, but I just read chapter 15, and Halv was in it so I HAD TO SAY SOMETHING! haha, I love how you wrote him :3 All though Jam can suck it, we ALL know he's gonna be my trophy husband ;p hehehe

    But, I LOVE this story! I think it's super unique.I think it's great how her and John aren't at all interested in a romantic relationship (YET) :P Ahaha, anyway, I'll get back to reading! :D can't wait to see what's next!
    July 18th, 2014 at 10:45pm
  • PS: I know I should wait until tomorrow to read (it's 2:30 am in Brazil), but I ditched histology (zzzz....) because my curiosity was killing me.
    March 30th, 2014 at 07:30am
  • PS: I know I should wait until tomorrow to read (it's 2:30 am in Brazil), but I ditched histology (zzzz....) because my curiosity was killing me.
    March 30th, 2014 at 07:30am
  • Here's a compilation of gifs (I'm really into them) to show my reaction when I read John pleading Jamison to stay:

    Jamison's speech: PRAISE.

    The track-by-track makes all sense! I think it's "funny" how some songs are so personal (like T4W) that they end up talking about the technical aspects of it to not talk about the story behind them.

    Ryan Adam’s “Come Pick Me Up" is a shot straight in my heart. Not more than "This House Is Not For Sale" tho, this one... I just can't.

    “Gotta make and play those hits and hit the people where it hurts—the heart.”
    I thing that's the reason music affect us all, because it speaks to ourselves subconsciously. Some songs come unannounced and hit you so deep that or you'll end up loving it or you won't be able to listen to it because it hurts. Shout out to The Beatle's "Yesterday".

    I'm still emotionally unstable because of the last couple chapters. I hate that we got to have roots before branches and so many things can be left behind in this journey :(

    SEQUEL (!!!!!!!!) YES.

    Final answer of the day:

    In the start, I was completely catched by your writing, it was different and unique. Then, Jamison Song... What a character. I see a lot of you in her and think both of you are completely amazing and don't recognize how bright you shine. It took a long time, but I finally started seeing and liking the idea of Jamison and John as a couple and now I'm heartbroken, but happy at the same time because... it's all real, you know? Life is (really) not a romance novel. I'm trying to put all my love for this story and for you into words, but I'm afaid there are not enought words for it.

    I don't know what I want to read, but I don't want to let this story go, so just write about the weather and I'm going to read it anyway, who am I kidding, right? Ok, actually an idea popped in my mind... People come and go in our lives, I'd like to see Jamison adapting to her new life and John trying to live instead of just surviving? really vague, I know, but it's a start I guess.
    March 30th, 2014 at 07:28am
  • "Love is all". First, The Beatles, thumbs up just for it. Second, I love the title, it really fits the poems.

    I could be hypocrite and say "Jamison, you should tell John already", but I would probably wait until last minute too :/

    “I guess I don’t.”


    “I rather have him hate me now then resenting me later for holding him back.”
    To Jamison: I'm sorry for screaming in caps lock with you, I see your point, my emotional side says you're stupid, but me rational side agrees with you.

    I hate/love you for this chapter. I mean, I love that it's not "it's all in good terms in the story, I'll create drama from nowhere to shake things up", no, it's almost real. In life you'll face these situations of making choices which will afect your relationships, your lifestyle, etc my hate is because these dilemmas suck! poor babies :(

    I was listening to "The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot" by Brand New while reading, so I maybe maybe not crying right now. How pathetic.


    Question of the day: What's your motto in life? What do you tell yourself to keep yourself positive during hard times?

    Oooh, I have loads.

    "Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be" - Unknown.

    "Just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die. You've gotta get up and try try try" - Pink, the queen of the misfits.

    "We accept the love we think we deserve" - The perks of being a wallflower (one of my favorite books, it's just... different from everything else)

    "Happy Is He Who Has Overcome His Ego" - Buddha (to keep me humble)

    "Let it be" - best band on the universe (i actually have it tattoed on my left ankle)

    PS: Oh... I wish it was a lab filled with brains (am I sadistic for saying that? haha) but it's research research and more research... and REALLY? I'm amazed. Your liver isn't. I can drink a lot of tequila, like a whole bottle, but vodka kills me. I know my limits and stick to them, so I have been drunk/hangover just once in my life, but that time... Never again. I hate not having control of my body and #disgusting info# I puked like The Exorcist. My friends said I lay on the floor and said exactly like the gif. The next day... I felt dead, like a pre-death stage, I just wanted to disappear.

    PPS: I'm gonna read Track Twenty-Nine tomorrow because STUDYING NEVER ENDS *cry*
    March 30th, 2014 at 12:50am
  • It's over :( but you have a sequel :) yay! :)

    Ok, let me clarify, evoking strong feels to the point of tears, as sad as it sounds, is a good thing....for me at least. I'm rarely so emotionally invested in a story, much less anything else for that matter, that "it feels great to just feel" as John once so elloquently put. Don't be bummed because you think I'm bummed, its all good in the hood :), "so much has changed..." (I dare you to read that without breaking into Memory Lane...haha jk.) But I say that quote with all seriousness. It's so strange getting to that stage in your life where the people you grew up with are off getting married and having kids. In one sense I'm talking about McFly...but I also say that as a general blanket statement. This is such a weird transition point in life...dancing that fine line between partial dependence to complete independence. Throw in a few weddings and baby showers and suddenly you wonder when this transition to adulthood happened. Random sidebar. Just some thoughts and things I've been mulling around for a while.

    #hanzukeling that is all.

    Ok, so you have a rockstar liver...which, reading between the lines can withstand a shitload of tequila...haha. you're right about one thing though, tequilla is NO ONE'S friend. Haha. Vodka isn't either...especially when drinking it straight. Too many horror stories about that to get in to...

    So wow. This story. Can't wait for the sequel :) I wish I had suggestions for you, but alas I don't. (it took me like 5 tries ro type alas, because i kept typing salsa...clearly I want mexican food right now despite it not being 9am yet...haha)
    March 29th, 2014 at 02:50pm
  • Well if I explode... what I'm made out of will explode. Okay, that just sounds weird...
    March 29th, 2014 at 10:31am
  • Well if I explode... what I'm made out of will explode. Okay, that just sounds weird...
    March 29th, 2014 at 10:31am
  • SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL!!!!!! *explodes into a rainbow*
    March 28th, 2014 at 04:48pm
  • Awe, thanks for the story shout out. Definitely made me smile. :)

    Onward to the story, Of course you need to do a sequel, silly.

    And yes, I feel differently about Jamison now...ha.
    March 27th, 2014 at 06:36am
  • You most definitely need to do a sequel!!! This story is too amazing to not have one :D The profound depth of character combined with such an intricate plotline makes this story so easy to read and connect to, and leaves readers hopelessly anticipating the next chapter. Please write a sequel!
    March 26th, 2014 at 11:12pm
  • I hope for a sequel! Even if it's a short one. I love this story and don't want it to end :(
    March 26th, 2014 at 10:12pm
  • ok, I know you said it wasn't that sad....this was 10 times worse for me...I'm way too emotionally involved in this story wow. This is just wow. So moving. It's interesting to see how each of them have grown and changed yheoughout this story. Super sad to see it end, BUT I'm totally game for a b-sides story or sequel, or both. Like I said, I'm too emotionally involved in this story to let it go just yet...haha. so yeah.

    Ok, the fact that you know/love McFLY just made my day. Galaxy Defenders :) I just love them and have for what feels like most of my life. (in reality its been just under half but who's keeping track? Haha) I'm not sure how closely you keep up with them but, Tom being a father?!? I was/am ecstatic and if you haven't seen the video he posted on his YouTube channel called "From Bump to Buzz" you should because its adorable.

    And I'm so happy you like the Beatles because...same (obviously) haha. And 13 Is your favorite number too?!?! That's so awesome. It's like we have some sort of connection that binds us together. My friend and I call it "hanzukeling"...haha. decided to finally give a meaning to "hanzukel" haha

    Also, you're the greatest. Nothing but love to you as well. Keep on being a rockstar.
    March 26th, 2014 at 04:42pm
  • ...You're right I'm definitely being a hypocrite. Haha.

    Anyways, this chapter made my heart hurt. Poor, poor John. :(
    March 25th, 2014 at 06:25pm
  • Ok, no hate mail but feels man. Sitting here reading this (right before going to class of course haha) and was on the brink of tears which is very unusual. Ahhhhh. Like I see where she's coming from and all, but like, I don't know...I wish she wouldn't have been so brash about it....granted Jon's temper probably didn't help her either. My heart is silently breaking, no big deal. Just gotta go to class now while I try to not focus on the events of this chapter....speaking of, I can't believe its almost over so many stories are in the midst of ending right now....ughhhhhh. ok. moving on. Haha.

    Life motto....hmmm....well, not so much mottos as songs. Surprise surprise. Haha. My go-to when I need an instant pick-me-up is McFLY's "I'll Be OK"...its upbeat and is just a good reminder that things will get better. If I have time to stew/wallow in self pity/grieve/need a pick-me-up that takes more than a 3 minute pop rock song, i opt for The Maine's "Pioneer". That album was the reason I survived my junior year of college (mentally and psychologically). Sooooo yeah....haha

    Free for all: I may or may not have squealed like a little girl when you mentioned The Beatles. They've been my favorite band my entire life, and the first band that I memorized the entire discography of. :)

    Bonus fact: I was born on Friday the 13th, 13 is my favorite number, and last year in the year of 2013 by birthday was on Friday the 13th. :) to say I was excited would be an understatement.
    March 25th, 2014 at 04:12pm
  • Ugh I just don't know what to feel right now, but I feel like it's heading in a tragic path. I love John, but I can't help but feel like he's more invested in this than she is? Maybe I'm wrong? I don't know! So many feels I need to sort out! She better not leave him! :(
    March 25th, 2014 at 03:21am
  • I promise to listen to TBS and give you my thoughts about it.

    While reading chapter 25 I felt like I was daydreaming, it made me truly happy and giggly like a little girl.

    His friends all saying "you really love her, don't you?" just make more obvious how happy both of them are <insert a lot of hearts>

    PAPERWEIGHT. What this song does to my heart... FEELINGS.

    “So, ‘The Voice Australia’ wants you to be their musical director.”
    *Janice voice*
    Big fantastic amazingballs LEGENDARY i don't even know more words in english to describe those news. But... Oh, the distance, shiiiiit. Honestly, I would take the job. Call me lame, but I believe that if you're meant to be with someone, fate/God/whatever will make you meet again. Time may silence true love, but doesn't kill it.

    “I met you.”

    Soteriophobia. I feel you, Jamison.

    If "Imaginary Numbers EP" will be released later... Oh God, "Raining in Paris" will suit to a T *silent cry*

    My comments are "short" because I have so much to study just to think about it I want to cry.

    "What would (or what would you like) your theme song be if you had a TV based on you?"
    Scouting for Girls - She's so Lovely
    It's a funny song which I think would fit well as a theme song.

    PS: let me tell you a secret, I'm working in a scientific research about craniotomy and it's so excited!!! But a LOT of work too.
    March 24th, 2014 at 09:39pm
  • ANOTHER UPDATE!!!! you are rocking this!! Power through that writer's block!! It does suck, but you're a great writer so don't even fret. :) you've got this!! You claim not much happened In this chapter, but I beg to differ. I think through the secret project alone they both revealed some pretty big things that will play a big role down the road in this story. How it'll all pan out?? Honestly, I have no prediction. But I trust your judgement and where you'll take it. Will I want to kick and scream at the end?? Hard to say, bur I've always felt the mark of a great writer is to have your audience emotionally involved. If you can't get them to care about your characters, they won't care about the story. You've done both successfully so kudos :)

    Hmmm....theme song...I'm on my phone so I'm not able to look back specifically to if it was an established TV theme that I'd want to adapt, or just a song I would want as my theme song; so I'll say both. Haha. TV theme song: there's so many to choose from because the 90s were supersaturated with great sitcom theme songs...I'd say either the Full House theme or the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. theme. Classic. As for another song...there's too many amazing ones to narrow it down to just one. I'm gonna have to cop out and say "no answer" because it'd be so hard to pinpoint. Different songs represent different phases of my life. Haven't found one yet that encapsulated the entirety thus far...anyway, yeah. You're awesome :) rock an roll. \m/
    March 24th, 2014 at 02:19pm