Hollow's Creek, Nebraska - Comments

  • The summary of the story makes it rather enticing to read, though, I think the background of the layout is a bit distracting. However, the content part, and picture are wonderful with the story.

    I enjoy the use of the prologue to describe the town, and it does seem like it would have been in a Hallmark movie. And after she got pregnant, it became a Lifetime movie.

    I LOVE the girl code reference! Nicole Byer tends to have the most memorable lines in that show.

    I really liked how the chapters were set up, though they did confuse me at first, because I hadn't realized they were changing perspective.

    I think I just may have to look into your other stories.
    August 7th, 2013 at 11:26pm
  • Oh my god a cheeseburger sounds soooooo good right now. Oh and great updates! Can't wait for more
    July 18th, 2013 at 05:18am
  • This is awesome! I don't really remember how I found this but I'm glad I did, I'm hooked. Subscribed and recommended, please update soon.
    July 14th, 2013 at 05:53am
  • Hey there!
    First of all, I just want to say that I completely agree with the comment below. The first time I read through this story, I was surprised to see it wasn't very popular.

    I really love the way you write, honestly. You have this way of literally making the character come to life. It's like each character is different, and that can sometimes be really difficult to do. So, kudos to you . tehe

    Anyway, I love this story. I'm subscribed and recommended and all that jazz. And I might even tell some people about this story and get the word out. This story deserves readers, my friend.

    Okay, looking forward to anther update! (:
    July 13th, 2013 at 09:25am
  • WHY DOESN'T THIS HAVE ANY COMMENTS THOUGH? It's so cool. It's been awhile since I've seen a story like this so it'll be nice to read. I really want to punch Lily in the face though. How the actual fuck was it the narrator's fault that SHE was knocked up? That made me laugh so hard and not exactly in a good way. I hate when people take their problems out on other people. And it wasn't HER fault that her parents wouldn't let Lily stay with her. That was their decision, damn! I love how everyone else in town just used her getting pregnant as an excuse to go wild though, oh man. Kenny really is setting a good example of himself now, hm? There's just so much in this story that I'm excited for it so dang much. I need to know more about Lily, the narrator before, and this new random narrator we got in the last chapter. Or it could be the same one, I don't know. I'm barely able to keep my eyes open typing this. But basically, this story is awesome. update it soon, pretty pretty please! ❤
    July 12th, 2013 at 06:22am