And Then There Was You - Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Yay, a new story! I've missed your stories!
    I love it already, you have such a knack of drawing a reader in straight away with the very first line!

    I thought she may have been one of the band's younger sisters, the way Zacky was freaking out. I didn't guess it would be Brian's though. He's gonna be so pissed!

    Can't wait for more!
    July 12th, 2013 at 07:21pm
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I loved this and I'm looking forward to more. Hope you can update again soon.

    Btw, is the mystery lady McKenna?? Mr. Green
    July 12th, 2013 at 06:34pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    He’d even given her a Valentine’s card one year for fucks sake

    That’s so incredibly adorable! Even though it seems to have been a completely innocent gesture, it’s so damn sweet and thoughtful. The relationship she appears to have with her brother and the boys reminds me a lot of my brother and his mates (whom I generally think as my brothers from other mothers), but none of them ever did anything as cute as that. Then again, that probably would’ve just freaked me out… but it’s still adorable nonetheless! Haha.

    … flexing his arm muscles under her touch.

    Bahahaha! That made me laugh out loud… jeez, Matt! Next he’ll start throwing down some iron man poses. Hahaha.

    I love the innocent flirting going on right now. It’s so effortless, the way they’re not really saying anything overtly suggestive, but the casual touching and kind of egging each other on. It really gives the potential of some fiery chemistry there, but without it being too in your face, if you get what I mean. Well done!

    Lmao! I love the way you’ve described how they associate different levels of intoxication with past events… that’s awesome. And it’s really hard not to giggle as I read Zacky trying to talk to him and he’s just swaying on his feet and floating off to fairy sex land in his head. Bahahah!

    Should he attempt a shitty cover story, like maybe she’d asked him to stare?

    BAHAHAHA! Oh, yeah, that’d go down soooo well!

    Brian is giggly drunk, and I think Johnny threw up in the garden.”

    I’d pay such good money to see Brian giggly drunk… man, that would be so damn funny! And Johnny throwing up in the garden… well, that seems to fit perfectly for him. Hahaha. Won’t be long before Matt’s joining him!

    Aww, I like have their own special little bond. And I like how it’s more of a friends bond, rather than a brother/sister one. Obviously they couldn’t have sibling bond if he’s finding her attractive, but still, it’s nice to see they still have a close relationship. I also like how she’s quite open with him, without hesitation. I mean, she openly tells him that her last date was 6 months ago and that the guy felt her up… doubt she’d go blurting that out to her brother, since he probably wouldn’t want to hear it. But it’s awesome that she’s that comfortable with Matt, gives them lots of potential!

    I must admit, that even though this is just the first chapter, I’m already hooked. I really can’t wait for the next update, I can see this is going to be one awesome story! Really looking forward to seeing where you take it.
    July 12th, 2013 at 04:15pm
  • KaylahJ KAM

    KaylahJ KAM (100)

    United States
    I knew it was someone's sister! Aha I love this story already, can't wait for more Very Happy
    July 12th, 2013 at 12:28pm
  • akmo4725

    akmo4725 (100)

    United States
    Haha miss Kenna!! I love this story please continue it and update soon! Your writing style is already so amazing!!!
    July 12th, 2013 at 11:53am
  • fiction246

    fiction246 (100)

    Love this so far :) I will read anything you write, even if you typed out the phone book :P haha okay maybe not the phone book. But I really like it!!! Brian may kill Matt but I love it :) looking forward to more!!!! <3
    July 12th, 2013 at 11:31am