And Then There Was You - Comments

  • Death_to_Roses

    Death_to_Roses (100)

    United States
    I found this like a day ago and caught up and read the most recent update. I have to say...this has fast become one of my favorite stories ever. It's so beautiful and it makes me so devastatingly impatient and I love it for that! I wonder if everyone is eventually going to get used to the idea that she's not a child anymore, it irritates me so much. -.-
    July 24th, 2013 at 08:56am
  • Synful Cocktail

    Synful Cocktail (100)

    Class of 2015
    Oh my god, I love this! How I didn't know about this story a while ago, I don't know. But, I just love this.
    I love how you write and how it just flows- from one idea to the next.

    Luckily McKenna's not pregnant, I mean, Brian would have freaked out worse than before.
    July 24th, 2013 at 08:00am
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    Oh my God... Brian really needs to calm his tits. She's emotional enough as is. I'm a little saddened that McKenna didn't feel comfortable going to Matt first. I think he would've been supportive no matter what the outcome. Scared out of his mind, sure, but I can't imagine him leaving her high and dry or getting angry (after all, he's at fault, too). I'm relieved that it came out negative, though. They definitely don't need that right now. Here's hoping they learned their lesson and start being more careful, if they continue to do what they've been doing. I really don't want them to end but they can only handle so much. I have no idea what's going to happen now sdfjklds. At this point, all I can picture is a huge blood bath between Matt and Brian. The hole is getting deeper and I'm excited to see how they all get out of it.
    July 24th, 2013 at 07:58am
  • rainbowfeatherhat

    rainbowfeatherhat (100)

    United States
    All I can think is the shitty things Matt said to Brian about his 'fuck buddy' If Brian finds out.. wow. IF McKenna finds out... I don't even want to know. I feel like she is mature enough to handle Matt giving her a heads up about it..
    July 24th, 2013 at 07:36am
  • xSweet.Afterlifex

    xSweet.Afterlifex (100)

    United States

    That was just. Wow. My mind just got blown, I mean seriously. And as for Brian, so not how he needed to react to that. Way to be a good big brother. I'm only wondering what in the hell he would do if she was pregnant... just. I want more. NOW!
    July 24th, 2013 at 07:31am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Uh oh! I don't think Matt should be talking about McKenna like that (even if he's doing it to get Brian off his back) cos if Brian happens to mention any of these comments to McKenna she's gonna know its about her and she will get really upset. Maybe Matt should tell her what he's said and the proper reasons he said them so that she's prepared ... just in case? Wink.

    Please update again as soon as you can xx Mr. Green
    July 23rd, 2013 at 06:20pm
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    Stop making them so cute together, I am a mess!! No, but really, I love the way you write and I love how this couple that no one besides Zacky suspects is so natural and perfect, against all odds. I get that they've been friends for a long time but then there's the age difference and breaking out of the friendzone. So far, the "relationship" has come pretty easy, I think. Dare I say it was meant to be? ;] I'm so worried that things won't be sunshine and rainbows forever but I'm definitely enjoying all the fluff and sex happening in the present. I was covering my face in my hands and reading through my fingers because of Brian and his commentary on Matt's mysterious lady friend. Can't wait to see how he reacts when he realizes the teenage fuck toy is none other than his little sister. And poor Zack, caught up in all these lies and deception. I don't blame him for being upset, especially after Matt pretty much degraded McKenna in front of her brother. I'm sure he was only saying those things to get Brian off his back but still. If McKenna had heard what he said, I don't think she'd be as understanding. I hope Zack keeps his cool and doesn't end up outing them before they're ready for everyone to know. Looking forward to the next chapter! This story gets better and better with each update!!
    July 23rd, 2013 at 12:23pm
  • xSweet.Afterlifex

    xSweet.Afterlifex (100)

    United States

    If Zack only knew the truth. I mean seriously...just wow...

    And, I'm just waiting for Matt to blow and slam his fist into Brian's face and tell him what's really going on...
    July 22nd, 2013 at 01:18pm
  • amc0813

    amc0813 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm always so excited when this gets updated, but then I want to cry because I have to wait two days until the next update! This is such a great, creative story. Thanks for sharing it with us :)
    July 22nd, 2013 at 01:14pm
  • Quizzical Miss

    Quizzical Miss (100)

    These two really are head over heels for each other! That formidable ‘L’ word is bound to pop up at any moment! They can barely stand to be apart for a couple of days, let alone not touch each other! I mean for shit sake… he’s jealous that he can’t touch her but her own brother can! They’re in it deep! Oh… and aren’t they incredibly reckless and stupid!

    Zacky’s fucking hilarious barging into the laundry to break them up… Hahaha!!
    He’s unconventional in his approach, but in a way, he genuinely cares about what happens… I dunno if it’s for selfish reasons –what will happen to the band if there is a major falling out, which there inevitably will be… or if he’s concerned about his friend’s safety… I’m leaning towards the both of them at the moment, but either way, he’s definitely going about it the wrong way… telling someone not to do something, whether he pulls Matt into the grips of reality or not, is like telling a kid they can’t have any candy when you take them into a candy store… It’s pointless and stupid because they are more likely to do it!

    “Your sweet teenage fuck toy” – Man, I want to punch Brian in the face… what a crass asshole!
    Oh it just gets worse! What a sick prick! Is he lacking in that department or something? … Michelle –see to that shit!
    He is the one whose words and attitude need punishment, not what Matt and Mac are doing! That is disgusting, Brian! He’s now at cocky and sick-drunk… I much preferred the giggly-drunk version! He’s not only being ignorant, he’s now fuelling Zacky’s hate fire (and Matt doesn’t do much better)! He is gonna regret his words… Hardcore!

    I HATE that Matt is going along with what Brian’s saying… and playing it down to Zacky… that really does piss me off… he’s not only lying to his friends, but lying to himself- especially given that he’s been freaking out about this relationship to Zacky all along! It will mean an even bigger downfall when the shit hits the fan… Brian will remember those words, and they will fuel his hate even more!

    Matt’s need for Mac is pretty freaking intense. At first, it annoys me that he’s going straight for it, but then something makes me change my opinion on it. It’s like he needs her re-assurance- that things are still the same, that they are still something, that what they are and have, hasn’t ended yet.

    He’s having this internal struggle where he’s saying that what he’s doing should bother him… but it doesn’t, not anymore. It’s like he’s still trying to see Zack’s P.O.V. but can’t make himself do it… he wants to remain ignorant of it or something…

    It’s a huge reminder that Mac is so young when she gets bashful over birth control. It reminds us that she is still inexperienced, that her confidence only stretches so far. It’s refreshing :) It’s also cute that Matt wants that with her –he wants that honour of being that intimate with her… even if he did pick the wrong moment to think about his ex… He’s in love with Mac!

    Marking each other is just another reminder that they are so much more invested in this than they are trying to let on… they are kidding themselves if they even try to toy with the notion that they are just casual fuck-buddies… It’s never been like that, ever… and it certainly never will be! They know this.

    Mac needs Matt just as much as he needs her and I honestly can’t see this ending simply, no matter what Brian does, no matter what happens with anybody else… They are just along for the ride now!

    Those are my thoughts currently, as choppy as they are! Bring on the imminent bashing- I'm rather looking forward to it now... Matt kinda deserves it for agreeing with his crass comments and downplaying everything!!
    July 22nd, 2013 at 12:23pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Jeez, those two are living dangerous! Running off into the laundry to have a hot make out session? Ballsy! I don’t know if I’d risk getting caught… but then, if I had to be around the guy I was crazy about and couldn’t act like it, I’d probably go a little stir crazy too. Haha.

    "You must be fucking crazy, because this is Brian's house, and Brian's birthday party! And this house is full of people who would kick your ass!"

    He has a point… hahaha.

    "Man, it's fine. It's casual. I like her, and she likes me. She's not a kid."

    Oh, Matt… in what fricken universe could this be considered “casual”? He just said that it hurt because he hadn’t seen and/or touched her in 3 days… that’s not casual. That’s anything but. He’s kidding himself if he really believes it’s just casual and other people aren’t going to get hurt and be severely affected by what he’s doing.

    On that note, I can’t help but fully understand and even kind of back the way that Zacky is dead-set against what’s going on now. I mean, he’s afraid of the consequences of Matt’s hook up with McKenna… because we all know Brian is going to be far from okay with it. And what will that mean for their friendship? Or the band, for that matter? Especially when Matt’s telling him it means nothing and is just a casual fling… well, if it doesn’t mean anything, is it really worth the risk of destroying friendships and even breaking up the band? As a reader, I can see that it’s more than a fling, but if Matt keeps insisting to Zack it’s not, well then he can’t be blamed for not liking it.

    "Your sweet teenage fuck toy!"

    Oh, Brian… no. Just… no.

    Wow… I don’t know what disgusts me more. The unknowingly crude comments from Brian about his little sister or the fact that Matt went along with it and called her an easy fuck. I get that he’s just trying to shut Brian up, but agreeing… no. You don’t do that. I’m with Zack, I want to punch Matt in the face. He’s being a dick and I honestly look forward to Brian beating the shit out of him… at this point it’s going to be damn well deserved.

    The way he comes in and just jumps on her seems to me like he’s desperately trying to remind himself that this is all it is between them… like he’s trying to prove that what he said to Zack is true and he’s not falling in love with her. He’s very all over the place at times, he’s fretting about losing her, but at the same time it feels like he’s trying to trick himself into believing that it was only ever a fling and nothing more, to justify why he’s taking such big risks doing what he’s doing.

    Well, based on their love making (I can’t call it a sex scene, coz it just seemed to personal for it to be just sex) they’re gonna be in for some big trouble come the day they need to let each other go. I mean, I’m glad they’re making the most of their time, but it’s not gonna take long before this little bubble they’ve been living in to burst and turn their lives upside down.

    She’s gonna have to go back to school, he’ll eventually have to record a new album then tour to promote… so even I they tried to keep it going, they’re gonna be kept apart a lot. Not to mention I can’t foresee Brian accepting them in a relationship anytime soon.

    So many obstacles.

    Btw, I’m sorry for this messy comment… I realise I go back and forth on the subject of Matt and McKenna being in a real relationship a lot, but it’s just coz they frustrate me! Haha. I do hope for a happy ending for them… just not sure at this point that there can be one!
    July 22nd, 2013 at 11:45am
  • fiction246

    fiction246 (100)

    I love and hate when this gets updated. I love it because I have another chapter to read but I hate it because I know that the moment I read it I will have to wait two days until another chapter comes haha this is really awesome!! I wish Matt wouldn't go along with what Brian says because when Brian does find out, Matt pretty much made it sound like she means nothing to him. And oh my gosh if she falls pregnant I don't know what I will do!!! Can't wait for more :) <3
    July 22nd, 2013 at 10:13am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    She was art, right there underneath him, and he was slowly becoming her biggest fan.
    Such a simple, yet unique way of describing his feelings towards her. Brilliant!

    I really lived this chapter, they are both developing some serious feelings for each other now aren't they! I can see where Zacky is coming from and, of/when Brian finds out he will be more than pissed too, but wouldn't they prefer their "baby" sister to be with someone like Matt? I mean, they've known him for years, they know he would look after her and treat her right. Better that than some random guy who could hurt her.

    I've never once thought about this pairing but I'm loving them together! Them again, it could just be the way you write them together that I've fallen in love with. I thought things couldn't get any better after reading your Bratt stories, I was wrong! I've absolutely fallen head over heels in love with this story! I love the way you write them both, as well as the other guys you really have their personalities and mannerisms down to anT!

    Perfect update!
    July 22nd, 2013 at 08:00am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    I just read this and I love it! Keep up the great work!!!!! :-)
    July 22nd, 2013 at 07:45am
  • AlizabethGraves

    AlizabethGraves (100)

    United States
    <3 Love it love it love it <3 Please write more soon! <3
    July 22nd, 2013 at 06:19am
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    Oh hell, McKenna is going to tell her brother because he will take it better since it's coming from her?! NEGATIVE. Brian will kick Matts ass that much harder because he had to hear it from his baby sister instead of his best friend. Shits going to hit the fan!
    July 22nd, 2013 at 12:46am
  • AJ9

    AJ9 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh I am so looking forward to when Bri finds out Wink!! Please update again soon xx
    July 21st, 2013 at 01:51am
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    I'm facepalming at how clueless Brian is but then again, my best friend wouldn't be the first person I'd suspect in his situation, so I understand. I hate that McKenna has to leave, though. I really, really hope she and Matt can find a way to work around the distance and stay together. Even if a relationship wasn't in the plan when they started hooking up, they're too perfect for each other to move on like they were nothing. Lovely chapter as always!
    July 20th, 2013 at 11:38pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    You know what’s funny? Every time I see the title of your story, I can’t help but since “Til there was you..” the song the little old lady sings on The Wedding Singer. I know it’s not your title, but it’s close enough that I make that connection. Hahaha.

    Oh, Zack… you little shit stirrer! He’s so loving making Matt squirm by asking Brian questions about McKenna, baiting him into reminding everyone how overprotective of his little sister he is. I especially loved that it also got Matt so on edge that Brian felt the need to follow and make sure everything is okay… oh, what a tangled web Matt weaves!

    I really couldn’t help but cringe when Matt told Brian that he was sleeping with a younger woman. With every word that fell out of Brian’s mouth after that, all I could think is that he’s going to remember this conversation when he finds out and he is going to want to be sick… before he buries that feeling long enough to castrate the singer.

    Whilst I think it’s adorable that Matt gave McKenna a key to his place and also great for the relationship, I can’t help but think that’s going to come back and severely bite him in the ass. I mean, it’s hard to inconspicuous if Brian happens to be visiting and McKenna lets herself in… possibly calling out something inappropriate and causing a massive drama to unfold. Argh… I can’t wait!

    This wasn't meant to be a relationship.

    Aww, honey… it’s a bit too late for that. I mean, honestly, did he ever really believe it could just be a fling? As he’s said himself, he respects her too much to sleep with her and cast her aside… and she already admitted to having a crush on him when she was younger. So honestly, I don’t believe that she isn’t already falling in love with him… not mention his feelings are growing pretty damn strong too!

    She’s not really that naïve to believe that Brian won’t care that she’s sleeping with Matt, is she? Because she’s gonna get a rude shock if she is. Even if Brian wasn’t the over-protective big brother, no guy would like the idea of their close mate and their sister hooking up.

    Hell, I think that applies to all siblings… I speak from personal experience. I was far from over joyed when I found out my older brother and my best friend had hooked up. Let’s just hope that with time, Brian learns to deal, like I did. Haha.

    Alright, so she’s not totally naïve, that’s good. Haha.

    Nawww! I loved it when he asked if she was his girl… that was so incredibly adorable. It was so freaking cute how he managed to sound nervous and anything but the confident man he appears to be, then the next sentence he’s back to being a confident and self-assured man.

    Haha, I love how they’re so comfortable sitting and talking about their cherry popping’s with no insecurities or discomfort. It’s another moment that just screams to me that they’re meant to be more than just fuck buddies… regardless of their age gap. They have a real bond, one that could be something totally amazing.

    He opened his mouth to ask her to stay, when her phone rang.

    Call me crazy… but I’m glad that he was interrupted before he could ask that. He can’t ask that of her, it’s far too much pressure on such a new relationship. And it’s not something he can fairly ask of her anyways… she needs to go back to college, she can’t stay just for him. She’d never ask him not to tour, so he should do the same and not ask her to give up her studies—or even postpone them.

    He put a smile on his face, and promised that he’d never make her feel guilty for going back to school. He was going to have to deal with his emotions without getting her involved.

    Good boy. I know it’s hard and painful, but it’s the fairest option. I mean, he can tell her he’s sorry to see her go and I hope they do try to make a go of it… but asking her to stay wouldn’t work. What would she be staying for? He’d have to eventually go back on tour and she’d be the one at home, with nothing to distract her. That can’t happen.

    Anywho, loving where this is going and hope it doesn’t end too soon!
    July 20th, 2013 at 03:58pm
  • fiction246

    fiction246 (100)

    Aww I don't want her to go back to school :( and they seriously need to tell Brian!!! I love this pairing you are doing a great job!!!
    July 20th, 2013 at 03:26pm