Just My Luck - Comments

  • I love Kylie and Jon together. Cheaters don't deserve to get the girl!!
    November 16th, 2013 at 04:00am
  • Loved to see it from Patrick's pov.
    November 16th, 2013 at 12:35am
  • so are like pat and Kylie ever gonna get back together cuz i hope they do!! and great chapter! ! ! !
    November 15th, 2013 at 11:07pm
  • I love this story, it's something that you don't see often on mibba. I wish you'd update it soon. It might not have a lot of chapters posted but it's one of my favorites on this site.
    November 10th, 2013 at 07:29am
  • Hi!
    This is the best sharpie story I’ve come across in my 16 years of life. To my dismay I haven’t figured out what could potentially be happening next… I mean from the looks of it Kylie still loves Patrick and Jonny might (MIGHT) have developed some feelings for Kylie. I hope you plan on updating this story soon because I think you have one hell of a story! Oh and What the heck is Pats problem Kylie is super hot how could he cheat on her when they were engaged and with Carrie of all people...
    Wink Wink Wink Update Soon Please :)
    October 5th, 2013 at 12:18pm
  • I think Pat still needs to suffer, but for some reason I hope they end up together. Even though I love Jon.
    August 23rd, 2013 at 06:39pm
  • Great update!!! I hope she never goes back to Patrick!!! Cheaters should never get the girl!!!
    August 21st, 2013 at 10:21pm
  • Update soon please!!
    August 20th, 2013 at 08:34am
  • I think something bad is bound to happen when Jon and Kylie go away together. I would like to think that Patrick still loves her.
    oh god! this is just frustrating. Why can't Pat and Kylie just admit that they love each other, it would just make my life so much easier... or maybe not, i feel the need to remind myself that this is fiction.
    great chapter, keep up the great writing and UPDATE SOON!!!
    August 12th, 2013 at 04:14pm
  • Please Update!
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:59am
  • Absolutely LOVE this story!
    August 3rd, 2013 at 10:12am
  • I am definitely rethinking this whole Team Pig thing... Lol.

    However, I giggled when they were making out with that ring in his pocket and I was waiting for her to say "is that a gun in your pocket or are you that excited to see me?" hahahaha. Gotta love my love -hint sarcasm- for cliches.

    He frowned, “I was going to wait until after we did it, but uh…”

    I've honestly never laughed SO hard. In a good way, of course. What's sad is that I kind of pictured him actually saying this but with a sheepish smile. Lol.

    Wow, wow, wow! This flashback overall was fantastic and it gives us a feel for what Kylie's and Patrick's relationship was like before that whole fiasco. I've been waiting for this chapter! :) It makes the reader hurt more for Kylie just because of how in love they were and how they had this impenetrable relationship together and it's like 'WTF, why did you leave such an amazing girl?!' -sigh-

    Patrick is such a goober. That's all I have to say but you know how I feel for him. Lol. I am definitely shifting more towards Jon... Not to be on Team Jon but for Kylie to have some fun, be loved, and most importantly to get her revenge. After all, women are conniving little things you never want to piss off.

    AND, I thought you executed the contained smut perfectly. A good balance of playfulness that we see.

    PS. I feel like I'm betraying the pig. Oy vey.
    August 3rd, 2013 at 03:57am
  • Great Flashback!!!
    August 3rd, 2013 at 02:06am
  • They seemed really in love and just s'cute. Again pat is a first class idiot for breaking up with kylie. Great chapter, keep up the great writing and update soon!
    August 2nd, 2013 at 11:50pm
  • aw the flashback chapter was cute
    August 2nd, 2013 at 11:23pm
  • I love it <3
    August 2nd, 2013 at 11:05pm
  • Great chapter. Cheaters are jerks though and I hope her heart can let him go forever!!
    August 2nd, 2013 at 10:31pm
  • This story is so amazing!!!!
    July 29th, 2013 at 07:40am
  • yay! i got so excited when my phone told me this was updated, you have nooo idea! alright, so this chapter made me feel all kinds things...

    first, sheer happiness because even with this whole mess with her and p. sharp she is finding herself again and realizing that she still has her friends (nik, elina, jon, p. kane, etc.). she is finally getting into that routine of being happy again and trying not to let her sadness get the best of her.

    second, hopeful because patrick is now taking interests in kylie's personal life when she sees her at the club with jon. although she has a point when she says "Once you cheat on a woman, it is none of your business on who she talks to." AMEN to that. but you can't help but wonder if he still loves kylie and why he would leave her if he still gets wary that she is with other men that aren't him. what is his problem?

    and last but not least is sadness for kylie. my heart aches for her because it's clear she is still deeply in love with patrick and it's maddening to have to live in the same city as him and run into him without trying. i also wanted to cry for her when she talked about her engagement ring and how she felt incomplete without it on when she tried to take it off... oy.

    i loved when jon used the word 'provocative' instead of 'hot' or 'sexy' to explain elina's wardrobe. he is one classy man. it made me giggle at his choice of words and then all of a sudden we see a whole other side of him when he tells kylie to wear one of the dresses she tires on because... “The top half looks really nice.” -- WHAT? DIED. captain serious knows how to get his flirt on.

    i am super excited for the next chapter and finally getting a feel for the old kylie and patrick together. i know it's only the third chapter but i feel something huge and emotional simmering. i can only hope though, hahaha. and i definitely saw elina and nik's wedding pics on tumblr. god, everything was gorgeous. gahh! okay, enough of my novel-like comment. your grammar and structure is on point, so keep up the amazing work!

    ps. even though jon is completely perfect. i'm still on team pig! oink :)
    July 29th, 2013 at 03:30am
  • Can't believe he had the nerve to talk to her. I want to stab the sh*t out of him... Anyway, great chapter and update soon :)
    July 25th, 2013 at 12:14pm