La Fille Forte - Comments

  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    This is absolutely amazing. I like the way you show the emotion into this. The way Belle knows what she is doing is wrong, but yet she still does it. She reasons to herself why she is doing what she knows is wrong.

    I guess i just look the characters in the story. they are so well thought out. It makes them seem more real than some characters that I have read in stories.

    I love your attention to the detail in the story. I love stories with really good details. You don't but things too soon, but you give enough to know what is going on. That's wonderful.

    Okay, I love the title. I speak French so it was wonderful that I immediately knew what it was. So that's something that I like. You also did the placement of forte perfect.

    I love the layout as well. It is really good. It's simple and not overdone. That is something that I applaud you for. It's really good.

    Overall the story is amazing, and that you are a talented reader. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day:)
    August 14th, 2013 at 04:44pm
  • Theo Rossi;

    Theo Rossi; (150)

    United States
    This is absolutely amazing. I like the way you show the emotion into this. The way Belle knows what she is doing is wrong, but yet she still does it. She reasons to herself why she is doing what she knows is wrong.

    I guess i just look the characters in the story. they are so well thought out. It makes them seem more real than some characters that I have read in stories.

    I love your attention to the detail in the story. I love stories with really good details. You don't but things too soon, but you give enough to know what is going on. That's wonderful.

    Okay, I love the title. I speak French so it was wonderful that I immediately knew what it was. So that's something that I like. You also did the placement of forte perfect.

    I love the layout as well. It is really good. It's simple and not overdone. That is something that I applaud you for. It's really good.

    Overall the story is amazing, and that you are a talented reader. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day:)
    August 14th, 2013 at 04:44pm
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    Ah, your character names confused me until I realized they're all girls. And after I looked at the character page. tehe

    First let's talk about this layout, because girl, this one is so freaking gorgeous. Your layouts always are, but I adore this one.

    I like how everything in this story is simple. You don't add an overly large amount of detail, so we can focus on the characters and the relationship between all of them. I like how all of your characters are so different, as well. I like Joey's carefree and breezy personality, and I actually quite dislike Sam. She seems really annoying to me. She's an interesting character, but she's the type of person I wouldn't like being around. And then there's Belle, who I don't quite have an opinion on yet.

    But yes, I love this plot so far, which isn't surprising at all because everything you write it amazing, and I'm sure excited to see where this goes.
    August 8th, 2013 at 07:50pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    This is such a good story. One of the few where I can see and understand why there is cheating. I don't like Sam.I don't know what it is about her but I just don't. Maybe because she reminds me of myself. I'm bashful, punctual, and when pissed I get what my bf calls 'distant'. I like Joey, I love how carefree and wild she seems to be. Then there's Belle, the middle, I guess I could say. I don't dislike her, I like her enough. I can't wait to see how everything turns out. You've done a great job with the characters so far,I can see why you really like them. Beautiful layout, by the way.
    August 7th, 2013 at 09:26pm
  • Snow.White.Queen.

    Snow.White.Queen. (100)

    One question played on my mind while I read this, how do you make such catatonically good layouts!? They really are beautiful. I love how you started this out, you make your use of language stay simple, yet it still draws the reader in. Your summary is so short and snappy, yet it made me want to read, I cad to find out what this story was all about, and I'm glad I did. I dislike Joey, for reason that I'm not quite sure of, he just doesn't strike me as a likable person. I really can't wait to read more of this, good job!
    August 7th, 2013 at 05:44pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm going to be 100% honest, I only clicked on this because my mind automatically connects forte to music and I was interested. Obviously, my mind is wired incorrectly, but the layout (how do you make such amazing layouts?) kept me intrigued.

    I love Joey as a character. She just seems so devil-may-care and it really interests me. The fact that she interests the narrator so much that she ends up cheating just seems so very...well, usually I'd have a range of names to throw at Joey AND the narrator, but there seems to be something more there for the narrator than just a casual fling and that is what I think intrigues me the most. The startling change in character from Joey to Sam makes me wonder about the narrator as well. What's her type? Would she prefer Sam, or does she prefer Joey? I think she likes them both in individual ways, so I think it'd be nice to see what happens with that and how you handle the whole love triangle sort of thing.

    I actually only came here to give you your second rec from your prize, but I decided that I liked this so much that I had to comment, haha!
    August 7th, 2013 at 04:30pm
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    Giving a full review, I'll start with why I decided to read this. The title. Yes, it's that simple. I liked the title because I love French. Upon clicking it, I had fallen in love with the layout (though I do think there could be less space between "La fille forte") it's pretty perfect!

    The summary is so simple. It gives so much to the reader, yet nothing at all. So many things ran through my head and I knew I had to keep reading, so I could find out what was going to happen.

    The first chapter itself, though short, was rather intense. There was so much going on it seemed. Not really in the sense of changes, but a lot of information is given to you there. Your writing instantly makes Joey a character I did not like; unable to wrap my head around why she'd treat someone like that. I definitely want to see more of this so I can find out what happens with Sam!
    August 5th, 2013 at 09:56pm
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    Loved this! My computer must have too since it keeps sending the comment. I am so, so sorry for the spam!
    August 5th, 2013 at 09:55pm
  • laredo.

    laredo. (100)

    United States
    This is a great start, boo. I look forward to the rest of this. You wrote up some characters that are pretty intriguing. :)
    July 28th, 2013 at 06:28am