Boys and Broadway Do Not Mix - Comments

  • Oh my god I can't believe it. I love this story!! Please don't leave me hanging that long again, update soon.
    July 3rd, 2014 at 10:36pm
  • @Writer in the Rye
    I was just wondering what type of song MorganxWill should sing? Country (Taylor Swift, Lady Antebellum), Rock (One Republic, Goo Goo Dolls), or Soundtrack (Wicked, Rent). PLEASE I NEED HELP
    October 12th, 2013 at 12:37am
  • @onlyme_1998
    Thanks so much!
    July 19th, 2013 at 03:34pm
  • Oh my goodness, this is wondeful, beautiful set up and I cant to read more!(:
    July 19th, 2013 at 03:24pm
  • Just got your friend request :) That sounds wonderful! You're a talented writer and I just read your other story which is really good as well :) Don't ever, ever, ever stop writing! :)
    July 19th, 2013 at 03:20pm
  • First of all I must say this is a lovely story :) You are such natural writer, and it was a real pleasure to read this :) I love the concept you've chosen, you portray it in a completely different way, and it's truly a breath of fresh air for me. Usually Broadway stories have at least one unlikable character who gets caught up in all the fame. I however, find both of your characters extremely likable to the point I've fallen in love with them both :) I love the names you've chosen and they each have there one quirks and aspects that I truly do love. They're not by any means boring, and it makes all the difference that they're falling for each other because of the fact they're both so developed. Will has to be the sweetest guy ever, like seriously, why can't I date him? ;D I love reading in POV and some of your details make me curl up in my chair and blush because they're just so gosh-darn cute. For example, "She seemed a bit surprised that I had called her beautiful, which hurt me. Morgan's the most amazing girl ever". Awwwwwwwweeeeeeeee :) I cannot WAIT for more, you are a talented writer and you're obviously going places.

    I wrote a few chapters of my original fiction, "Quiescence", it would mean the entire world to me if you reviewed it :) Only if you want to of course! We have the same writing style, both as younger authors, so I just thought you'd enjoy it :) Only if you want to of course ;D

    Anyways, the first thing that drew me into your story was your title. New York is such a magical city for a story to take place so by placing it there and having the title you do made me so hopeful to what was to come :) I can't wait for more, I made sure to recommend :D

    God Bless!!


    July 19th, 2013 at 03:00pm