Secret Smile - Comments

  • @ bxgurl95
    Thank you! I really appreciate your kind words :)
    September 26th, 2013 at 10:31am
  • Wow this couldn't have been a more perfect set up for the sequel. It was short and sweet but powerful.
    September 26th, 2013 at 04:59am
  • @ BlueDreams
    That's what I'm going to do. It's not the same but it will have to do lol
    July 29th, 2013 at 04:32pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    This was what I thought about dear but you can change whatever you'd like :)
    Owww, just takes a few notes haha I can't wait!
    July 29th, 2013 at 03:24pm
  • @ BlueDreams
    Oh okay. That makes sense. I was wondering what came first and all that haha idk if I would do a flashback but its good to see where they all came from and such. It's so sad that I can't type anything right now XD I have to wait until next week
    July 29th, 2013 at 02:47pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    I was thinking that Paty and Cinnie met first. Then Paty met Tom through the acting business and introduced him to Cinnie.
    July 29th, 2013 at 12:37pm
  • @ BlueDreams
    Thanks. I'm happy that I got you pretty good :)
    I see. Well I didn't expect it to be dramatic exit or anything. Things like great opportunities get in the way and actually have people moving all around. Having that opportunity is once in a life time.
    that makes total sense. So wait. When did she meet Cinnie? The same time as Tom?
    I will work with it
    July 29th, 2013 at 05:04am
  • @ teenagedream91
    Aww darling, thank you! You have a pretty good hold of me, I can tell you.
    When I was writing, she basically left for the US because she got her book deal there and because it was home for her. Nothing dramatic.
    Hm.. well, they met when they did Hamlet together, he was Hamlet and she was Ophelia. But after about 3/4 performances, he left to do Sherlock. 'Ironically', he never really stopped going to see Hamlet when he could, just to see her. She introduced Ben to Tom, because she met Tom first along with Cinnie, and she has developed the most immense crush over Ben with time. You can explore this to any field you wish really but as you saw, I just wrote them being cute together but not a couple, at least now yet.
    July 29th, 2013 at 04:01am
  • @ BlueDreams
    Well thanks XD I do the same when I write about you lol. I have a feeling you are quirky and all and very loving so it's a nice dynamic to have you and me together.
    Ah thanks for clearing that up. Yeah with those years passing by they surely changed :) of course I want to go more in depth with Cinnie and Tom more so Cinnie and see where it goes. She won't have a tragic background that's for sure. Most of my characters do lol because I'm so used to having dark stories and all. It won't be so bad I guess. I will go to you when it comes to Ben and Paty. I'm a little iffy on their relationship. Care to elaborate on it?
    July 29th, 2013 at 03:54am
  • @ teenagedream91
    Hahaha but I actually thought about you when I was writing it and I was like 'uhh she's probably say this'.
    I mean they were all friends, the three of them but Cinnie left at a ground breaking point and they both missed a lot of evolution from each other so they need to 'meet' each other again. Oh that is interesting and given that there is also another couple, if you need any help, let me know :)
    July 29th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • @ BlueDreams
    I think it's pretty spot on lol I'm pretty cool and reserved and I can be goofy and have a dry sense of humor. Also when Cinnie picked on Tom with the Harry potter example was spot on except I never read the series lol
    I'm interested too lol I'm just wondering where I am going to take it. I have a few things way in the future I have that could possibly happen. Not ground breaking but some drama. It will be a sweet story though. Won't be dark...won't be too dark since they really don't know each other. That's the dilemma. They like or love each other and they have no clue who the other is really. Hopefully I can emphasize on that.
    July 29th, 2013 at 03:20am
  • @ teenagedream91
    I know! I tried to imagine us together and I quite liked what it ended up coming out.
    I'm honestly very curious to see where you take it, it has potential for several ways. It is hard yes, but it can work out.
    Exactly, it's only far as well.
    July 29th, 2013 at 02:59am
  • @ BlueDreams
    It is quite funny and I feel like our friendship would be like that too lol I'm pretty mellow and usually don't spaz out unless I'm drunk or something or sugar high. We will say it went somewhere lol if I do write the story I will go a little more in depth with both couples and see where it takes them. But yeah the dilemma and such for Cinnie and Tom is something I always wanted to write a story like this but it was hard.
    It is since they all go by their shorter versions of their names it seems logical for her too
    July 28th, 2013 at 08:49pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    Thank you darling! I'm happy that you like it.
    And yes, their friendship is actually quite funny and well... let's assume that Paty also got what she wanted that night. I didn't give it much thought, really. But yes, you are definitely at will to pick them all up and write something of your own.
    I think Cinnie fits perfectly, I mean everyone says Paty, Ben abd Tom so full names are only for extreme cases haha
    July 28th, 2013 at 06:00pm
  • @ BlueDreams
    Don't be anxious haha I always love your work and you did a fantastic job. I love it :) yes I would love to work with it if you don't mind. The characters I just adore lol Paty and Cinnie have an interesting friendship and its funny how both girls got what they wanted or I am assuming Paty got what she wanted when they went their separate ways lol
    It was sweet, cute and cheesy. I don't care. I was too in love with it to care because it was so adorable lol yeah Cinnie is a real name and some people call me that but the popular one is Cin. A lot of people call me that. I'll use that as her name. I probably won't use her full name unless its necessary when she's in trouble and such lol other than that it's Cinnie :)
    July 28th, 2013 at 03:26pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    Thank you darling! I was so anxious to hear your thoughts eheh.
    And YES! Now that you mention it, this could be a story and I hand it to you if you want it :)
    I tried my best not to be too cheesy, I swear but ahh it ended up being sweet and cute and cheesy in a way.
    Really? Hahah I think that Cinnie is so cute! :3 I used Cinnie because I love it :)
    July 28th, 2013 at 01:01pm
  • Nah darling it was great. I was grinning ear to ear and seriously could make this a full blown story :) god I am so inspired lately. Maybe it's the Minnesota air and mixture of comic con but everything is just flying out of my mind. I feel like I could write a decent story out of this if you let me :) or at least toy with it and see if I can if my muse is still there when I get back home. It was adorable and I just loved it. Your cheesiness is one of the ones I do love usually I don't like cheesiness because people tend to write it overbearingly but not you. I loved it as my present and I will be reading this a lot lol the dynamic and back story is brilliant and her being a writer is amazing :) I love how you don't use my full name and Cinnie is a name actually lol never met anyone with the name but someone in my workbook in some class was XD god I wish I had a computer so I can start writing. I guess I have to wait until next week
    July 28th, 2013 at 04:05am