Diary of a Lonely Emo Princess Who Has Everything but Hates Everyone and Everything - Comments

  • laredo.

    laredo. (100)

    United States
    Alright, so my favorite thing about this is how ridiculously ridiculous it is. It's so overdone but that really adds to it. It reminds me of something I would read in my Quizilla days, and I like that you're making fun of that, you know?

    Everything about this is clever and funny. I found myself laughing at how silly it was throughout all of it. I like how this is a joke. It's a cute idea, and unique that you are doing this. Overall, I did like the idea of the story and I like your descriptions. It kind of reads like a fairy tale, but a strange type of fairy tale. Well done, hahaha.
    August 6th, 2013 at 07:15pm