A Single Daffodil - Comments

  • I thought this was the end
    April 5th, 2016 at 05:55am
  • I'm still waiting on an update! Hopefully we don't have to wait much longer!
    March 5th, 2016 at 05:43am
  • When is the next update??
    August 24th, 2015 at 05:48pm
  • .....
    May 10th, 2015 at 09:19am
  • @ McQueen
    nine months and seventeen days... I'll wait if I have to.
    April 23rd, 2015 at 10:58pm
  • @ iggy315

    @ SmileLoudly

    @ Dani.Love.

    @ nicolem

    @ AVN

    HEY Y'ALL!! I'm so sorry it took me THIS long to get back to you. I've probably re-written the last chapter of this story a million times--I've had a serious case of the writer's block. I feel so bad and i apologize but it IS almost done! Also, the reason I've taken so long to post it because I wanted to post a link at the end...

    Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
    April 6th, 2015 at 08:41pm
  • @ iggy315

    @ SmileLoudly

    @ Dani.Love.

    @ nicolem

    @ AVN

    HEY Y'ALL!! I'm so sorry it took me THIS long to get back to you. I've probably re-written the last chapter of this story a million times--I've had a serious case of the writer's block. I feel so bad and i apologize but it IS almost done! Also, the reason I've taken so long to post it because I wanted to post a link at the end...

    Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
    April 6th, 2015 at 08:39pm
  • Your killing me! Please post the next chapter!!!
    March 11th, 2015 at 07:19am
    March 7th, 2015 at 02:59am
  • Im begging here. Please update. I'm dying to find out what happens.
    December 5th, 2014 at 11:54pm
  • I really hope that you are able to finish this story. It has SO much going for it, It's so well set up, and is super addictive- Which is why I am having major withdrawals!!
    November 16th, 2014 at 06:35am
  • Pleeeeease don't leave this story hanging like When Harry Met Luna. I'm still waiting for an update btw. Haha
    October 18th, 2014 at 07:41pm
  • So I just wanted to let you know that I just reread chapter 18, the one where Vita officially says goodbye to Harry. I read it because recently I have gone through a similar situation in my own life.

    I fell for a British man this summer that I met at the camp I worked at. We traveled the east coast of the U.S. together for a month after we were done with the camp as well. We experienced so many new things together while having good laughs and plenty of good fights. We spent every minute of every day together for that month. And it was a wild ride.

    On the day we took our separate ways we talked about what was happening between us and what was going to happen. We both discussed how everything felt great between us. Not only that but how it felt right that is was happening. He told me that it was kinda like a relationship that we evolved into without even realizing it. But in the best way possible.

    However, both of us had the thoughts just like Vita did. What we had was wonderful, but idea of trying to make it work across seas was too painful to bare. We just don't have the time or money to see each other while living overseas.

    What I wanted to tell you was that you captured the goodbye in the most perfect way. The conflict that Vita was feeling, that Harry was feeling mirrored me and my guy to a "T." The heartache of knowing this would be the last time you see this person again is not an easy thing to write out. It takes bravery like no other, and nearly destroys you when the time comes to walk away from that person.

    If only endings like this story actually happen in my life. However, I feel this is not the case for this guy and I. Life moves on anyway!

    Kudos for writing that chapter so beautifully though. You genuinely have a real talent, please keep up with your writing!
    October 8th, 2014 at 02:35am
  • Hope you're enjoying your new apartment and you come back and update soon!
    September 23rd, 2014 at 03:01pm
  • Please don't tell me you forgot about it because I haven't forgotten about that one more chapter that I am dying to read
    September 13th, 2014 at 01:26pm
  • hope you update soon! :)
    August 12th, 2014 at 09:37am
  • This is like my favorite story ever. As soon as she found out that there were no more daffodils I was like Harry has to be up to something!! So excited for the last chapter. I hope that the important note at the end is that there will be a sequel!! Mr. Green Very Happy
    August 10th, 2014 at 08:25am
  • So I'm a quiet reader but I know how important it is for writers to receive comments. So.... HELL YES!! Really loved this chapter - Harry's grand gesture and all it was quite amazing :3 I hope things work out for these two characters :)
    August 2nd, 2014 at 10:44pm
  • I would just like to say that I've been following this story for awhile, but then I 'paused' at the Toodles My Poodles! chapter a few months ago, and just spent the last four hours catching up to the story.

    I think it's really important to tell you that I legitimately cried and sobbed real tears during Saint Malo (Part I) and A Single Daffodil. I think it has something to do with how Vita's relationship with Grandpa Gene is relatable to my own, but I... I just... I don't know.

    Also, I was wondering the whole time why Harry responded the way he did when Vita poured her heart out, but I realised that he was just being the perfect gentleman that he is by choosing not to 'cheat' on anyone. Like, imagine how fucked up their relationship will be if Harry had kissed her right then and there.

    Ughh, hands down one of my all-time favourite fan fictions! Thanks so much for writing it, it's beautiful! I can't wait for the icing on the cake (aka Chapter 40 eep!) and I'll def. be waiting for any new stories you're preparing! :)
    July 28th, 2014 at 09:59pm
  • Hiya.

    So, I stumbled upon this story while doing some editor-type browsing through the story section last night. I must admit, I kind of judge a story by it's cover...or, in Mibbas case, by the layout. If there's a nice, cute, well put together layout, I'll more often times than not try out the story regardless of how long it is. It was late last night when I found this and I was exhausted, so I told myself, "If there's bad grammar, if it's loose, if it's obvious or floppy... I'm done, and going to sleep."

    Weee-helll, it was none of those things. In fact, it was so incredibly beautifully written with such a hooking plot, I fell asleep reading this and when I woke up this morning, I knew I had to finish it today.
    And I did, about two minutes ago.

    This entire time I've been begging for a reconciliation between Vita and her father. My dad is a cop, so he's gone a lot. We rarely see each other, and when we do there's usually very few words shared between us. I could really connect with her on that level, more than any other quality, I think. I was so relieved there was a reconciliation, like, I can't even tell you.

    A fun little note to also throw in, is I've been listening to Muse the entire time I've been reading the story. For some reason, the band really fits the story mood for me. I've not the slightest clue how or why, but it just... does.

    I adore everything about this story, also. I'm usually extremely wary of One Direction fics, however this is a massive exception. I also love how you tied in sports. Because I literally eat, sleep, and breathe sports. Though, I'm from Alabama so it's really more football than basketball. War damn Eagle, hahaha.

    Also, I've been to London - and everything you said was just straight on point! They also have the fucking best hotdogs I've ever had in my entire life, so I totally level with Jayden! The overnight trains between countries over there are absolutely dreadful. I took one overnight from Paris to Rome and a few days later I took one from Rome to Munich, and it was just... ugh, it wAnd as hell.

    So, anyways, now that all that is said, let's recap, shall we?

    When Grandpa told his story to Harry and Vita, I fucking knew they were going to end up there!!! Oh, my goodness. Though, I questioned it after the break up a bit, but then I was like, 'Hey, that'd be one hell of a way to get back together.' But, then, I was almost right... Almost. Talk about a gut-wrenching couple of chapters! But, a fun side-note... I paint, a lot. So, maybe that made me instantly adore Grandpa a little more than usual....
    Jesus, and the daffodils! When she was informed they couldn't get any for the past couple of weeks, I was instantly like, HARRY, YOU TWAT.
    Then, the Lebron thing. Jeez. At first, I was thinking about his whole big move this year. Then I realized the story was back in, like, 2012 at this point - and Lebron sure as fuck didn't go to fucking New fucking York. So then I was like, ooooooohh, Harry!.
    I love just so much about this story, I could honestly go on for fucking days.

    I desperately cannot wait for the last chapter, but I dread it terribly, as well. Though, I only discovered this less than twenty-four hours ago and it won't be nearly as heart-wrenching for me to say goodbye to as everyone else, I still will hate that dreaded 'The End', 'Fini', 'La Fin'...

    This is just such a beautifully written story, I don't think I could stress that enough. This story deserves endless recommendations and everyone should read it. It didn't follow any generic love-story plots, nor was Vita a 'mary-sue'. It was truly a breath of fresh air - a breath of wonderful, untainted, salty, beachy, sea-air from the Gulf.

    I'm going to stalk the rest of your work at some point this weekend. Maybe not tonight, because I have to work tomorrow... But some time this weekend, most definitely. Kudos, love. Wonderful job.
    I feel like I've rambled quite enough, so I'm just going to go click that 'Submit' button now before I keep on, and on, and on...
    July 26th, 2014 at 04:34am