Rule of Rose - Comments

  • Hello dear, I'm here from your blog.
    Le Layout
    Well the layout is certainly one of the prettiest I've seen in quite some time. Which is a credit to you! I really like the background, it's subtle yet still manages to be so very beautiful. The banner is pretty, but if you gave it an outline of something I think it would look better, it's a tad boring at the moment. Also on the bottom right hand corner there's some text, I'm not sure if you wanted it to be there, but it's very faded and hard to read so I suggest getting rid of it or making it more readable.

    Le Summary
    I liked this one! Your use of vocabulary seems very mature and almost elegant, if that makes any sense to you. It seems to be like your writing in an almost Victorian fashion, I mean that in a good way. It's very clean cut and proper language. Your descriptions are very sharp and very interesting, I like that. Although the line, Building the nerves in my shaking bosom. Did nothing for me, it just doesn't seem to me like it fits there in any way. But all in all it's very good! Good luck with the story.
    August 18th, 2013 at 09:34pm
  • Hola! I'm here from your blog :)

    Le Layout: I like the picture and the color, although I thought it was too bright for the mood. Then again, it was only a summary. It also played tricks with my eyes. I kept thinking words were being cut off. Other than that, me likie ^_^

    Summaryyyy!: I like how it's an excerpt rather than an actual summary (hopefully that makes sense). What you have was well written and makes me want to know what happens next. Very intriguing.

    I'm interested to see where this goes :)
    August 18th, 2013 at 07:52am
  • Oops, sorry. Double post.
    August 18th, 2013 at 06:42am
  • Summary
    It's okay, I guess but it's better off as the prologue or first chapter, in my opinion. When getting an excerpt from a chapter or story, it's best if you limit to one to three paragraphs so it doesn't become overbearing.

    I licked my chapped lips and held my breath, wondering if they knew where I was hiding. Praying they did not.
    Those two sentences should be together because the second sentence is considered as a dependent clause. It can be like this: Holding my breath, I licked my chapped lips, silently praying that they wouldn't find me.

    A howl rang in my ears from the deck and instantly I recognized it.
    If the sentence is like that, there should have been a comma after 'instantly' but if you were to put 'I' before 'instantly', then you wouldn't need any commas.

    Your short description and summary are well-written. The short description is fine though. For the summary, it's better if you were brief and straightforward with it rather. If you want an excerpt, as I've previously mentioned, limit and control it.
    August 18th, 2013 at 06:41am
  • Layout: The layout is very pretty and suits the title and story. The only thing I don’t like is the way there is no padding between the text and edge of the content. It kind of tricks my eyes and makes it look like words have been cut off. Other than that I like the layout. Cute

    Summary: I like how you sort of put a piece of the story as the summary, it gives an insight to the story and it’s making me curious as to how she ended up in the situation. Judging from the summary (which is well written by the way) your story seems interesting and like I said, I’m curious about the situation. Mr. Green
    August 18th, 2013 at 05:53am