And Then I Found Hope - Comments

  • !!!!! So I totally wasn't expecting Brian to say he was a virgin lol. I kind of like just swooned over that. I'm weird because I like stories where the guy happens to be a virgin even if he is a little older. Most guys in stories have slept with nearly everyone and it just.....I just cherish when a male character hasn't had sex with people yet lol.

    I almost wrote a Johnny story like that one time. Now onto the Matt part....that is totally through me for a loop! Definitely wasn't expecting that either. I really hate to know that you're putting Four Leaf Clover on hiatus. I loved that story a lot and thought it was pretty original. I could try doing a rec blog for it maybe and see if that helps? I agree that a lot of people don't take the time to ever leave any kind of feedback. It sucks.
    September 5th, 2013 at 01:41am
  • Seriously - you can't end it like this!!! Please please please write more or do a sequel!!!
    September 4th, 2013 at 07:11am
  • What? Oh my...dude! D: How could you? That ending! Just ugh! *Sobs* Seriously, you can't just end it like that. How cruel are you? You just topped my list of worst endings now, and I'm not sure whether to congratulate you or not.

    The rest of the story was nice though. I felt a little sad seeing Brian all depressed, but then he got over that. They're just really sweet, and I couldn't stop awing at him and Rachel. I also have no idea why, but I was actually shocked that he was still a virgin. It makes sense, and I should've known. It just never crossed my mind, but it's just one of those things that made me fall a little more in love with him. And the fact he wasn't nervous about telling her that made me that much happier. I love them together, okay? They're so cute.

    But seriously that ending? I'm in tears over that ending, and I'm more than a little pissed off at you for doing that. (It's kind of good thing but still.) You're really ending it like that? I have to know what happens next! Just...bleh. *Runs away crying*
    September 3rd, 2013 at 11:42pm
  • I..uh..what?

    I'm crying, I hope you know that. I'm ugly crying/wailing like a baby here! I got so worried at the start of the chapter that something bad had happened to Brian, that he'd fallen down a black hole or something. I was so relieved when he answered the door!! I actually said out loud "OH THANK JOHNNY CHRIST" XD

    And then you make me swoon and sigh with a dreamy look on my face as he whispers those three little words to me. Of course I love you Brian. Cute his first time, oh my. That was and sweet and cute and sexy all rolled into one.

    NOW YOU BREAK MY HEART? WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! *cries* After all that happiness and love and sweetness you break my heart into tiny little pieces and grind them into the floor. Cry

    BUT I LOVE THAT ENDING HONEY BEE! I bet no one is expecting that to happen!! Mwahaha! I've loved everything about this story, thank you so much for writing it for me, I shall treasure it for ever and ever! <3
    September 3rd, 2013 at 09:59pm
  • whaaat nooooo! this can't be the last chapter!!! after that part! by the way, it was one of the best sex scenes I've ever read :) really... I loved it!
    but you can't end the story like that :(
    September 3rd, 2013 at 09:44pm
  • I keep being overwhelmed by the cuteness. Gah, they're too cute that sometimes I can't stand them (in a good way). It just makes me happy. And that last scene where he finally asks her to be his girlfriend...too cute and sweet, but I loved it. That couldn't have been any better than it was, and I'm just so excited about it.

    Also kind of glad that the anxiety wasn't just magically cured like some people would do and that it still makes its way into their relationship. Lots of applause for Rachel for being understanding of all that though instead of being rude about it. I'm kind of happy that Brian has someone other than Matt to talk to about the anxiety thing. I think it's good for him to have more than just one person to use as support.

    Loved the update! :D
    September 1st, 2013 at 11:01pm
  • @ xMandiblesx
    I try, I try XD
    September 1st, 2013 at 05:58am
  • Hahaha busted by Mattie! That must have been embarrassing. I'm so glad that Brian and Rachel are getting along! Cool Lmao

    @ RachTheBat
    You are so funny! Your comments on this crack me up. Wink
    September 1st, 2013 at 05:43am
  • I'm actually crying they're so sweet and gahh!! I can't take all these feels!! We've grown closer, close enough for Brian to feel comfortable hold my hand in town and talk more, be more open about his thoughts and feelings. So sweet. I'm sat here hugging my cat XD

    Oh Matt, way to lower the tone haha. We're not like that actually, we're taking things slow and romancing each other. (Okay, we all know I'm lying but sshhh haha). Oh that kiss. My heart cannot take all of these emotions!! Le sigh.

    Oh my god, I am his girlfriend! Ereeeeep! My spell has worked, he has fallen for my magic mwahaha ha! I joke. That moment was so sweet and innocent, if this story gets any sweeter I may be in danger of losing an internal organ or two XD

    Porn worthy, don't be jealous Matthew LOL.

    I'm incredibly sad that this is the penultimate chapter, but also very excited to see what you have planned for us tehe

    Loved it. This chapter is perfect. <3
    September 1st, 2013 at 02:07am
  • Hey, so I've read everything you've written so far and I have to say that I love it. This is different than all the other stuff I've read, especially since in most stories Brian is cocky, confident and has a dirty mouth so this is refreshing. He is so cute and sweet. It sucks about his disorder though, that definitely makes things hard. Matt is a good friend, helping Brian out with Rachel. I wouldn't mind him stalking me at my work haha. He's a lot like me, socially awkward so I can relate to him. If I were in his shoes, trying to talk to a boy I liked, I would probably be really nervous too. I don't even know if I would be able to talk to the guy at all without making a big fool out of myself lol. Anyways, I'm glad Matt chipped in and asked Rachel to hangout. It made me sad when they fought though but thankfully it was all just a big understanding. My Mattie would never try to steal his best friend's girl. I'm glad that Brian finally got the courage to actually talk to Rachel and ask her out. The little kissing on the cheek that Rachel did was very sweet. She didn't just rush into it or anything which is good. I can't wait to see how their date goes and how things progress between them. You are an awesome writer :D Please update soon.
    August 27th, 2013 at 09:44pm
  • oh my god this story is sooooooooooo cuteeee! Brian being shy is just the best plot twist ever! Oh god, I love it :) please update soon
    August 27th, 2013 at 03:39pm
  • I absolutely love this so far. I would have never pictured Brian as being the shy type, so it's always great to read a story that's different... in a good way. I can't wait until the next update, keep up the good work. Mr. Green
    August 27th, 2013 at 03:44am
  • Well that's a relief. I though their argument was going to drag on, and it probably would have if Matt hadn't been so damn insistent on getting Brian to talk. But at least they managed to actually get the story straight and apologize and all that. Can't really blame either of them for what happened though since they couldn't help it. Brian's mind goes wild easily, and Matt would've never thought about it that way.

    The scene with Brian and Rachel was really sweet. And I think it helps a lot that she's nervous as well, so that kind of helps to put him at ease. Plus Matt's had some involvement which makes things a little easier. But he and Rachel are both so cute, and I'm kind of excited about their date because that'll probably be a million times cuter. Loved the update! :D
    August 27th, 2013 at 01:58am
  • EEEEEEEP! I loved this update! :D

    The start of it was a little tense, I didn't know whether Brian would accept Matt's apo,logy or not, glad that he did though. I knew it was Brian getting the wrong end of the stick, bless him. I'm glad they straightened things out and are friends again, cause if Brian was left to fester with those bad thoughts he would have been so hurt D:

    I love how sweet and innocent this is, me and Brian are both so nervous. I know Brian is a million times more nervous than me but yeah, it's really sweet. You describe me so well, that's just how I'm like around people I don't know, shy, quiet and I normally say completely the wrong thing haha.

    I'm so glad we finally got to talk, to straighten a few things out and get to know each other a little better. I'm sighing happily and swooning all over the damn place here! XD Can I hug him? Please?

    A date? :D *SWOONING* That simple little kiss that is so sweet and endearing, *sigh*

    This story just gets better and better and I cannot wait to read about the date :D

    Love you millions <3
    August 26th, 2013 at 11:04pm
  • Haha yay! I loved that update! You included one of my most favorite things in a story. Jealousy! I just love when people get jealous of each other and it causes problems. So...emotional and intense. I'm wondering if Matt was making a move or just being nice and maybe trying to talk Brian up to Rachel.

    I feel so bad for Brian.....I just want to snuggle him and tell him it will be okay lol. I really like this story too because it touches on social anxiety which was something I battled with a lot as a teenager due to my upbringing. This story hit home for me and I know that other people can relate to this as well. I'm anxious to see what happens in the next chapter. Mr. Green
    August 25th, 2013 at 10:12pm
  • My heart is actually breaking for Brian. Poor guy. He's just so hard on himself, and I hate that for him. And I want him to be happy, but at this rate, I just don't know how long that'll take. He can't keep up a conversation for long despite the fact he wants to, and just ugh. Poor thing. He's such a sweet guy, and even though I love that you're actually making the social anxiety realistic, I kind of hate it, you know? He just needs a hug. At least he's trying, but that's not something you just easily get over. I've been extremely shy all my life and still haven't gotten over it. Social anxiety has got to be a thousand times worse.

    And now he's hurt because he thinks Matt was making a move on Rachel. I'm sure that's just the anxiety, thinking he's not good enough and all that, but it's sad that he'd think his best friend would actually do that. Especially considering Matt's trying to help Brian get her and has been so encouraging. And I'm hoping that he doesn't stay mad for long, but if I was in that situation, I'd probably be mad and hurt for a while, and it's possible Matt won't be able to set things straight right away. It might even take a while for Matt to even realize what's wrong.

    Loved the update! :D
    August 25th, 2013 at 03:37am
  • Loving the long chapter, the longer the better I say, I love having lots to read :D

    I love that Brian works with animals, man after my own heart. Animals are so much better than some humans! I've probably said this before but I love how realistic you've made,and kept, Brian's character, showing his daily struggles and anxiousness. I really do love this type of Brian, he's so unsure of himself, so hard on himself, almost as if he thinks he will fail at whatever he decides to try. It's incredibly sweet and sad at the same time, poor guy :( I like that he was excited to go to the party though ^_^

    I love that I'm on his mind constantly and he's at least willing to try to push past the anxiety and nerves to get to know me (still weird haha). I just want to hug the shit out of him for being so damn adorable! Maybe he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up so high though, pinning everything on the party, as if willing everything to go right for him. Unfortunately, life has a cruel way of getting in the way of things. I love that Matt believes in him so much, always offering words of encouragement and having so much faith in Brian, great bromance :D

    I think I would have been more nervous than Brian turning up at a party where I didn't know anyone. Eeep! Thank goodness for alcohol! Haha. Yay, they finally talked! Not a huge conversation but its a start. Don't be so hard on yourself Bri, baby steps. Awwww now Bri is feeling left out and he thinks Matt is stepping on his toes. Oh to have those two men fight per me... Okay back to the real word XD

    I don't think Matt deliberately set out to make Brian feel bad though, I think he was just chatting to me maybe getting to know me, inform me of Brian's struggles? I don't think he would do that to Brian, at least I hope not OMG NO! I think Brian got the wrong end of the stick, let all his insecurities flare up at once and immediately decided that he wasn't good enough for me (never gonna happen xD)

    I hope in the next chapter Matt straightens things out and apologises for making Brian feel left out and insecure. Maybe Brian and I can talk a little more and get to know each other a little better, maybe if he told me how he feels I wouldn't feel so confused about his intentions towards me.

    Great update honey, I loved it with all of my metaphorical heart :D
    August 25th, 2013 at 02:25am
  • lkgjldjg! Let me just say that I love this! I of course am loving the Brian parts. He's so adorable being the little nervous ball of shyness that he's being. I'm also enjoying the way you have portrayed Matt to be a caring and nice guy in this story. A lot of people(myself) included sometimes make him evil and domineering lol.

    As for the banner photo...I LOVE it! Brian has that whole deep thought look that he sometimes has. He has them on stage too and it often makes me wonder what is going on in that pretty little head of his. Sigh. Why is he so wonderful? Sorry that my comment on your story turned into Syn Fan Girling lol.

    This is a lovely story though and I can't wait to see what transpires between Brian and Rachel. Very Happy
    August 23rd, 2013 at 04:04am
  • Did I tell you how much I love Brian's and Matt's bromance? Cause I do. A lot. It's the cutest thing, and I'm really glad it got to shine more in this chapter.

    Brian's adorable as shit in this chapter. (That doesn't make much sense now that I think about it. XD) The part where he started to ask Rachel out and failed was so cute. And I felt a little bad because he was so close that time. Poor guy, but at least he made it a lot farther that time, even if that was only because of Matt. I think it fits though that he couldn't get the courage to do it. It'll probably still take a little while, but that's why I like him.

    And Matt's the best. The blow up doll comment made me have to stop reading because I was laughing too much. The fact that he took it upon himself to ask Rachel to hang out after Brian's fail was sweet, and I loved that. That just kind of cemented the BFF status of those two because you've got to be really close to be a wingman without being asked. And hopefully that'll help Brian get over his nerves. Loved the update! :D
    August 22nd, 2013 at 01:27am
  • I don't think I can put into words just how much I love this story! I get so emotional each chapter XD This was just what I needed after all that shit!

    I love the bromance between Matt and Brian, I agree with Synful Shadows, it's so sweet! Matt is his rock, his constant.

    “Wow, really? Is she a blow-up doll?” Oh Matthew, really? Hahaha

    I'm going to use "my character" because I don't think I can control my feels if I keep referring to myself and its weird talking about myself as another person haha. I love that my character makes him want to beat his nerves and his anxiety, like he likes her so much that he HAS to see her. I just love how timid and shy Brian is, it's so sweet. It's refreshing to see him as this type of character, normally they're all so cocksure and womanising, I think I prefer this type of Brian :D

    Of course I'm smokin hot Matt, Rolling Eyes

    Good old Sanders to the rescue, he makes the perfect wingman! I kinda like that he didn't ask me/her out straight away, I mean, he's nervous as hell! I can't wait for them to have a conversation and do..other..thing.. Shifty

    Eeep! I got his number (be jelly bitches), I'm very much looking forward to this next chapter :D

    This totally cheered me up and made me feel all nice and warm and fuzzy <3
    August 21st, 2013 at 11:36pm