The New Ordinary - Comments

  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey there, I'm a judge for Mibba Magazine's "Health" contest! Cute

    I like the formatting of this! It feels like a private letter that someone wrote to a person they love to explain why they decided to kill themselves, and the struggles described within it are so raw that it just hits a nerve within me because the words are just so accurate, so from the heart. It's truly beautiful and realistic, something that you can only be commended over because realism is always key when trying to write about a topic as sensitive as this is.

    I found some typos in this, with the first being on the first line where you put ..." to ultimately taken my"... when it should be take and there's a 't' forgotten in the 'no' of this line ..."be so certain of you're no so certain"... so I'd just suggest a quick lookover of this to smooth out any other small typos that are hidden in the text!

    The typos don't take anything away from the entry, though! So great job!
    August 29th, 2013 at 11:55pm
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    I'm a judge from Mibba Writing Contest: Health.

    This was extremely emotionally deep. I could almost see someone standing before me and speaking those words. Words from the heart, the soul, and from someone who knows what depression is. I love how depression is explained, the true struggle some has with the terrible thing. Each word was beautiful how it flowed together with the others. The imagery was fantastic. I hope anyone who has struggled with depression reads this.

    That being said, I did not once got stuck. It flowed effortlessly and I did not see a single flaw. It obviously was thought out with the intention of using the best words possible. Just gorgeous. I'm really speechless it's that good. the way it was written gave tingles down my spine, from a personal look on the story.

    Wonderful job!
    August 28th, 2013 at 12:25am