I Am Nothing - Comments

  • SynfulWoman

    SynfulWoman (100)

    United States
    @ Dancing.With.Myself

    Thank you. I am glad as well. I wish no one was depressed, but such is life. Life is a blessing inside of a curse~ You just gotta play your cards right, I suppose. I will keep writing, but I don't post much here. If you have a DeviantArt, my name there is the same just with "6661" at the end!

    Happy holidays! May they bring you the brightest of joy!
    December 25th, 2014 at 05:56am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    @ DeathReverence
    I'm very glad things are better for you. No one deserves to be depressed. Life can be just as wonderful as it can be hard, that's for sure! And I'm so glad you're keeping the account! I hope you keep writing. You really do have a lot of talent for it. I'd love to keep seeing work from you.
    Very happy holidays to you!
    December 22nd, 2014 at 01:53am
  • SynfulWoman

    SynfulWoman (100)

    United States
    @ Dancing.With.Myself

    Oh my god. Thank you so much! My heart goes out to you because I have my own scars that were are never going to fully heal, and I have the memories of how I've tried to die, but all has been calmed in a sense. Depression is a curse everyone seems to go through sometime in their life. I wish it wasn't so, but, such as life..

    You are a very inspiring person. I really appreciate your compassion and the fact that you took the time to comment on an old story. This comment was worth my account (literally) because I was logging on one last time to delete this thing, but.. I think I'll keep it for a bit longer now. Thank you again.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:10am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    (Originally for comment swap, but now simply because I loved this)

    Wow. That was.... Intense. I loved it. I know all too well what depression can do, and though I'd never be able to throw myself off of a building I do have a thick scar along the vein on the inside of my left wrist. And though it was for completely different reasons, depression is depression and the leading cause of suicide. No matter why, it's a serious issue. This portrayed it so well, though. Just beautifully written.
    I'm sorry to hear you're going through rough times. If you need anyone to talk to, just know I'm here. As someone who knows what you're going through you can talk to me whenever. Just know what I've learned... Suicide is never the answer. It's not preventing things from getting worse. It's making sure things never get better. And as much as you may not feel it, you are loved. Just keep writing. About anything. Anything you want. It always helps me. And the way you write, I'm sure it helps you as well.
    Bravo. Beautifully done. Recommending for sure.
    December 2nd, 2014 at 05:40pm
  • Katzens

    Katzens (100)

    United States
    Could you please take a look at my story, Saranghaeyo, Kris? I read your story a while back...
    September 10th, 2013 at 10:44pm
  • SynfulWoman

    SynfulWoman (100)

    United States
    @ Kaaren Nafar
    I think I just died a little from happiness. Thank you so much. I have thought about writing something else just to make it more clear to readers why he was depressed other than for his parents' death. I'm working on that. XD

    Oh my Lord. Someone was nice enough to correct my errors too! (I know I have a ton. Sorry ;w; ) I will fix them when I have time to edit my story. Thank you again! <3
    August 21st, 2013 at 03:35pm
  • Kaaren Nafar

    Kaaren Nafar (200)

    Beautiful and poetic descriptions. I loved them. I personally like poetic descriptions. But I like them to be moderately poetic, not dramatically poetic. And so I like yours. (The only things holding him down were the claws of depression, tearing and shredding his state of mind. –loved that part) Yes, it was beautifully described and written. I enjoyed it. And I would like to read further to find out the exact reason for his depression. Maybe you should be clearer on that in the first chapter. But of course. You’re the writer, and only you know what’s best for it. It was interesting enough to keep me going. Thanks for not wasting our time :D
    Brian was perched on the bars of the balcony of his hotel room. The bars that were supposed to cage you from gravity taking you over and sending you to a graceful fall that felt like eternity but only lasted about two short seconds. (After ‘hotel room’ and before ‘the bars’ you probably should put a dash. A period is wrong here.)
    It was so easy right now, though. To end the pain. (after ‘though’ and before ‘to’ you should put a comma)
    A harsh tone has overridden the boys voice as he aimed his attention to his younger brother Brian. (boys=boy’s or if it’s plural: boys’)
    His little brother. His big brother only has the audacity to say, (After ‘brother’ and ‘His’ You need a comma, not a period)
    August 21st, 2013 at 02:42pm
  • SynfulWoman

    SynfulWoman (100)

    United States
    @ Katzens
    Thank you very much. I hope I get better soon, as well. <3 You're welcome! c:
    August 20th, 2013 at 07:21pm
  • Katzens

    Katzens (100)

    United States
    I think this was a good story, and I hope you feel better soon. You are a very good writer, and I would like to see more from you. Thank you for the swap=).
    August 20th, 2013 at 07:00pm