Time Zones - Comments

  • MadisonPatricia

    MadisonPatricia (100)

    United States
    @ DrasticMeasures
    Thank you for the read! The answer to your question is in the first chapter :)

    @ DrasticMeasures
    October 14th, 2013 at 03:43pm
  • DrasticMeasures

    DrasticMeasures (100)

    United States
    I enjoyed this a lot. It is a great foundation to what looks to be an amazing story. I am veryyyy interested to find out just who this doctor is... Hmm. You just gained a recommendation and subscriber.
    October 14th, 2013 at 12:13am
  • DanieMarie1124

    DanieMarie1124 (100)

    United States
    Your story is great - I absolutely loved it! Were I you, I would double check your spelling. You spelled stuartist, when it is actually stewardess. Also, when the stewardess brings back the glass to Lilah, you wrote, quote, ""I'm a doctor," He told me as he gave me two pills and the stuartist came back with a glass of water in a glass." I'd take out the 'in a glass' part. I would also recommend that you google a hospital located in New York, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center is one of then for you. I would also either re-word or define what you call a 'people please', that part did confuse me quite a bit. The ending of the story is actually just perfect! I really urge you to make a few more chapters, maybe. You could include telling about Lilah's stay at her fathers, while Finn is there. You could maybe do a sparky romance between the two including conflicts with her father and step mom, where the two can't be together. Maybe this relationship could cause issues between the two adults, and Finn and Lilah feel the need to fix it. I really congratulate you on this story! Its a great read!
    September 3rd, 2013 at 05:23pm