The Lying Game - Comments

  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    This is the second story I chose for my giveaway! :D

    I see that this is your usual writing style. I really love this. It can be interpreted in two ways: The reader is the main character, thinking to himself OR the narrator is one character that's talking to the reader. I kind of interpreted the second one :3

    Anyway, it's so easy to feel the emotion you put into this. I can feel the sadness of whoever this character may be, and the hurt and pain they feel. The last line of this story is beautiful! Sends a haunting chill up one's spine.

    Great story!
    December 14th, 2013 at 10:38pm
  • Jefferson Starships

    Jefferson Starships (330)

    United States
    Wowowow. This is not what I expected. This is fab. It's so... vague!!!! (I was mulling over the word trying to find the correct one.) Vague so that you can plug your own characters in. Your own from maybe your personal experiences, maybe a friend's, or fanfiction characters. You kinda do it unintentional too because, as I was reading, I kept subconsciously thinking about Jackson and Lydia from Teen Wolf, lol.

    BESIDES THAT, you can feel the emotion. Even though these are questions directed at the "fag", I feel like most likely it's inner dialogue. Beating himself up even more for it and thinking why he was ever so stupid.

    Fab!!!!! You got the objective, you got the emotions, and you got something really bloody amazing. Thank you for turning this in!
    September 7th, 2013 at 01:28pm