Speak: Inside the Mind of a Cutter - Comments

  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    awww really I know it seems to alter in everyone's lives and it sucks. Christmas used to be my favorite holiday big time. Now it comes and goes and I don't even blink. I have sveral completed chapters but I posted up so many and haven't really recieved any comment besides from you and 3 other people. So it is hard to know if anyone is actually enjoying my story. Thanks, so am I, I would go back to that Christmas morning when and my sisters all recieved those cute brown teddy bears. It was epic Mr. Green
    November 6th, 2013 at 01:15pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    Christmas used to be like a huge thing with my family too but overtime, we kinda started doing our own seperate things and I miss how it used to be. I'm sorry that changed for you too. Write more when you can?
    November 6th, 2013 at 07:01am
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    It's ok. It's an ok movie for an ABC family movie and Girlfight iis really messed up; only one girl felt bad about what she did. Some people are so messed up they have no clue which way is up anymore. That is why she friended you
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:59pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ PoeticBeauty86
    Sorry I just saw this and you're right. Nobody deserves that at all. I think I kind of remember watching that movie. I've never heard of Girlfight but that sounds really messed up that someone would do that just to get youtube famous. And right? Like why would I friend anyone who threatened one of my friends like that?
    October 26th, 2013 at 09:46am
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    Thanks I wish I could end bullying once and for all. No one deserves to be afraid of going to school or afraid to participate in school activities. Mhmmm yup and of course the school tried to have a tribute for her; like that makes their inability to help her when she asked. I know I feel bad for her as well as her family. I am glad that your friend lived to tell the tale you know? She is lucky. Wow your mom rocks she reminds me of the mom in that ABC movice Cyberbully that was based on a true story oh and you should see girlfight not the movie with Michelle Rodriguez though. There is a movie about a group of popluar girls that beat up a girl and recorded themselves doing it. What is even more scary is how they were going to put it on youtube so they could be famous for the best girlfight ever :/ I think that is too bizarre she threatens your friend and then tries to friend you, like who the heck does that?
    October 19th, 2013 at 01:07am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ PoeticBeauty86
    That's ridiculous. I'm sorry you've had to go through that. Wow she was murdered? That's really sad. Luckily my friend ended up okay, but the girl that threatened them got away with it. They weren't a jock or anything though. It was fairly obvious though something was off with her but they did nothing and didn't believe my friend. That girl, I don't care how nice she was to me, any chance I didn't have to be near her, I took it. I can't be bothered with someone who is going to go around threatening people I care about. It just irks me that they chose not to believe my friend and made no effort to do anything about it. The only reason they had to make an effort with my situation is because my mom was at the school every day for at least two weeks I don't know if I can say yelling or arguing but she was there a lot. Even threatened to call one of the news channels about it.
    October 19th, 2013 at 12:29am
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    smh people are so ignorant. And my parents did something similiar to me; I became unfocused and anti-social after being bullied. They started praising my sisters over me and asked me why I was so get this "Stupid" but my sisters aren't. I kid you not. So I know how the education system works; this girl from my high school was threatened repeatedly and the teachers did nothing. Needless to say she was murdered and I think that when situations like that occur it is basically like if they had done something for her she would probably still be alive. And those students aren't good at their school work, they play sports and so they have no choice by to have a certain G.P.A
    October 18th, 2013 at 07:15pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ PoeticBeauty86
    The screwed up thing though is that the guy who called me the N word (not Ian) got suspended or kicked out or something. I'm not quite sure since I never saw him again but then again that kid was a not so great student as well. Ian a few weeks later threatened me and all that crap happened. It's disgusting how they let that happen and how they only handle it the way it's supposed to if a "good student" is the one being bullied. It's ridiculous. They should handle all those situations the same but they don't. 
    October 18th, 2013 at 07:08pm
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    WTH that is just so wrong I really dislike when that happens. Like they are pretty much praising those that torment and bully students. I don't get how they can try and preach about how bullying needs to stop when they are the bullies enablers. They might as well be the ones that threatended you. The saying is the only way for evil to prosper is for the good to stand by and do nothing. And that is so true in your case. I can not believe that they switched you around and not the person that threatened. And how is racism your fault? Ignorance and small minded people are at fault when they choose to speak vicious words. I am just sorry that you encountered that. People really deny that bullying exists. If you ever get a chance you should read Please Stop Laughing At Me by Jodee Blanco as well as the reviews. People told her that she made her bullying up and that it never happened. It is so crazy but people do more harm then good.
    October 18th, 2013 at 06:52pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ PoeticBeauty86
    It really was and the school did diddly squat about it. All he got was a day of in school suspension and it took them nearly two days to call his parents. The vice principal at the time almost made it seem like it was my fault that it happened. Just because I may be one to keep quiet to myself and not get the best grades while he's a jock (why is this a pattern with jocks getting away with things?) that got good grades and participated in class, doesn't mean I deserved what happened. Nobody deserves that kind of thing not even the ones who turned their back on me. My mom even went to see the superintendent and that did jack for me. Her exact words to my mom were "You know how we wish we could catch everyone who speeds on the road? Well this is the one who got away." One of my close friends had been threatened that same year and they did nothing about it then either. They didn't believe that someone would threaten them but then again why would they pay attention to that? They were a "trouble maker" just like I was apparently. The girl that threatened them has even tried adding me on facebook a few different times which I really don't understand why. But anyways after the incident with Ian I didn't want to be in the same class and even though I had gone through enough already, they switched my classes around because they refused to move his and because of that switch, I barely bounced back, had to go to summer school and was barely able to graduate on time. By some miracle I did, but honestly I don't know how I did. I'm just thankful for the friends I have. As long as I never have to see that scumbag again, I'll be happy. Lol one of the unsolved mysteries of the world I guess.
    October 18th, 2013 at 06:37pm
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    OMG hun that is such a traumatic experience to go through. I can't believe situations like that are tests in a way. Because for those people that you thought were your friends to tell you how to feel about what happened was not only hurtful but it was not their right to state. One of my pet peeves and people telling me how to react to a situation and how not to react. And it's like well if I allow even the smallest hint of bullying to just weigh me down without trying to wrestle it off my shoulders than what does that say about me? I am glad you discovered your true friends; because a true friend will support you if 1 they went through the same thing before or something pretty similiar or if 2 they never experienced it but are not telling you to get over it; but are are to listen and allow you to feel any way you want without trying to put duck tape on your mouth. Traumas like that still follow even long after they have gone; they still follow you. I am just so sorry you had to go through that at all. The Ians of this world; sure don't know where to draw the line. Lol omg trust me if I ever figure the truth out about men and why they do the things they do I will let you know.
    October 18th, 2013 at 01:27pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ PoeticBeauty86
    I know racism is still out there, but never had I ever had to deal with really any of it up until that point. Nobody has called me one since (luckily) but the feeling I got in that moment was not good. I'm not sure what exactly but it was like something between rage and something else. In this day and age it shouldn't even exist anymore, but sadly it does. Oddly enough the guy who threatened to kill me was named Ian. I didn't make a connection until reading your latest chapter that we both have had some scumbag with that name in our lives. Because of that jerk, I had nightmares and started having anxiety attacks. The nightmares have gone away but the thought of what happened is still there. But going through all of that made me realize who some of my real friends were and who would turn their back on me when I needed them the most. Some so-called "friends" had stopped talking to me and told me to get over it but I had a few that actually were there and stayed with me throughout all of it and I don't think they realize how much that means to me. Also what you said in the chapter about not knowing why men can't speak their minds and tell a woman how he feels, oh my god that is something I've been asking myself a lot lately with a certain situation. I look forward to reading more. Update when you can.
    October 18th, 2013 at 08:35am
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    @ Matthew Sanders;
    Thanks very much.
    October 18th, 2013 at 02:25am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    This is really good!
    October 18th, 2013 at 02:17am
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    it's ok I am just glad that you were able to relate to my story after reading it. And I am so sorry about that douchbag, that is so ignorant and uncalled for. I think it's embarassing to be a full fledge racist in this generation. I can't believe a guy threatened to kill you Sad that is too awful I am truly sorry you went through such a rough time, no one deserves to go through what you did.
    October 11th, 2013 at 04:24pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    @ PoeticBeauty86
    sorry I never replied. I did read your 4th chapter and I hope to read more. To answer your question though, it started I wanna say 3rd grade but it was nothing to think about then. It wasn't until my junior year that it was at it's worst. I had been called the N word by some jerk (I'm mixed btw) and a completely unrelated incident a few weeks later, a guy in my english class threatened to kill me. Reading some of these chapters has made me tear up but I'm glad you've posted what you have so far. I'm sorry it took so long to reply though.
    October 11th, 2013 at 08:24am
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    Mr. Green aww thanks so much for reading what I have so far and for taking the time out to comment. I am sorry that you were bullied I know how tough that us to go through as well as having friends that attempted suicide once or even twice. Were you bullied in middle school, high school? I know first hand for some people bullying can basically leave a stain on them that never washes off. And BTW I cried while writing some of these chapters Speak for me was like therapy that and talking to a shrink for the first time, I felt so relaxed afterwards.
    September 16th, 2013 at 10:40pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    Although I may not have been through everything you've gone through, I've been bullied and I've had friends that have been in similar situations including attempting suicide. I did tear up a bit reading the first chapter and I'm glad you posted more chapters. I hope to read more of them.
    September 16th, 2013 at 09:50pm
  • PoeticBeauty86

    PoeticBeauty86 (100)

    United States
    awww Anna that made my day I wrote this book for that main purpose because I was your age before and I know what that feeling is like, trying to fit in, worrying about your image, being bullied, suicidal, it to me is like worth sharing, my experiences and I am just so glad that you really were moved by it, because I am moved so much by all the young women that go through what I did and still remain standing you know? I will be posting Chapter 3 soon, ok so keep watching Mr. Green
    September 16th, 2013 at 07:53pm
  • AnnaNikole

    AnnaNikole (100)

    United States
    This story made me cry in the very first chapter, not only do I feel for Tessa but I've gone through a lot of the same stuff. I subbed and recommended as soon as I finished reading!!
    September 16th, 2013 at 06:04pm