Secrets And Tacit Desires - Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    IT'S ALIVE! :D

    I love the banner, teach me your magic skills now please. XD

    I love Brian already in this, I love how easy going he is, how cool he is for an older guy. I love his and Jay's relationship too, it's again, easy going and really sweet, I like their banter. She can talk to him about things obviously not meant for her father's ears.

    I had to laugh at Brian having sneaky thoughts about her, and I didn't even feel weird considering the age gap, I just thought that Brian is a typical guy haha. I wonder if he will be able to just, brush his thoughts aside while they are snuggling on the couch watching the movie.. Naughty

    I like that Jay stole a few drags of his cigarette too and how he sometimes shares with her, he comes across as Dad's cool friend, the guy that would take you out for a beer even though you're underage and not get caught. I like this type of Brian :D

    I'm very much looking forward to the next bit of the story and to see what happens between them and where they are headed!

    Love this lots <3
    September 18th, 2013 at 08:50pm
  • so unintelligent;

    so unintelligent; (100)

    United States
    Only two chapters??? :( This story is amazing so far, wish it was longer. *fingers crossed*
    September 18th, 2013 at 03:03am