Invisible - Comments

  • @ SmilingScarlet
    Tehehehehee. Twisted Evil
    November 10th, 2013 at 12:32pm
  • @ go.effin.nuts
    Oh I love your comments so much, I'm glad you're liking Max. I was wondering if I should put more Max in because I think David's best friend should shine!
    November 10th, 2013 at 12:32pm
  • Fuck Nasir. I'm so sick of his shit it's not even funny. My boo needs to just move on already. Hell, I'd take him being with Max over being with this prick. He deserves someone who actually gives a shit and he and Max would be so cute together.

    Ahh Nas really makes me angry. I just want to plant myself in this story just so I can give him a nice, hard, junk-punch for being such a dick. And I swear, if he makes a move on his sister, oh my god, I'll flip 2 Guns
    November 10th, 2013 at 07:27am
  • I will end up punching Nasir, what the hell is he doing going after his sister now?! D<
    November 10th, 2013 at 03:05am
  • @ go.effin.nuts
    Oh my god the biggest smile came on my face when I read treating my boo like that. David is such a doll, I love him and I am glad other people love him too haha.

    I will try to write again soon! <3 Thank you for the comment and I am so so glad you like the story
    November 6th, 2013 at 11:04am
  • @ SmilingScarlet
    I love you and you know that hahaha.
    November 6th, 2013 at 11:01am
  • I just finished reading this and I'm so sick of Nasir treating my boo like that. My poor David. He deserves better. Honestly, I was hoping he and Max would hook up, so that Nasir could finally see how David feels for once and maybe perhaps stop being such a pussy.

    I'm sick of his shit.

    If David doesn't punch that sexy mother fucker in the face, I know...through my computer screen and into your imagination and all :) lol anyway, I need more, like yesterday.

    November 6th, 2013 at 08:54am
  • Duuuude, David is so drunk! I can practically hear his slur in the damn words o_o great job!

    But poor Dave! D: I am so hurt and want to kiss him for having to deal with Nas' indecisive-ness!

    get white girl wasted then pass out and get some i-hop tomorrow morning.
    To be very honest I can see you and I doing that kind of shit if we ever met in real life. I'd be pretty stoked if it did happen! lmfao

    “Well who you trying to fuck?”
    My mind screamed "YOU!" as I read that xD Oh dear Lawd.

    I watched him as my heart started to race and my pants felt even tighter than before
    Trust me Dave I felt the same way too ._.

    “Shut the fuck up David.” He hissed over at me as he thrust even harder which did not help him as I just moaned loud, my eyes rolling in the back of my head. Nasir was too great when I was drunk, everything felt amazing, I was hyper sensitive at the moment.

    Oh my fucking God I laughed way too hard at that!!

    Oh my GoD! IT WAS HIS SISSY THAT SAW! O_O And the plot much as my erection.
    November 6th, 2013 at 08:14am
  • I did want to go to the party; I did want Nasir to have sex with me. I needed him to have sex with me, I’ve been having a hard time thinking about anything else other than him and his smell, his hair, his lips, his beautiful light brown eyes, his body perfectly lean, his dick. Oh god his dick was everything I needed at the moment, I was salivating thinking about it. I loved when he fucks me and he bites his lower lip from keeping out his moans, the way his ring digs into my skin, I am still branding on my hip with a nice black and blue. It hurts a lot but it reminds me of Nasir in every way, he hurts me physically and emotional but I love it. Maybe not emotionally but physically yes.

    That was torture to read. Ugh perfection on how you described him!

    So this chapter made me slightly frustrated if you catch my drift there ;)

    Should I go and get fucked or should I stay home and wished I went to the party and got fucked. God I am so fucked up in the head.

    Either way he's fucked! T_T Ugh that's not even fair!
    November 5th, 2013 at 08:57am
  • @ SmilingScarlet
    lmao party on my dick. Smhh You're a loca.
    October 25th, 2013 at 05:53pm
  • Ash's party, more like party on my dick you gon' suck!

    Nas is such a cheeky bastard he really is but I'm with David I can't stop swooning at him and oh my God. Great update, mama, and I hope everything's alright!
    October 25th, 2013 at 09:59am
  • I will bring all the pandilleros to take out Josh -.- not even joking, great chapter mama. Also that bit about diesel and walker made me crack up, lol.
    October 11th, 2013 at 10:19am
  • and he chose me. (And Ashley but she doesn’t count.)

    I could totally picture him rolling his eyes at that part. Haha! So...I now want to jump Max too. ;)

    Ayyy that bonfire! Oh Dave, smoking three blunts will leave you so fat afterwards, haha!

    all I wanted to do was lay out and get some air around my balls but I just sat there

    I cracked up. I felt his pain--not that I have balls, but I know how that shit's like, you wanna move but then you're too baked to even try. xD

    “Fucking nut huggers.” He growled as he grabbed at my boxers pulling them down and I was just amazed at his transformation to very cool, relaxed person to a horny son of a bitch.

    Right? Just why!?

    I quickly came up from the water and he was there naked by the edge with a cigarette to his lips.

    You know I picture him looking like some cool God just sitting there buck ass naked. "Yeah, I just had sex, and?" Haha! With his Marlboro reds. I love this, mama.

    Ayy, dem Madres know exactly when to bring that whip down! Haha, this was an awesome chapter, mama, and I absolutely love the interaction between Nas and David. Wow, this was perfect!
    October 8th, 2013 at 07:56am
  • "It's ridiculous how does your balls breathe?" I shat myself laughing at that part, but really doe, why these bitches gotta be wearin' nut huggers?

    I saw Ashley kissing Nasir on the lips making my eyes widen, mother of fuck! I fucking lost it here! I was in like the "EWWWWWWW" and "HAHAHAHAHAHA" kind of emotion, because Nas just gave him head, and he's all like "gimme a kiss Ash."

    Dear lawd I love Nas a lot more now, lol.

    But down to serious business, I am enjoying the living daylights out of this story because let's be real Nas sounds like such an asshole, but y'know he keeps drawing me back to him. I see why David keeps going back to him.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 06:05am
  • Yeah it's not like we fucked or anything.

    The amount of ugly laughs leaving my mouth as I read that part. Josh, oh dear God, that bit had me cracking up. Nasir is going to get jumped I swear :|

    Better yet, this story is going to get jumped. :|
    October 2nd, 2013 at 09:13am
  • @ SmilingScarlet
    Thank you! :3
    October 2nd, 2013 at 04:55am
  • Oh my God is this slash? Oh my God, this is beautiful! I fucking love how...what's the word? I love the mofo that fucked him. Like what? Consider me subscribed, by the way kudos to the layout, and I'm definitely loving the characters face claims!
    October 2nd, 2013 at 04:45am