To Wed a Princess - Comments

  • Fuck Charlotte, stupid bitch. I'll be totally honest, I chuckled when Charlotte thought that Brian was better for her than Rafael. That's just ironic. I'm also excited since someone in the family was told about their 'relationship', that definitely gets the ball rolling. I'm extremely excited for the next chapter!
    July 25th, 2014 at 06:31am
  • Charlotte is such a bitch!!!! But I'm glad El found out the truth. Now that William knows I wonder how the rest of her family will take the "relationship".
    July 24th, 2014 at 07:52pm
  • I still think El is warming up to Brian though. But anyways, I would have loved to been there when the conversation with Charlotte took place. Great chapter!!! Oh and totally loved the way El implied her intentions with Brian to William. Can't wait for more!!!
    July 24th, 2014 at 05:49pm
    Eloise definitely does not love Brian, she basically sees saying something as extreme as that as being the only way to get her brother to give Brian a chance. Just wanted to clear that up real quick! Mr. Green
    July 24th, 2014 at 01:30pm
  • Whoah, just whoah... What a fuc**** bit** that Charlotte. Seriously? All of that for Cardona? And she couldn't have said something when she saw Eloise taking a surfboard? What a --------------------... *Bip. Bip. Censurated* And whoah, Eloise said to William that she love Brian... Will he send him to his sister now that she is upset, because of that "confession"?
    July 24th, 2014 at 10:08am
  • It makes me sad to think El has completely given up, in a sense. She thinks no man will ever be attracted to her because of the scars, I hope that isn't true. Does Cardona care about her? How will he feel when he finds out about her marrying Brian? Yikes! I hope (if they do go through with the marriage) that Brian won't cheat on her, and that love will follow. *fingers crossed* I really like where the story is going, the characters seem very real, I appreciate that. :D Good work! Can't wait for the next update!
    July 24th, 2014 at 09:15am
  • I want to reach into this story and smack some sense into Charlotte, and even then I might keep smacking. What an idiot! I'm not sure I believe that this is all about Cardona, but for the time I'll take that as an explanation.
    July 24th, 2014 at 06:39am
  • Brian is great with trying to cheer Eloise up
    Love his sense of humor
    Charlotte wanted Brian to comfort Eloise. I call Bullshit
    It could have been only made better if Eloise forgot her manners and smacked Charlotte right across her lying bitchy face
    Oh Shit! Did Eloise really just say she love Brian? Was that only for her brother's effect? Or does she really love Brian?
    Eloise is worried about disappointing everyone, well screw them. It's her life not anyone else's.
    Eloise is a grown woman who deserves to be happy even if that means making some other people unhappy with her choices
    When has she ever done anything just to please herself, something only for her happiness?
    For once Eloise should focus on herself
    July 24th, 2014 at 05:25am
  • This is one of my favorite stories :)
    July 24th, 2014 at 04:01am
  • I love this fucking story. I love the plot, the characters, the way it's written; everything. Please update this soon!
    July 21st, 2014 at 09:50pm
  • I can't even deal with my ridiculous addiction to this story and the Effy accompaniment. They're both soooo good, can't wait for you to update this again.
    July 21st, 2014 at 07:11pm
  • I just read the whole thing all in one shot, and while the description of the attack made me feel very icky (I'm terrified of sharks) I absolutely love it! And I love that you mentioned The 69 Eyes and HIM as they're two of my favorite bands. Can't wait for the next one!
    July 20th, 2014 at 11:11am
  • I'm excited about how this will pan out with Eloise and Brian announcing their "relationship". And it's good that Eloise is waiting a bit to announce it because it wouldn't seem as convincing if not. Keep up the good work! :)
    July 19th, 2014 at 09:22pm
  • Her family is going to flip shit!!! Hopefully if things get out of control Brian can keep his temper together. What I'm curious about is what's going to happen with Charlotte? That shit was a low blow!!
    July 19th, 2014 at 05:35pm
  • Oh wow, Matt was pissed! But, I guess, from a business perspective, it’s great that she agreed…
    I guess it was inevitable for Eloise to watch that video… That must have been horrible… I’m glad Brian came along and took her mind off of it for a little…
    Stupid, petty Charlotte… I guessed it was her, the moment she found that link… She would have been the only person that would think she’d get away with it… The security knew they’d be fired and suffer consequences and Brian wouldn’t have gained anything from that (it could actually turn against him and ruin the mission)…
    Brian’s attempt at being caring is endearing…But, of course, she doesn’t trust him yet, so she’d change the subject…
    El has a lot of recovery time ahead of her… Meh, that won’t make her a fun person to be around…
    “My family wants to have you knighted”. I lmfao imagining Brian’s reaction to it… and then Matt’s and the whole gang…
    Their little “bonding” moment over music was really cool! And yeah, that’s where she can connect with him, like he did with her…
    Is Brian already planning revenge on Charlotte???
    “The housekeeper looked scandalised at that, but Eloise imagined she'd look moreso if she discovered a pistol or machete in Brian's bags.” This was perfect comic relief! Thumb up As was the alpha male nonsense, as Eloise puts it…
    And Brian went back in gang mode! Although, I agree with Eloise, it would sound too rushed and the family would try harder to convince her not to do it, thinking that she was making rushed decisions over the trauma… On the other hand, Brian has already been told off by Matt and now it seems like she’s backing up…
    Another great chapter!
    Oh Congrats on story of the week! Cute
    July 19th, 2014 at 03:40pm
  • Whoah... Brian really need anger management... I mean, Eloise is completely right... She couldn't stand him before, and npw, they are in a Relationship? Unbelievable... I hate paparazzi, and I hate Charlotte... What a bit**... And I have to admit that Sir Brian Haner sound hot... really hot.
    July 19th, 2014 at 11:36am
  • Yay!! Early update!!! I hadn't realized this was featured in Story of the Week, but congratulations!! It deserved to be there. And I am totally on board with the sneak peek previews. And I understand with Mibba being screwy and you didn't double msg me, LOL
    July 19th, 2014 at 05:13am
  • Didn't expect Brian to tell Matt he tried to convince Eloise to wait on her decision
    Wow! Charlotte posted the video online just because Eloise snapped at her
    What kind of friend does that?
    Charlotte is a douchebag, she's just jealous because she thinks Brian is hot and all he wants is Eloise
    Knighted holy shit
    Sir Brian Haner sounds so damn sexy!
    There's way more to Eloise than meets the eye
    Brian should realize he's got a damn good formittable apponent on his hands
    Honestly don't see introducing Brian as her boyfriend going over very well with most if not all of the family
    July 19th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • I absolutely love this story. And I also love Vikings and Travis Fimmel. LOL. So please update soon. I'm having withdraw symptoms, haha
    July 17th, 2014 at 04:28pm
  • very sneaky with the comments very nice i tip my hat to but about the actual story i read all of the chapters just now so i have to comment on everything at once basically your chapters arent 4 paragraphs which is nice and you have obviously put a lot of thought into the story which is refreshing in comparison to the hundreds of stories that seem thrown together at a moments thought...i really apreciate that and unlike my comment you have obviously proof read or are amazing with grammar and spelling...the actual plot keeps me interested and you dont have 'filler' chapters i like how you actually incorporate their personalities in the story and just when you think brian is a nice guy remind everyone that he still is just doing business and that what he has done up until this point has been for that purpose...also her devistation about her injuries and the dreams about the attack are realistic...i especially liked the part where you let everyone know that yes she is sleeping with cardona...older dangerous powerful cardona...very nice i like it alot which is odd because i dont typically like gang stories because nobody does them right and i get annoyed quickly...also i dont normally comment so if you never hear from me again its because im and antisocial jerk and its nothing against you or the story
    July 17th, 2014 at 04:26pm