Lie a Little More, Try a Little More - Comments

  • Oh my wow, you're the best! :) Thank you so much for wanting to check out the rest of what I've got written and posted over on Wattpad. It's been ages since I've uploaded anything here on Mibba, and I'd have to check to see what else is uploaded, but I'd also recommend "Perfect", which is another longer story, but just shy of being novel-length. And, by all means, feel free to leave me comments or get in touch via PM over there! You said you were surprised that I wrote back here, but I love keeping in touch with my readers, and I love hearing what you have to say, what you think, what your opinions are, answering any questions you may have, etc... :) It's all great to me! So I'll always do my very best to reply to you!
    January 16th, 2016 at 06:10am
  • @ Shake_Tramp
    Okay so I downloaded wattpad and follow you there now! :D And omg I'm so excited that there is actually a trilogy!!! Thank you so much, like seriously I am obesessed with it!
    January 15th, 2016 at 06:45pm
  • @ Shake_Tramp
    Oh my gosh i didn't think you would actually reply back because you wrote that story like two years ago.. But I'm so happy you did! :D and thank you so much for recommending some other ones, I'm totally gonna check them out! Which is actually perfect timing because in a few days I'm going on vacation (actually traveling to Texas to see Marianas trench!!!) and I need something to read during the long flight! :D and you know what.. Because of that and because I fucking loved your story and got it stuck in my head ever since, I came back on here to actually save it, so I could read it again haha.
    January 15th, 2016 at 06:16pm
  • Aw! Thank you so, so much! I'm so very glad that you liked it! I'm sorry that you didn't want it to end... But there's good news, if you're interested. :) I have to more sequels. This is the first of a trilogy! The second one is called "Call and Response" and the third one is called "For Pick-Me-Ups and Fall-Aparts". To be fair, I'm not sure if I have them posted here on Mibba, only because I've discovered that my work gets read more (which is the only reason I write it) over on Wattpad, so I'll link you to my page over there! Also, I'd highly recommend reading "A Sanctuary Safe and Strong" as well, if you like these long novels.

    Again, thank you SO, SO much for your comment. I'm beyond thrilled that you liked it so much!! Please check me out over here on Wattpad for more stories that aren't posted here:
    January 13th, 2016 at 01:25pm
  • This was amazing! Like seriously I was so drawn in I couldn't stop reading. Everything about it was just beautiful. Although I didn't like the ending but only because I didn't want it to end..
    January 13th, 2016 at 03:05am