Make Believe - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sorry for the delay, I'm finally here to judge the Boy Band Mania contest! Cute

    You've used the default layout, so I'll not take layout into consideration at all when making my choice. I don't tend to anyway, just letting you know that it doesn't lose you any marks, seeing as I commented on the other two layouts for the contest. Just in case you worried about that at all. tehe

    This is short, sweet and to the point. I like short pieces (I have a short attention span so they really do keep me engaged for the perfect amount of time) and unlike the other two pieces, you've chosen to add romance betwen the two band members, which I found really interesting. I'm a bit of a sucker for stories that portray love in this way, where the guy doesn't get the person he wants. I don't know why, maybe it's just because I'm pretty much emotionless, but I always find they resonate more with me than traditional romances do.

    I also think this is a fairly realistic interpretation. Love doesn't always run smoothly and it doesn't always end well either. It's a really nice and different touch to have that in there, to have that air of love not always ending in the best possible way. I also like that you almost seem to have the narrator blaming himself for what happened. I tend to read stuff like this where the one left behind is bitter or blames the new love for coming in and ruining everything, but he seems to have just...accepted it. It's a really interesting and almost heartbreaking concept because it's almost like he's given up on the thought. It ties in so very well with the quote photograph you chose though, so really well done on that.

    I noticed one or two things grammar-wise as I was reading. Once or twice, you've written i'm instead of I'm and i've instead of I've. Not major things though, just quick fixes! The other thing that I noticed was in the sentence(s) Don't you realize AJ? that you made me happy?. I think that either the question mark shouldn't be there, or that should be capitalised. Also, another quick fix, truely should be truly, unless that's a British-versus-American thing.

    Overall though, I definitely liked this. It was a bittersweet ending and left me feeling a little empty and against love inside. The few errors I noticed were a little distracting, but didn't detract too much from the rest of the story!
    October 19th, 2013 at 10:16pm