Champagne Supernova - Comments

  • Here judging the round 2 entries for Sixth Time's the Charm! Cute

    I'm going to go right ahead and say that I pretty much spent 5 minutes staring at the header GIF before I actually read. It's mesmerising!

    I really like the vivid imagery you have in this. The description is simply stellar and it really does paint such a multi-dimensional picture in my head as I'm reading. Despite the imagery being so wonderful, I still have only a vague sense of what is going on and I like that. It leaves me to formulate my own conclusions as to how Atlas ended up caught up in the landslide (sorry, I had to tehe) and it kept me thinking even after I had finished reading. I also really like how you linked the song into the story - the champagne supernova, the astronomy side of things - it all works and it works well.

    All in all, I have no complaints about this piece. It's so vivid and hauntingly beautiful and you've incorporated the lyrics in there in a way that I couldn't even dream of having thought up. Great work!
    January 30th, 2014 at 09:06pm
  • I agree with everyone below. Your flow, imagery, and wording are impeccable. Every story I've read from you so far, shows how much writing means to you. It's evident in every line and paragraph. ps- The banner is perfect for this story.
    December 5th, 2013 at 11:31pm
  • @ sirius amory.
    Not dull at all, in fact completely the opposite, you kind words mean so much!
    October 23rd, 2013 at 09:17pm
  • @ Unnatural Angel
    Thank you so much Hug
    October 23rd, 2013 at 09:16pm
  • @ EverRose
    Thank you so much for your beautiful comment, I'm working on an update but I'm kind of stuck Facepalm sadly, I didn't make the beautiful layout, I'm hopeless at them! I just realised I forgot to write that the layout was done by someone else! :-0 xxx
    October 23rd, 2013 at 09:16pm
  • The title is absolutely captivating. It's both classy and brilliant all in one.
    Also, I love that the layout is so simply beautiful. The gif for the banner completes the picture perfectly.
    I love vague stories where you have really no idea what's going on, because I'm the person that does get it (because that's how a few of my own pieces are written). The descriptions are bloody wonderful, and the imagery of the red champagne is so vivid. This isn't just fluffy flattery, either, I expect real comments from my readers, so I give real comments back.
    I hope I haven't bored you with my dull commentary, friend; I'm of to read your other comment-swap story now!
    October 20th, 2013 at 11:17pm
  • This was brilliant, your description was awesome and everything about it kept me interested. Your writing flow is awesome and as was said before me your layout is amazing!
    October 19th, 2013 at 08:28pm
  • First off, I am in LOVE LOVE LOOOVVEEEE with the layout. It's utterly beautiful!
    The quote fits well with it.

    You start off so well! Already from the first couple of words I'm hooked! The descriptions of the story and her desperation seep out so well.

    ... glistening as the rays of the morning glory stormed the night's barricade that line is captivating with the detail's you gave, I love it.

    Wow, okay. I know I've just said it, but I am utterly in love with the way you describe things. Most people either give too much or too little, you give just the right amount.

    The story itself is captivating, in a way that makes you wonder what is really going on. Why was Noel on the ground, why was she so weak and throwing lightening?

    Loved it, you're writing is flawless and I've recc'd and subscribed in hopes that you continue!
    October 19th, 2013 at 06:33pm