Gardenhead - Comments

  • I'm here to deliver an exceptionally late Mibbaween candy. Sorry for the delay!

    I chose to read this as well as your other piece because the short summary instantly drew me in. I love anything that even vaguely relates to history so the mention of the Berlin Wall had me interested straightaway. When I started reading, I definitely wasn't disappointed. You've got the most beautiful recurring themes and imagery examples running throughout this - the idea of the archangels / God and the beautiful paragraph about toppling the wall. It isn't as related to history as I thought it would be but it's an absolutely gorgeous way to tie everything together.

    I'm really intrigued by the characters themselves, especially when I read the last line. Gabriel, mighty archangel of no one in particular is a beautiful line, really. The entire piece had me curious, but I think that was the line that really started me thinking. If this is a prologue of sorts to your NaNo novel, then I'd love to read that and learn more!

    Overall, absolutely wonderful. I really do enjoy your writing, you've got a lovely writing style!
    December 13th, 2013 at 09:23pm