Tethered to You - Comments

  • a walking travesty;

    a walking travesty; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Here to judge the Walk A Mile In Someone Else's Shoes contest!

    The layout is nice and simple, and I appreciate that you incorporated the picture chosen into the layout.

    I think that your inexperience with writing drabble shows in this piece. The writing came out a bit awkward and the ending was a little abrupt. But even with all that this was very cute. I really like that while looking for romantic places, Nate sort of stumbled on Cameron making that little garden the place they met into a romantic place for them. I could picture them coming back at some point in the future to where they first met and reminiscing. Something else I really enjoyed was that you used the position the boy was in the picture in the story as well. Little details like that really help a story a long.

    I noticed one or two grammar/spelling errors but nothing that detracted from the experience of reading it. One thing that I would point out is the lack of spaces between paragraphs and dialogue.

    This was cute and I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for entering! Cute
    November 16th, 2013 at 07:28am
  • SmallWonders

    SmallWonders (100)

    United States
    Maybe it was because his name is CAMERON... CAMERA-N. CAMERA. he's a photographa. HEH.

    Anyway, super cute :)
    October 23rd, 2013 at 10:50pm
  • Unexpected.

    Unexpected. (100)

    United States
    Awe so cute!
    I wanna know more; Cameron is enticing and he's only a character haha. Like why was he sad? Why does he sound so adorable? Other things. And I'm sure Nate is wondering the same thing :p
    Cute little Drabble anyway! Left me wanting loads more (:
    October 21st, 2013 at 05:18pm