Slip - Comments

  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    From what I picked up on in the chapter (I hide the comments so I can be totally surprised haha), I guess Ava's gone into heat, huh? It really isn't the best time. XD

    But, I'm going to go against all of the other commenters, and say I like that you ended the chapter where you did. it's their first time, so to speak, so it's going to be special and I think it's deserves it's own chapter.

    First of all, I'm lolling so hard at Johnny! XD He's such a dork, but he is adorable! The conversation through Matt's door, was hilarious! And yet, another thing that just makes me love Matt more, was the fact that he used the excuse that he needed to protect the girls, just so he could go shopping, too. Lord, I don't think I could love that man more if I tried!

    But I really like Johnny, too. That he's so prepared to answer any question she may have, that he remembers to explain things to her. It's so sweet and thoughtful.

    And now onto Brian. Oh, Brian. I just want to jump into your story and give him the biggest hug! Of course she's gonna feel awkward around him, because he's making things awkward. But not through any fault of his own. I really think that, the feelings I think he harboured for her, have come back full force now that she seems to be so happy with Zack. You know, I think he might be a little bit jealous of them. Poor guy. I might be wrong, but that's how it's coming across.

    And now onto Zack. Haha, I had to laugh at the moment he realised he could smell the heat on her, he was like WOAH THERE! Hahaha. I can understand all of Ava's insecurities, of course she's gonna feel that way if her husband is pushing her away. But I can't blame Zack at all, either. It's not as if he can just come out and say that her wolf is going into heat! XD

    I like that you made this chapter from Ava's point of view, everything that's been going on around her, it was nice to know what she was thinking about everything, and about everyone, from her perspective. Again, I love Matt so much! I can't stress it enough! Hahaha.

    Soooo, things are gonna get a little bit steamy next chapter, huh? Naughty hehehehehe. I'm looking forward to it, not gonna lie XD I just hope they don't get interrupted or something doesn't happen. They need this.

    Gah, so much to say, again! XD I need to learn to stop talking to much!
    May 1st, 2014 at 02:12pm
  • Total Nightmare

    Total Nightmare (100)

    United States
    Aww, let me just say that I can't believe you cut that chapter right there! Ugh!

    I loved this update. I really liked Johnny's character, and I loved all of his lines, especially when he was standing by Matt's bedroom door. xD I can't help but agree with the comments below. It makes total sense that Ava's in heat: most everyone is out of the house; Matt and Kat are locked away for days; Johnny probably smelled that on her; and even Ava's been wanting to be together with Zack for a long time.

    I also can't help but agree that you should start the next chapter on the point where this one stopped :3

    I really loved this update, and I'm loving Ava and Zacky's interaction more and more as the story rolls on. Please update soon! :D
    April 30th, 2014 at 11:36pm
  • OMFGitsBeckiie

    OMFGitsBeckiie (100)

    United States
    Ugh, moreeeee! Left us hanging :( lol. I do have to agree with the questions in some of the comments; Ava's in heat? Zack can't say no. Lol. Please update soon! I feel the next update is going to be rather steamy.
    April 30th, 2014 at 06:31pm
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    Love it, is Ava in heat I have to agree with LadyRaven becuz johnny was gun hoe for her to see Zacky and thn he "smelled" her and immediately wanted to take her to Matt and on top of tht he put a lot if emphasis in the word heated just saying, is tht y Zacky wanted to help Ava undress her and y he said woah wait and stop becuz he knew she was in heat and he wanted to make sure he wasn't goin crazy, and y would u end the chapter with Zacky helping to undress her I wanted it to continue :( I hope tht u continue the next chapter with this ending as the beginning please ;) can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    April 30th, 2014 at 06:15pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    All I can say FINALLY!!! Dude Zacky was moving slower than a snail when it came to 'mating' with Ava. I was actually mad at him for a minute when I thought he was going to turn her away.

    Now I get to be mad at you though. You cut the chapter off right as it was getting good!!! -.- PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE GOING TO UPDATE AGAIN AND IT WON'T BE A TIME LAPSE! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!

    Anyways I'm glad Zacky is finally making a move. I realized that this was his opportunity to give her the first time every girl wishes for, because lets face it we all know Ava's first time sucked, and Zack did it on purpose. Now he has the opportunity to make it right in a way. AND if Ava does happen to get her memory back, at least if Zee takes the time to show her what love making is really like she will know what it is truly like to be with someone. Where as if he didn't take this opportunity to show her how he feels about her then if she gained her memory back she wouldn't have the memory of what it is like to actully be with him. Hopefully that makes sense, it does in my head but I'm having trouble wording it.

    OH! Let us address the elephant in the room shall we: IS AVA IN HEAT!?!?!?! When Zacky kind of freaked out there and said it was bad timing, all I could think was: HOLY CRAP AVA'S IN HEAT! So I thought I'd ask.

    And another thing. Why was Johnny trying to stall Ava. One minute he is letting her go, the next they have to talk to Matt. WTF? Unless of course when they hugged he could smell her being in heat and tried to keep her from Zack.

    Anyways, you are totally fucking awesome for updating again! Oh and you have to stop writing Zacky shirtless! I keep seeing that picture of his oh so yummy chest every time. I'm sure you don't need me to remind you of which picture I'm talking about. :D

    April 30th, 2014 at 03:43pm
  • LadyRaven

    LadyRaven (100)

    United States
    Thanks for updating again! I really loved this chapter too. I'm glad to have some intrigue back in the story!!! :D

    I like that Ava and Kat are getting along and I was happy to see that Johnny was happy for both Ava and Zacky. I really do enjoy your Johnny character.

    I'm really starting to feel bad for Brian. My heart is literally breaking for him. However I found Johnny's assessment of the situation was very interesting.

    I was soooooo happy to read that Zacky is fighting back again. I was so mad at Brian and the others for beating up on him. I'm glad Zack is done punishing himself and letting the others take their pain out on him.

    Oh and I LOVE Johnny for forgiving Zacky! I liked your Johnny before but now he has a special place in my heart in this story. :)

    So another Rinaldi brother has made his appearance. I wonder what it could mean that Ava was meeting with him two days for the explosion. And it just breaks my heart that Zacky just got Ava back and now her shady ways are coming back to bite everyone in the ass. I just hope it is not anything too bad, but then again who knows what she could have been up to.

    And oh how I loved Brian at the end there. Thank you for that, you have no idea how much that meaned to me reading that last line.

    I can't wait to see what is going to happen next. Thanks for updating again. I was really worried you had left us there for a while. Please update again soon, I've been jonesing for for some Zacky werewolf love. :D Hope all is going well with you.
    April 29th, 2014 at 04:25am
  • LeahVengeance

    LeahVengeance (100)

    Okay now i've been through wanting her memory back to just want her werewolf power back and preferring her without her memory and with Zacky by her side. On other note i'm happy that you are back, i thought that you would let us abandoned with this story!
    April 29th, 2014 at 02:58am
  • LeahVengeance

    LeahVengeance (100)

    Okay now i've been through wanting her memory back to just want her werewolf power back and preferring her without her memory and with Zacky by her side. On other note i'm happy that you are back, i thought that you would let us abandoned with this story!
    April 29th, 2014 at 02:58am
  • mforaker

    mforaker (100)

    United States
    Was Ava working with Richard against Drake? Ugh! so confused! I know to expect the unexpected with you.

    It's amazing the drastic change from where Zack was always the first to jump on Ava now he's defending her.

    love it that Brian said he didn't hate Zack!

    I know that all hell is going to break loose soon! Can't wait!!
    Awesome as always!!!
    April 28th, 2014 at 03:16am
  • SynysterVengeance13

    SynysterVengeance13 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Awesome chapter as always :)
    Awwww I love the last bit where Brian told Zack he didn't hate him :)
    I did start reading this chapter after you posted it last night but I never got it finished then I was busy all day but I'm glad I finally got around to reading it. I cant wait for more update soon :)
    April 28th, 2014 at 01:20am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    well now that everything's all mumbo jumbo again lol you keep throwing us into new loops. And i can't wait to figure out what's going on. I'm glad you came back :) I was excited to see you updated ^_^ Awe, Brian doesn't hate Zee. But man, things are so complicated right now.
    April 28th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    well now that everything's all mumbo jumbo again lol you keep throwing us into new loops. And i can't wait to figure out what's going on. I'm glad you came back :) I was excited to see you updated ^_^ Awe, Brian doesn't hate Zee. But man, things are so complicated right now.
    April 28th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • Ailurophile

    Ailurophile (100)

    Puerto Rico

    One of my theories is maybe that Rick and Ava were plotting against Drake. Maybe? lol That's my Team Ava theory, but I know you have something completely surprising cooked up.

    Once again, amazing chapter can't wait for the next one. ˆ.ˆ
    April 27th, 2014 at 09:44pm
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    So much is goin on I don't even lol what to think how in the hell did she find Rick, y was she meeting him, so many things r goin through my mind and it's getting crazy, so Brian if u don't hate Zacky thn how do u feel about him, can't wan to read more update as soon as u can :)
    April 27th, 2014 at 06:52pm
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    This is totally my face still, haha. >> Embarassed

    I don't even know where to start with this chapter, it felt like it was packed to the brim with just about everything! Drama, emotion, wow! This may just be one huge ass comment, cause I don't want to miss anything out! XD

    Okay, first things first, Matt has done it! He's made my top stop! I am totally and utterly in love with his character! Cute I loved the conversation between him and Johnny. I like that they're both concerned with Zack and Ava, still, being weary will do them good if anything does happen. I think they will always be a little, I'm gonna use weary again, about Ava being so happy, cause the old Ava wasn't like that at all. In the back of my mind, I think I'm just waiting for something to happen, Ava to crack and remember something, or a memory will come from nowhere and push her off balance. I think they're right to be weary.

    and after the original punch to the face that he’d received from keeping the binders and books a secret from the temperamental man, Brian had sat down and done his best to help Hahaha, had to laugh at that line! But at least Brian is showing willing. Ohh, maybe Drake will go down that route, it's long winded yes, but maybe that's his only option. If he can prove that it was Zack that tried to kill Ava, not him, he could get custody of Ava. I hope that doesn't happen. Oh, wait! Maybe that's what Ava and Rick were meeting for! Sorry, my thoughts are all over the place, haha.

    I do like that Ava and Kat are getting along better. Ava is going to need some female company from time to time, and them getting along will be better for everyone, in the long run.

    I'm so happy that Brian is trying. It can't be easy for him, but at least he's willing to try to put things right. And I agree with Johnny, Brian needs to forgive Zack, and probably, forgive himself, too. He might not hate Zack, but he has to forgive him. I bet he's still blaming himself for the explosion too, that he couldn't protect his best friend.

    I'm so glad that Zack fought back! It shows progress. That he's unwilling to let Brian punish him for what happened, that's he stopped trying to punish himself, it's progress! I love how well you're developing these characters! Matt needs to do some forgiving, too. He, or anyone else, couldn't have predicted what happened, and they were no more to blame than any of the others. Men, huh? Haha.

    Oh, I like that code word you used! At first, I thought maybe Brian wanted to tell him a story, I was like 0.o hahaha. but then I caught on! XD

    I mentioned a theory about Ava and Rick up there somewhere, haha, but I don't think she would willing betray the pack. I mean, it wasn't her that was behind Zack being beaten, or the explosion, so I can't see her willingly plotting with her brother to hurt the boys. I still think her and Rick were planning to team up together to go against Drake. Maybe Rick had information on him that no one else knew? Maybe he found out about the loop hole, maybe Ava did too, and they came together to discuss it. Maybe it was to discuss Ava's blood lineage, or the family? Gah, so many questions, my head is buzzing with them! Haha. Whatever they were discussing, I don't think it was bad on Ava's part. Well, I say bad, it could look bad to anyone else, but not be all that bad.

    On the other hand, Brian is right to question the photos. It's photographic evidence that she lied about being in contact with her brother, so of course he's gonna question it. And, of course, Zack won't want to betray her trust, they've come on leaps and bounds since the explosion, he's not going to want to jeopardise that. I think Matt is so level headed in this chapter, taking everyone's opinions on board, seeing the hurt and the pain in Zack's eyes, but still making the right call. They need to keep an eye out for Rick now, too. Brian's right, of course, if Ava thought it was the best way to go about something, she would work with her brothers, but I don't think she would ever betray the pack. They are her family.

    I have another theory, I'm full of these today haha, that what Drake is planning to do, is, somehow, prove that Zack was the one to kill Ava, get full custody of her, and use some kind of knowledge or power over Brian, and force him to mate with Ava. I could be wrong, but I don't know. Of course, if Ava were of her right mind, she would know exactly what her brother was up to, so now they have to keep their wits about them and try to keep one step ahead of Drake. Something about this line

    She’d mentioned it months before, saying that there was some bigger scheme he was apart of, something that lead him to try and bring the Haners into the picture by trying to force Ava into mating with Brian

    That's making me think...

    That last line really tugged at my heart strings! The fact that Brian whispered it, instead of shouting it. I do hope they can get back to being brothers, soon!

    Okay, I'ma stop talking now before I blow up this comment box, hahaha! My hand is aching and I need a cup of tea, and a lie down! lmfao

    LOVED this chapter, cannot wait to see what happens next! I think the action is only just beginning.
    April 27th, 2014 at 05:58pm
  • Anonja

    Anonja (100)

    United States
    I know I haven't commented in a while, but shits getting gooooood! I just really have this feeling though that after you brought Ava back, you're gonna completly screw us over emotion wise. Like there's this emotional karma thats floating around waiting to strike us in the face when we've let our guard down. Which is good- but not for us. Anyways, excellent tale and as always I look foward to what's around the bend.
    April 27th, 2014 at 10:55am
  • Bunny-on-Drugs

    Bunny-on-Drugs (100)

    United States
    my lord if ava had anything to do with the explosion thats just going to change EVERYTHING!
    April 27th, 2014 at 06:33am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    This comment is gonna be short (I'm at work, just stealing a free minute and I want to comment now in case I forget to later). That footage, holy crap. I have to agree with Brian - and YAY for him acting kind of like himself! The last line, about him not hating Zacky, just...awww. Another excellent chapter!
    April 27th, 2014 at 05:13am
  • heretic.

    heretic. (210)

    United Kingdom
    Oh you, stahp! Twitch haha.

    Hahaha, I love Matt! ^.^ He's such a brilliant alpha, knowing his pack mates like he does, offering them advice when they think they don't want or need it, but underneath, they appreciate it. I'm rambling, again. xD

    Awww, Zack holding Ava as she sleeps is so adorable! And he finally admitted to Matt that he loves and cares for her, eeeep!

    I like that he showed concern for Brian too, even though Brian would probably hate him for it XD I'm hoping Ava can bring them back together.

    I can't wait to see what's in those journals, more specifically, the one that Matt is hiding from Zack! And Matt's right, again, Zack should prepare himself for the worst possible scenario. If Ava remembers something, and pulls away from Zack, he'll be devastated. Which could lead to all kinds of things happening. And they really don't need that when they're planning to go after Drake!

    Haha, the last part cracked me up! That phone call must have made it so hard for Matt not to laugh XD

    Everything's so exciting! XD Can't wait for more! :D
    April 25th, 2014 at 11:59pm
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Journals?? What journals?! I must know! I loved the heart to heart with Matt, though I have to say that waiting for what will happen between Brian and Zacky is kind of killing me, just a little bit :P
    April 25th, 2014 at 09:03am