Slip - Comments

  • It's just seriously crazy that she did all that knoeing she might die but yeah.

    It makes me upset that they beat zacky up all the time. it pisses me off too that brian just blames zacky for all of this i mean seriously. He can't keep doing that. beating him and blaming him all the time isn't going to make hee come back. and the fact that zacky just takes it, breaks my heart. he's just basically blaming himself for it when he shouldn't. :c

    but anyway, great update love. i always love seeing that you comment back btw c:
    December 9th, 2013 at 05:26am
  • Awesome as always cant wait for more :)
    December 9th, 2013 at 02:03am
  • Love it! I get antsy every time you end a chapter lol
    December 8th, 2013 at 09:58pm
  • Brian needs to stop putting all the blame on Zacky! It's really starting to piss me off. Zacky is his friend too, he doesn't deserve to get beaten everyday (even though, yeah, he should have saved Ava. But that's already in the past, there's no way to change that! He needs to solve his problems...) Johnny was really cute with calling him just to see if everything was okay. I like Johnny :3
    And I'm sooo curious about all those books! I want to know everything that's written in there!
    Lastly, I was super happy when I saw an email telling me this had been updated again. It made my day, too :D
    December 8th, 2013 at 09:27pm
  • Someone needs to seriously shake Brian up a little bit a few slaps here and there becuz he is gettin on my last reserved nerve, dude we get it Ava is dead and u blame Zacky for her death so u beat his ass to express ur pain but like Johnny said it's not goin to bring her back so quit reminding urself tht she is dead becuz it only makes it worse so seriously get a grip of reality dude becuz if u haven't realized the way u r goin with beating Zacky to a bloody pulp u r adding another member to the grave quite easily and I'm pretty sure u don't want tht to happen again so pull urself together and stop being negative all the damn time becuz I'm sure if Zacky knew the real truth about the note before he got kidnapped thn he would save Ava but he didn't and he also didn't kno tht the house was goin to explode but I'm pretty sure Ava knew which is y she ran in to save Zacky and didn't leave with him, anyhoo dearie can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:16pm
  • Yea you updated!!! Talk about making my morning when I wake up to find this has been updated! XD

    Can I just say that it is killing me to see everyone so torn up over this. It actually makes me want to hate Ava again. This sucks. :(

    OMG!!! Brian is pissing me the fuck off! ZACKY DIDN'T KILL AVA!!! It was a mistake. Should he have left her in the room? No. I would like to believe if Zacky knew what was going to happen he wouldn't have left her there (I'm 100% positive he wouldn't have). Again I get why Brian is upset but for someone who doesn't want one of his best friends dead he has a funny way of showing it.

    I really really want to know what it is that Matt is reading. Why is it so important that Zacky can't/shouldn't see it?

    Thanks for updating! I wasn't actually expecting to see an update anytime soon so it's always nice to be surprised. :)
    December 8th, 2013 at 05:09pm
  • You have me so hooked on this story!!!

    I think it was nice of Johnny to check up on Zacky...and he DID have a point when he argued with Brian.

    I can't wait for the next update and for when you reveal what's in the journals exactly.
    December 8th, 2013 at 04:53pm
  • Oh wow I can't believe she was prepared to die. How long has she been doing this book. Honestly, the whole time I was reading this I just kept thinking either she could see the future or she did this after the mating this with zacku. Still not sure but I'm still really sad that she died :c
    December 8th, 2013 at 08:49am
  • Please update. I need to know what was in that book. I can't believe she was prepared to die. Why couldn't she live!!!! im sad :(
    December 8th, 2013 at 02:28am
  • Awe, she had so much prepared before she died :O I feel Zack will bawl his eyes out after he does get to have the journal thing. I can't wait to read more. :) Are you going to continue writing other stories after this one? You do really great & I'd love to read more of your stuff. Especially the ones with Zee in it ;)
    December 7th, 2013 at 11:03am
  • Eeeeeaaaaaack!!!!! Oh HOW I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!! You have filled my soul with much wonderfullness. I feel Zee. I feel that this is exactly what I would do. But I hope that he can clear his head and show leadership. Ava wouldn't want him like this. *Sigh* This story is just deep. I love it. Thank you so much!
    December 7th, 2013 at 10:37am
  • So Ava pretty much knew she was going to die??? I need to know what's in the journal!!!! And I loved the witch by the way Mr. Green
    December 7th, 2013 at 05:45am
  • IGNORE! T'was a duplicate... Sorry about that :S
    December 7th, 2013 at 02:39am
  • That witch... I need more of him! He was such a precious little thing, especially when facing Matt, and I couldn't help but laugh at their interaction! Though, to be fair, finding out that he was a witch was a bit of a surprise! I kept scratching my head, trying to figure out what the hell he was, when it was noted that he couldn't have a package with him.

    Also! Should have figure that Ava was getting her affairs in order when it came to that phone call! No one knows her brother better than she does so of course she'd take her death into consideration. It's also quite nice that she left all those notebooks and such for Kat :) I absolutely loved that she wanted her to know that she's just as Alpha as Matt.

    The fact that she was thoughtful enough to leave them with all that information is so heartbreaking. But I loved reading how Matt and Kat managed to go through the box with a few laughs, Kat is pretty funny. I'm also kind of hoping that Matt just randomly slaps Brian for being a little shit, as per Ava's request, because he kind of needs it!

    This was a great chapter :) I can't wait to find out what she left in that blank notebook! I'm also quite eager to see how Zee is doing. I just hope that he hasn't gotten himself into anymore trouble.
    December 7th, 2013 at 02:39am
  • Wow. Amazing as always. I have an idea what the unlabelled book may be but I'm not sure but I cant wait to find out what it really is about. Update soon :)
    December 6th, 2013 at 11:42pm
  • Fucking beautiful chapter. I honestly wanted to stand by the door with Matt and attempt to look intimidating, lol. And the story is a bit more interesting now too since there are now more supernatural beings involved. I was also surprise that the package was from Ava, and also what the package contained. I felt a pang of sadness when she said that Jimmy wasn't alone anymore, and wanted to push Kat away so I could hug Matt. Dem feels! I'm also curious as to what her journal said that Zack can't know about until someone else does. As always, I anticipate the next chapter. Beautiful work, miss. :)
    December 6th, 2013 at 09:56pm
  • Just wanted to say that you are a fantastic writer and I am truly looking forward to what this story will unfold into!!
    December 6th, 2013 at 09:52pm
  • I'm so glad you updated! It is cold and snowing here and so I'm hibernating and a good story is always nice to have when I'm all curled up in my blanket. XD

    This is fucking crazy! I'm laughing my ass off reading this whole exchange between Matt and whoever this guys is. This is hilarious!!!

    Dude I totally forgot that you mentioned there were witches!

    So I have another question for you. I just realized something. You have been hinting at the slight possibility that Ava may still be alive. If that were the case wouldn't Zacky know? The reason I am asking is if Ava were still alive wouldn't Zacky still have to be drinking the tea? Now you haven't said anything about him still drinking it or not but it just made me wonder.

    Okay so after reading I'm 85% positive she is dead, and my pervious question is pointless. I would say 100% but I'm confused. First let me start of with, is this what Ava was referring to when she made that overseas phone call? Is Kat the woman? Was this what she was referring to when she said that Zacky couldn't know about it (or is that just the unlabeled notebook?)? Second of all, did Ava know she was going to die??? Or did she write the note as a ghost or something? WTF!?!?!

    Anyways, thanks for the update! Hope you are enjoying your last week in Ireland. When do you fly back to the states?
    December 6th, 2013 at 08:58pm
  • Fucking Ava I swear u kno how to make a reader cry girl, I love the fact tht Ava took the time to help the guys out by giving them books about the council, Drake, etc, curious on the unlabeled book tht Zacky can't read yet and I laughed when Ava told Matt in the letter tht he can slap Brian and I love how she wrote a letter to Kat only and let her know tht she acknowledge her as her alpha too, just a beautiful sad chapter but now it's time to get dirty and take Drake down, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    December 6th, 2013 at 08:31pm
  • Oh god, I was only able to read the first chapter today and I was feeling super sad because of Zacky not even defending himself. But this second chapter made me even sadder! That note was so sweet, and it actually made me tear up, the fact that she took the time to sort everything up and send it to help the guys predict Drake's moves.
    And I really want to know what's on that book that Zacky can't see. Jeez, I still can't get used to the fact that she's dead... :/
    I'm loving this so far. It's amazing already :'D
    Can't wait to read more of this!
    December 6th, 2013 at 08:02pm