XY Revolution - Comments

  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Argh, I should have known it was him! At first I was wondering if it was the resistance, though that wouldn't make much sense, but just because it said they leave a trail of destruction, but Nate totally makes sense and I'm so glad she got revenge. I didn't like him from the first scene with him XD Just had a bad feeling about him. There must be consequences though, for her Mum who called up? The ending was so powerful and I can't wait to see what happens next!
    November 18th, 2013 at 10:55am
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Well jeez. OMFG That was terrifying and heartbreaking. I felt like I was right next to Freya, waiting underneath and hearing those people dying. It was an awful feeling (and that is a complement, because you made me really feel something as I was reading).
    I can't believe she didn't ask about Josh. Is she just numb from the incident or fears the worst or what? Think
    I suppose the next part will be her joining the resistance, so I'm looking forward to seeing the process of that and how Freya adapts to it all, even though it seems like she already has the mentality for it. Please update soon!
    November 17th, 2013 at 03:06am
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Haha, yes, the passion for rugby will probably never die down amongst our men XD
    Oh gosh, she threw coffee at a man's face? Shocked That scared me. I thought that was gonna be it for her.
    Well that is a super interesting chapter. It's nice to see that she's fallen for a guy who is nice and treats her well, but at the same time I feel like that's only going to end badly Sad It was also interesting to meet a member of the resistance, and I know Freya will give a sign, so I can't wait until she does and joins the resistance, because that's clearly what she wants and needs to do.
    Please keep writing, because this is such an awesome story! I have to know what happens next!!!
    November 16th, 2013 at 01:07am
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    That ending was so lovely. I was thinking the lesson to her sister would work, but I'm glad to hear that she wants Freya to be different and stand up. I can see every scene so perfectly, which makes reading this that more enjoyable. Keep up the great work - I can't wait to see what happens next!
    November 9th, 2013 at 09:48am
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Oh my god, the things you are showing us that the men do is just making me so Threat If you don't start making them pay for what they're doing, I'm going to jump into your story and do it myself!!!! Evil or Very Mad <--- first time I've ever used that smiley Con
    Holy crap, this just got intense on a whole new level. I am so bloody captivated by this story it's not even funny. Men - instant hate. Freya - instant love and support. Argh, I'm craving more. I'm stoked you dedicated such an impactful chapter to me tehe Now, in my true impatient fashion, hurry up and write more Vampire
    November 8th, 2013 at 10:42am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is an awesome idea! I'd hate to live in a world where men ruled all. Can you imagine? Ugh. But yeah, the idea is really interesting. It has this post-apocalyptic feel to it and I love that. Like Nicole said, your leading lady seems like a great fighter and I'm really interested to see where she'll go because I don't think she's going to stay put.

    I'll be subscribing, can't wait to see where you go with this! tehe
    November 7th, 2013 at 09:21pm
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Nice chapter. I'm liking learning more about the leading lady, and she sounds like a great fighter who truly sticks to her guns, which is something I like to see in a story. I also like how you introduce subtle changes between this world and the one you've created, such as the oil. Update soon!
    November 7th, 2013 at 08:37pm
  • Queen of the Clouds

    Queen of the Clouds (4955)

    New Zealand
    Crazy LOVE it. Such brutal and powerful images. And I love that it's in NZ tehe I really can't wait to see where you take the story!
    November 7th, 2013 at 02:13am