Stilettos. - Comments

  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I’m here to judge for the ‘Those Who Are Shamed’ contest.

    This was a very interesting and emotional piece in the perspective of a porn star. I honestly didn’t expect this at all. I actually, strangely enough, enjoyed the raw anger and bluntness that was expressed throughout this entire thing because I’m of the mindset that people can do whatever they want so long as they’re safe and smart about it. As Syd said, porn isn’t illegal and if that’s what someone wants to do, more power to them.

    It was tragic the way Syd got into the business—like I really did cringe and felt extremely nauseous—and although I’m aware that Syd is the type of character that wants nothing to do with pity, I wished that she hadn’t been in this place. Especially with the little bit about not being able to afford school and no one wanting to hire her as a journalist. It made me realize that even though her pride made her livid, she wasn’t exactly living her dream.

    The rawness and shameless directness of this amplified the power and the message fantastically, so great job.
    June 29th, 2017 at 08:16am