At the Bottom of This Mason Jar - Comments

  • @ swell

    Thank you!

    And now I feel like a terrible person because I kinda completely forgot about this story Shifty
    July 10th, 2015 at 04:24am
  • Ahh, I loved reading the summary. I loved how easily it was read and it flowed so well, even with the use of 'and' as a way to start your next paragraph. Some look down on it but I really liked it because I thought it was fitting to how the summary was written. I particularly like how at first when reading the summary, I was like 'aw her son's happy so delaney's happy everyone's happy this is great', but then you turned me quickly into 'GODDAMNIT MASON NEEDS HIS FATHER WHERE IS HE I AM MAD'. How is it in a summary you're able to make me feel a range of emotions XD

    Seriously though, I loved it and I want a story. I WANT SOMETHING.
    July 10th, 2015 at 04:12am