Smile Behind a Bookshelf - Comments

  • fitzpleasure

    fitzpleasure (150)

    United States
    What really intrigued me about this was the word count. I've never seen a story that was 18 words evem though I've been wanting to write something similar. It can't be easy to use such a limited number of words and still make an impact but I think you did well overall. Its all about reading between the lines Smile
    December 22nd, 2013 at 02:13pm
  • XSoulXLoverX

    XSoulXLoverX (350)

    Thanks for entering my contest, and thanks for submitting your entry on the first day that the contest hosted.

    I want to start off by saying that I really liked the title. I thought the title was really nice, and it made me smile, and it was bright, it was inviting and captivating. It was a little bit of a teasing feeling and kind of like a game, being behind a bookshelf. I really like that. My favorite chapter was the first one, and I thought you integrated the word bookshelf wonderfully into the story. I thought you made that the focus of the story and I did like that.

    Also, in saying that, I felt that faith wasn't represented as much as I hoping it would be. I thought that you took Faith as a word, rather than the overall theme of the story, so that kind of took away from the power it could have had. Also, the diction, while it was good, I thought it could have been great, had you just tried to pack a little more punch into it. It lacked a little command and power to me.

    Overall, I think that you created a really cute, sweet and awesome story. I liked it a lot, I thought it was really nicely written and it was well done. I was pleased.
    November 4th, 2013 at 04:15am