Come Back to Me - It's Almost Easy - Comments

  • Somehow I totally missed the last chapter. I don't know how I did that, but I did.

    He is such an ass! First the drugging and then the almost out-right raping of her when she was telling him no and he had such a problem with Z doing what he did in NYC? My blood is boiling.

    Okay, I'm caught up now. Finally. Even though it wasn't happy--happy sex scene, it was still hot as hell.
    June 25th, 2008 at 05:53pm
  • OH MY GOOD LORD!!!!! If you didn't have the sequel already up, I think that I'd choke you. Fly over there, get drunk with you and then choke you once you passed out. That's the bottom line.

    The chapter before I was amazed. I knew that Z would do something to get Lea alone so Brian could have the time that he needed to do what Z promised him he could do (which I'm disappointed in by the damned sex scene with Brian and Lea--I was so totallly looking forward to some down and dirty rough sex between the two I just pictured them doing it that way) and Z worked that out wonderfully.

    The last chapter...I wasn't expecting that to come at all! What in the HELL was wrong with Brian for telling her when he *supposedly* got what he wanted and *promised* that he woulddn't tell IF he got what he wanted. Okay, so it's open so we really don't know if they did anything--he just kind of speculated that they did since he said that she felt like she cheated on Z's ass--but we don't know if they really did because you didn't write about it nor come out and say that they did, nor did you tell us if he actually told her, but we're just left to figure that he did because she took off with the ring left there on top of the note on the mirror.

    So, there are a lot of questions, and yeah it was an abrupt ending, but that's they way it needed to be.

    I'm happy and I bow to you for a job well done and for giving into my demands and for continuing it so quickly because I'm a demanding bitch that needed this like a fat kid needs cake.

    So I give you hugs, kisses and gratitude for a job well done and I'm off to find Lips of Deciet....

    LOVE YOU!!!
    June 21st, 2008 at 05:58pm
  • woah woah woahhhhhh. Okay.
    What the fuck man!
    Sequel done yet? ;)
    That was one big twist. Drugs!! Gawd.
    I'm speechless!
    June 21st, 2008 at 04:48am
  • Oh! Let me know when the sequal is out!
    June 20th, 2008 at 11:51pm
  • brian is such a bastard!!!
    and zacky!
    don't even get me started on that dickless jerk!
    June 20th, 2008 at 09:59pm
  • that was so fucked up.. cannot wait for the sequel!!
    June 20th, 2008 at 05:54pm
    Darn it! That sucks like, SO bad!!
    What an ending!!
    *wishes time would pass by*
    June 20th, 2008 at 05:11pm
  • K, just read the outro. I am so happy she got the hell out of there! Can't wait to find out how they all recover from this and if anything can be repaired. I'll try not to die from anxiety, while I wait a week or so for the sequal.
    June 20th, 2008 at 05:08pm
  • I certainly hope she is pretending to be ok with what just transpired. I'd get the hell out of dodge if I were her and never look back. Zack and Brian are complete assholes and deserve to be alone forever! Can't wait for the sequel!!!
    June 20th, 2008 at 05:00pm
  • Dude, awesome outro. He got what he deserved, simple bastard! Can't wait for the sequel!
    June 20th, 2008 at 04:53pm
  • I cannot wait for the next chapter
    June 20th, 2008 at 12:56pm
  • I'm so anxious now to read the last chapter!!! Especially after that comment you left me.
    June 20th, 2008 at 12:34pm
  • gah!!
    lucky bitch is getting to bang syn, too?!
    June 20th, 2008 at 11:55am
  • I love this story. There are never ending twists and plot changes. I have a feeling that once they get it on, things are gonna change once again. I guess, I just hope she has the best sex ever with Brian. It needs to be steamy. I would just like to think of him as a good lover since thats how he portrays himself. :D
    June 20th, 2008 at 07:00am
  • Holey moely!
    Zacky, you twat!!
    But yay, cos you know that there is gonna be sex, or something soon!! :P
    June 19th, 2008 at 08:57pm
  • Z is royally fucked...and not in a good way. How dare he basically pawn off his fiance to Brian like that just so he can keep his flippin' secret. For some reason I think that Lea finding out about some chick that he fucked backstage would be a lot less hurtful than her finding out that he let Brian have sex with her to keep a secret. That's just wrong!

    If he really was serious about marrying this girl he wouldn't be passing her off to his bandmates. Honestly, he makes me so....angry!
    June 19th, 2008 at 08:33pm
  • bah these people are insane!
    June 19th, 2008 at 07:00pm
  • Okay...I'm going to do this again: comment whilst reading.

    First off: Matt has some valid points on why Lea and Zacky should wait. He really does. His feelings aside, he has some points. Right now, he's being the voice of reason and no one will pay attention to him simply because of the feelings that he has for her. Which is sad because his points should be heeded and considered. Do I think Z can buck up and act straight? If he tries, I do believe he will They do genuinely have feelings for each other I can see that, anyone can. And Lea's whole line about if it wasn't for Gena: how does she know that? If it's an ex that makes the cheating all worse as it shows that there's still some lingering feelings there somewhere. Oh, Gah, I'm just conflicted at the moment which I know is your whole damn aim, beotch. And this line really stuck out to me: He knew that everyone deserved a 2nd chance...what pissed him off was, that she gave Zacky one, even two, and he hadn't gotten any chance to redeem himself to her. Matt does have a point. A big one. She didn't even try with him. Which I guess goes to show that she does have genuine feelings for Z, but on the other hand, it doesn't sit well that she'd never give Matt the dating time of day again. Bah.

    Okay, on to the next section!

    WTF BRIAN? Just give YOU one night? JESUS.

    OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DUDE!!! Zacky fucked up! Holy f'n hell....there goes what Lea said right out of the damned window. But wait--they weren't a couple then. Just a small technical detail, but a detail nonetheless, but still--WTF? High, drunk 'needing to be inside a woman' whatever--way to try and win the woman back that you want. What a fucker. Class A. And here I was hating Brian with a passion. Okay, I still hate him, but you get me. Onwards!

    I can't believe that he gave Brian free permission to fuck her. Like, WTF? Okay, you don't want this secret out so you'll let your fiancee that you don't want to share with ANYONE that you SHOULD NOT share with anyone and you're just going to do it rather than fess up and be a fucking man? Way to go. Officially on the hate list now. Serisously. F that. What a pussy. Be a stand up dude and go and tell her that "hey, i fucked around the first night out, missing you and so forth and I thought that you should know before we get married...blah, blah, blah" and let her make the damned decision. But no, you're going to let another man have her, one that you don't want having her just to keep it a secret. Not to mention HAS HE THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT LEA WILL THINK ABOUT THIS? Jesus. Or is he just thinking "hey--two of us have had her, whty the hell not? In fact, let's let Johnny in on the action and Jimmy can sit in the corner to watch so ALL of the band has had her and everyone can rest easy and quit staring at her?" What a fucktard.

    Okay, so Brian knows about the groupie, but does Matt? It doesn't seem like it. What about Johnny or Jimmy? What an asshole. I spit on him. lol I kinda have this feeling, but I'm not sure what the hell it is. I'd rather be clueless and let my mind wander in the three possible directions it came to.

    Now, if I have to wait days for the next update, I will personally sick a rabid koala or kangaroo on your ass and you won't be able to see your wedding. Okay, work it around the plans for the wedding, but hurry the story up. I demand it since you demaneded more AE. Kthanks. I did leave you almost a novel-length comment after all...
    June 19th, 2008 at 06:40pm
  • WTF???
    Jesus man! I've missed so much! Gah! Proposals and then all that jazz and OMG!
    They cannot marry man! That's just lame!
    And Brian! EURGH! Don't get me started on that guy right now.
    Little late, but ah well =]
    June 19th, 2008 at 02:10pm
  • amazing story.. i love it!!
    June 17th, 2008 at 07:42pm