Life Isn't Always What It Seems - Comments

  • @ Heynow1
    I'm glad you're enjoying it

    @ loveupsidedown
    I'm glad you're enjoying it as well
    March 19th, 2014 at 03:33pm
  • very interesting!
    March 19th, 2014 at 02:20pm
  • This keeps getting interesting. keep posting quickly!
    March 18th, 2014 at 04:45am
  • @ ceast13
    I'm kinda in a writers block so hopefully soon
    March 3rd, 2014 at 10:53pm
  • When are you gonna update?
    March 3rd, 2014 at 07:22pm
  • Chapter twenty-eight:
    I had guessed so. One thing you should have tried doing was to not show us that it would be Paul down there? From Kali's thoughts and her convos with her friends, we knew that already. Sad

    The chapter was really rushed. You could have used more descriptions and development. Shifty I like the idea though. Let's just hope that Kali's not pregnant by Matthew.

    Chapter twenty-nine:
    The words Kali says beofre she leaves the room where the boys are doesn't make any sense. You have to go and fix that sentence.

    Justin seems like a good kid and since he will be there for another year, he can be her friend so she won't be alone when Max and James won't be there anymore. I hope James returns as a teacher, that would be great for Kali, but if that happens - I can't see how you'll be able to keep up a good plot though. Think

    The ending of the chapter was grand though. The convo the two of them (Kali and James) had was superb. It made me smile. Cute

    Chapter thirty:
    This chapter was unrealistic. I'm sorry to say this but its true. Sad You have showed in the first chapters how tough this school is, and yes James can pull some strings but to have so many people off the academy for a week is too much. You should have let James get away with Kali for the wek at her mom's and when they returned - they'd find out what actually happened with the pregnant girl. It would have seemed better that way.

    Chapter thirty-one:
    James has an attitude at the start which makes me think it will be more troubles for him. I can imagine why Max isn't so happy, seeing Kali and James acting as a couple. Sad But the fight she had with Max was very much to my liking. tehe

    Overall, as you mentioned in the A/N, this chapter is all over the place. More details are needed.

    Chapter thirty-two:
    I'm really intrested in knowing what James has to do but at the same time I think the chapter was unrealistic. If James didn't want to tell her, then I suggest having him not telling her in the next chapter. Otherwise, it will be unrealistic and you don't want that. My suggestion though, feel free to use it or not. I think it will take your readers by surprise as well, if you do that.

    Chapter thirty-three:
    James still refuses to tell her the truth and Max is having sex with another girl. Great way to continue the day. LOL

    You didn't really give enough explanations on Diana's part, you just threw her to us and it left many questions to us. Why was Max having sex with her, if he didn't like her? Why was Diana fucking James (meaning cheating on Kali)?

    And how come Scott is back?

    Well, she already knew the truth, what was the point of him lying? Honest people have that character and don't lie like the normal people you mentioned. She saw it in his eyes that he was honest, how? Why did she choose to believe him?

    He sacrficed his two years to come as a professor for her so she'll be with unkown students now and new cliques in the sequel. Let's see how it will go.

    your idea for this story is common yet the twists you added were pretty good. Now, if only you went back to edit this piece while adding descriptiongs and developing your characters more, it would be turned to a gem.

    Message me once you start the sequel or start focusing on another story. I'm willing to provide you with feedback to the best of my ability, sweet. Good luck in your future projects.

    February 21st, 2014 at 07:29pm
  • That's so not fair. You have a cliffhanger now?! Good chapter though. I wonder is Paul down there.
    February 20th, 2014 at 07:48pm
  • Need an update I wanna know what happens with this his girl thing and what happens with Max and James.
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:31pm
  • @ ceast13
    I will be explaining it either in the next chapter or the chapter after that
    February 12th, 2014 at 04:22am
  • Wow that was a serious change but what about James and Max??? How have we not heard about this moving into the teacher houses
    February 12th, 2014 at 03:31am
  • Update soooon
    February 12th, 2014 at 12:07am
  • Chapter twenty-two:
    I like to see that James is back. I missed that bad boy. tehe

    I believe that the doc feels something for her, if something - he wants Kali. A doctor being a murderer? Hm...I like that too, it fits the scenario.

    Chapter twenty-three:
    Max can't be so naive and pure-hearted. If he was, then he wouldn't have broken up with her the other day. That's not a fittng scene for his character.

    I was expecting that the pay-back for the favor the doc (the used to be new teacher) would ask. Of course it had to be sex. But then that Scott teach had to go against him and in order to pay back the favor, she became his girl. Nice idea, you could have developed it more though - by adding more descriptions and emotions of the characters. Living in his house in the academy and not having sex with Max and James. I wonder how the rule will be broken. tehe

    Chapter twenty-four:
    So, of course I was expecting the two guys (Max and James) to be worried about her. That was a given, and I think the one who will find out what's going on is James, thanks to his connections. As for Matthew, I was expecting the whole thing with the house. It is no different that a sex slave in a master/pet relationship (depending on the type of course). I wonder how the sex with him will be and if her cooking will be to his taste. If not, will there be a punishment? I wonder.

    Chapter twenty-five:
    I was expecting that it would be hard to get information out of him, but what took me by surprise is when she tried that dress. They looked more like a couple.

    I was a bit afraid over that unknown girl who talked to her because Scott had promised to make her pay and now some unknown girl was asking to meet her. What if she was Scott's girl instead of Max or James? Think

    I wasn't expecting the headmaster to act on Jame's behalf, and he also showed up at Scott's party while the girl previusly said that James was close to figuring out why she was taken in by Matthew. Seems complicated.

    " Go to him" James whispered into Kali's ear.
    This had to be my favorite scene. I could imagine it clearly and the feelings it gave me...ugh! Well done! Victory

    Is Matthew turning to an abusive partner or somethin? Cause that's what I got at the end of this chapter.

    Chapter twenty-six:
    You have either forgotten about what you've written or you have confused the readers with what Matthew's favor was. Shifty

    Kali becoming Matthew's girl was his favour for him helping her out, wasn't it? It wasn't to save her, but because he wanted to have sex her (since he was interested in her).

    Okay, Paul committed suicide - I'm not bying it. Why would a rapist do that? Think

    Matthew can't be in love with Scott. Just the fact that Kali thought of that makes her look like a stupid girl. Points off from Kali. Sad First of all, if Matthew was in love with Scotte, then he would have helped her do whatever she wanted to Kali, so he could get on her good graces.

    And, just what's the deal with that closet???

    Chapter twenty-seven:
    I like the whole action- detective type this chapter had, special mission and all. But you seriously have me wondering, what the hell did Kali see in there? Think

    February 8th, 2014 at 11:21am
  • Yay James is back!!!!! This chapter just makes me crave more.
    February 7th, 2014 at 09:50pm
  • Aww so many chapters updated!! Loved it all.
    February 7th, 2014 at 01:48am
  • @ ceast13
    Don't worry I have no intentions in ever killing off James lol I love his character too
    February 7th, 2014 at 12:04am
  • You didn't kill him cuz of what I said, did you?! I hope nothing bad happens to James he was such a good character.
    February 6th, 2014 at 11:50pm
  • @ ceast13
    I won't spoil anything for you but the teacher will be more involved as the story goes along
    February 6th, 2014 at 10:57pm
  • So many chapters at once awesome, just like this story. I want more with her and the teacher. One or more of them, Scott sounds seriously scary. I really liked when James said he'd kill that guy, priceless.
    February 6th, 2014 at 09:55pm
  • @ XXXataktoulaXXX
    I have a confession. I don't know who she will end up with yet, I'm just slowly figuring it out myself as I go lol
    February 6th, 2014 at 06:52pm
  • Continuing with the review here. Cute

    Chapter sixteen:
    Yes, you were right. I liked this, my idea written in a chapter. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.

    Kali is really torn between the two guys. She likes the sex she has with both of them, James because of the passion and Max because of love. I wonder who is going to win in the end.

    Paul is a rapist freak and I can only imagine what James will do to him when he finds out what happened. I don't really think Max will do anything, being the soft type. James's the agressive one, so I expect him to do something. Prove me right? tehe

    Lilly Ann wasn't talking to her but thanks to the rape she witnessed she does? Wel, that's understandable. I would let even my enemy get raped. It's harsh and no one deserves something like that.

    Chapter seventeen:
    When have I ever lied to you?
    I hate that sentence, because most of the times someone is using it, it just means that there's a first time for everything. Sad

    Okay, I can get why she lied. Depending on her character that's what I was expecting her to do but to say she was pregnant? Couldn't she have thought of something else?

    James thought it might be his? How wicked is that?! Like really! Kali didn't have to run away though. She had already lied to him, there was nothing else that could happen.

    Chapter eighteen:
    Kill that Paul guy cause if you don't, I promise I will. Raping her is one thing but broadcasting it to the whole academy? Sick!

    Chapter nineteen:
    Disgusted look because she was raped? Are these students right in their heads?

    If I was ames, I would have killed Paul. James was strong and he had survived in the academy the hard way. He would have found a way to survive from a murder. Wink

    I find it strange how the two boys are in a friendly relationship for the sake of Kali, but I sure as hell apreciated their conversation and James's answer to if he would kill Paul, if he tried that again.

    Max can be her brotherly friend. tehe

    Chapter twenty:
    Poor James, he has to let go of Kali just so she can be safe thanks to Max's protection.

    What's wrong with Scott? That teacher is messed-up really. ::angry:

    Nice ending by the way. The last paragraph summarizes her feelings over the situation and what she wished nicely.

    Chapter twenty-one:
    What's going on inside Paul's mind? I honestly have no idea. He seems like a psycho rapist to me. That teacher is good, he saved her again.

    I don't do favors for free.
    Was he just being playful to lighten the mood, or will he really ask something of her? I guess I'll have to wait in order to find out, but I believe it's the latter. I hope she becomes this teacher's, like James.

    James killed him. He killed Paul, that damn rapist. YAY!!! I have to say it again, JAMES ALL THE WAY!!!

    P.S. Keep the updates coming. Arms

    February 6th, 2014 at 06:49pm